Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 146 The Big Shock of the Publishing House!

Chapter 146 The Big Shock of the Publishing House!
In the blink of an eye, the shooting of the Condor Shooting has been going on for more than a month and a half, and Ye Wenxuan also successfully wrapped up all his scenes on August 25th!

Ye Wenxuan successfully completed the filming of his second TV series, although there are many reluctance and nostalgia.But when it's time to leave, you still have to leave. This is what a star has to bear.

Ye Wenxuan left the set with a group of people, and got on the plane to Jingbei City.After all, a company has many things to deal with, and Ye Wenxuan returned to Jingbei City as soon as his role was over.

Back in their own company, many people saw that their celebrity boss was back.With very happy smiles on their faces, they greeted Ye Wenxuan one after another.

Marven Ye returned to his office and sat on a chair.The directors of the company stood in front of them, waiting for Ye Wenxuan's instructions.

Wherever they looked, everyone smiled and responded to Ye Wenxuan.They didn't dare to underestimate this little boss in their hearts.Although he is young, he is sophisticated and straightforward in dealing with people, and his methods are also very clever.It doesn't look like the means possessed by a young man at all, so they are all conscientious and dare not go beyond the slightest.

"Our company is about to start the recording of "Flowers and Boys" variety show, are you ready?" Ye Wenxuan leaned on the chair, looked at Ran Yirou and asked.

Ran Yirou took a step forward with a document and looked at Ye Wenxuan with a serious face.

"Boss, the director team has completed preparations, and the heads of various departments have also completed preparations. The contract has also been signed, and the contract is as long as one month. And the confidentiality agreement has also been signed, we can start shooting at any time."

"And we have already finished coordinating the schedule with the remaining eight artists. The schedule will be around mid-September. We can start our recording. This time, the company will send two people from each department to travel with the director team , in charge of finances and many other matters.”

Ran Yirou ably narrated the main content to Ye Wenxuan, which means that everything is ready and the filming and recording can start at any time.

Ye Wenxuan nodded. It seems that Ran Yirou's ability is really comprehensive, and there is no problem in handling this matter.

"Help me release the news that my next novel, which can be said to be the sequel of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be released soon. Let interested publishers come to our company to discuss at nine o'clock tomorrow, Selective release!"

Ye Wenxuan said to Li Yuxin, director of the planning and information department, indifferently, releasing a big news.

Several people in important positions in the company were shocked when they heard Ye Wenxuan's words.

Marven Ye's second novel is about to be released? !

The last novel raked in nearly 2000 million funds for Ye Wenxuan, and pushed Ye Wenxuan to No. 2010 on the 20 Forbes list in the entertainment industry in one fell swoop, which shows how profitable Ye Wenxuan's novels are.

When the news is released, they believe that all publishing houses in Huaxia will go crazy tomorrow.After all, although Ye Wenxuan made a lot last time, it was only [-]%.The remaining [-]% was earned by the Chinese Publishing House, and the profits Ye Wenxuan's book brought to the publishing house could drive all the publishing houses crazy!

Li Yuxin suppressed the shock in her heart and nodded.

"Boss, I understand, I will let the news out. But..." Li Yuxin hesitated to speak.

Marven Ye raised his eyebrows and asked, "But what?"

"However, whether this will offend the Chinese Publishing House, this is considered a bidding. They have no advantage at all, and I'm afraid they will have opinions in their hearts."

Ye Wenxuan smiled lightly when he heard Li Yuxin's words, and shook his head.

Before Ye Wenxuan could speak, Jiang Huan, who was standing on the far right, spoke.

"Director Li, your idea is really naive in the eyes of us who study economics. In this world, profit comes first. As long as the boss's works are good enough, they will only think about how to get the publishing rights, not There will be ideas. If the boss’s work is not good, they will kick you away without hesitation, the ally you thought.”

"Tomorrow's bidding, I think the boss is doing the right thing. Only by competing can we get the most benefits. The [-]% that the boss signed with them at the beginning is really a bit low in my opinion, but at that time the boss didn't have much reputation and that's it. Yes. But for this book, we must definitely strive for the greatest benefit, and I think the Chinese publishers understand the truth that a good bird chooses a tree to live in."

What Jiang Huan said is very realistic, but this is a society where interests are paramount.

Listening to Jiang Huan's analysis, Marven Ye nodded.As expected of a social elite who has been around for more than 20 years, he has analyzed this truth very thoroughly.In this aspect, Li Yuxin is indeed a lot worse, and she is still a little immature.

Li Yuxin was a little unconvinced after hearing Jiang Huan's words, but wanted to refute but couldn't find anything to refute.

"Director Jiang is right. This is the reality. We need to understand, so we must do a good job in hospitality tomorrow."

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he turned his attention to Ran Yirou.

"President Ran should call He Fan, the president of the Chinese Publishing House, after all, he is the best of us. We should inform them in person to show our respect for them. You can tell him that under the same conditions we will And choose theirs first.”

Ran Yirou nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

Ye Wenxuan glanced around the crowd.

"Do you have any questions? If not, let's adjourn the meeting today. Director Jiang will show me the financial statements of "Flowers and Boys" in a while, and the rest will adjourn the meeting!"

Ye Wenxuan said cleanly, and everyone said there was no problem.Filed out and left Marven Ye's office.


An hour after the meeting, Li Yuxin sent an email to every well-known publishing house in China, telling them that Ye Wenxuan's second book was about to bid.


Tianyu Publishing House.

"All the directors and middle-level cadres come to the meeting room immediately for a meeting, immediately. If anyone fails to arrive within [-] minutes, get out!"

Blue Sky Publishing House.

"Book me a plane ticket to Jingbei City immediately. I'm going to fly to Jingbei City tonight."

Asus Press.

"Immediately estimate all the company's funds to me, and give it to me tonight. Be sure to calculate the maximum amount of funds for me!"

Flying Publishing House.

"Marven Ye's new book! This is definitely an opportunity for us. With this opportunity, we can squeeze into Huaxia Peak Publishing House in an instant. We must win this project!"


Upon receiving this news, many publishing houses went crazy.

All the bosses got busy one after another, as if a bomb was suddenly thrown into the originally calm lake, bursting with huge energy in an instant!
Just one piece of news about Ye Wenxuan caused the entire publishing world to boil.Tomorrow's publishing rights bidding is bound to be a fierce battle!
(End of this chapter)

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