Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 147 New book bidding!

Chapter 147 New book bidding!

The next day, around eight o'clock.It was nearly an hour before the nine o'clock that Ye Wenxuan said, but now the conference room in the company was full of heads of various publishing houses, most of whom were at the level of the boss or the level of editor-in-chief.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit depressing. There was tea in front of everyone for the guests to enjoy, but no one was in the mood at all.

Guo Wei, the general manager of Tianyu Publishing House, looked at He Fan, who was pretending to be asleep, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Editor He is here too. It seems that Editor He is bound to win today?" Guo Wei took the lead to break the silence, quite suspicious of flattery.

He Fan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Guo Wei who was smiling hypocritically, and returned to a calm smile.

"Where is there, there are so many colleagues here today. We Chinese are not sure that we will win the publishing rights, after all, the highest price wins."

He Fan has been in the workplace for so many years, how could he not know that Guo Wei is trying to bring hatred to him.Naturally, he couldn't fall into his trap, so he solved it skillfully.

"Editor He was joking, which of our publishing houses can compare to your Chinese publishing house in terms of financial resources! And you have also cooperated with Ye Wenxuan, so you probably have a better chance!"

Guo Wei continued to flatter, making the rest of the publishing house executives start to look at He Fan with a little hostility.The original price in my heart was also slightly shaken, and I wondered if I should increase it.

He Fan looked at Guo Wei, with a flash of anger in his eyes.But as the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling person with your hand, and He Fan is not easy to get angry.

"Our Chinese is better than others, I don't know, but it is indeed much better than your Tianyu Publishing House!" He Fan's words left Guo Weiding speechless.

The people around couldn't help but sneer, this is really shooting yourself in the foot.

Guo Wei will be honest now, but the look in his eyes looking at He Fan is even more hostile.

The atmosphere was spent in this dignified atmosphere, and the time soon reached nine o'clock.

At exactly nine o'clock, Ye Wenxuan showed up on time.Today, Marven Ye is wearing a formal suit, looking very formal.

Ye Wenxuan walked into the meeting room and sat directly on the main seat, his eyes sweeping around slightly with a slight smile.

When he saw He Fan, he nodded with a smile on his face.He Fan also smiled and nodded in response to Ye Wenxuan.

This scene was naturally seen by other people, and they were all filled with enthusiasm.It seems that Ye Wenxuan and He Fan have a little friendship, and now it's difficult.

"Okay, welcome everyone to Times Entertainment. I think the purpose of everyone coming today is the same, for the publishing rights of our next book. Before you bid, I would like to introduce myself to you. This book, and then give everyone half an hour to discuss, and then bid!"

Marven Ye said loudly, his voice was very loud.Be heard by everyone in the conference room of Nuoda.

After Ye Wenxuan's voice fell, the projector at the back lit up, and a slide show made by the company appeared on the white screen in front.

The cover is carefully crafted, Yang Guo with a broken arm and a mighty giant eagle stand on the top of the mountain, with four large characters written on the side - The Legend of Condor Heroes!
Looking at the cover, everyone felt a mighty aura rushing towards their faces, and their hearts jumped suddenly.The curiosity about Ye Wenxuan's new works has reached an unrivaled level, and he is extremely curious about the content.

"Click." The slide continued to scroll down and came to the next page.

"16 years, ecstasy. Qingqian and sleepless night, Condor Hero, what can I do? At the cliff of heartlessness, is Yi Ren still here?"

Yang Guo appeared on the slide, with a huge sword with a broken arm, unparalleled in the world, and his cynical eyes instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Then the main characters appeared one after another, and each person's characteristics became more distinct.It made everyone extremely curious, already curious to the point where they couldn't extricate themselves.

The slide show was slowly coming to an end, and Ye Wenxuan was quite satisfied when he saw the expressions of everyone.

"Next, let me briefly describe this story for everyone. This story is a continuation of the previous one. The hero of the book Shendiao is Yang Guo, the son of Yang Kang in the previous one. He..."

Ye Wenxuan slowly and briefly narrated his story, and Ye Wenxuan was not afraid of them leaking the secret.Because they had already signed a non-disclosure agreement when they came here, if they violated the agreement, they would have to pay huge compensation.

Ye Wenxuan spoke for another 15 minutes before finally finishing the story.

Looking at the dull bosses in front of him, Marven Ye was a little amused.

In Ye Wenxuan's heart, he also thinks that The Condor Heroes is the best one in Jin Yong's trilogy, anyway, Ye Wenxuan thinks so.It's hard for others to say, but the fairy-like little dragon girl and the arrogant and unruly Yang Guo in the play are very suitable for the types that young people like.

The term "Little Dragon Girl" was even used as the endorsement of fairies in the previous life, especially the version of Liu Yifei in the previous life, which has fascinated three generations and cannot extricate themselves.

Liu Yifei has also become a top actress with the role of Little Dragon Girl, and has countless fans!
Ye Wenxuan believed that the sales volume of this book would definitely surpass that of the previous one, Shooting the Condors, and the sales volume made Ye Wenxuan look forward to it.

"Come on, Xu Rou. Distribute the documents to each boss, one copy for each." Ye Wenxuan instructed Xu Rou who was behind.

This file contains a part of the beginning of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", which can be regarded as letting them read it again.

There are only the first five chapters in the file, and if there are more, there will be no more.

Ye Wenxuan saw that each of the bosses had a document in their hands, and Ye Wenxuan stood up from his chair.

"Bosses, watch it first. After reading it, you can go to our cafeteria for dinner. You can also discuss it with your own publishing house. We will bid on time at [-]:[-] p.m.."

"By the way, I hope you don't take out your mobile phone to take pictures, and don't take the documents out of the conference room. Thank you."

After speaking, Marven Ye got up and left, but those bosses were not in the mood to control Marven Ye at all.

They were all immersed in Ye Wenxuan's novels. They were so hung up just now that they couldn't help themselves, but now they are all reading books eagerly.


"Yue Nv picks lotus by the bank of the autumn water, her narrow sleeves are loose, revealing her double golden bracelets. She picks flowers like her face, and her heart is only in turmoil.

The wind and waves at the head of Jichixi River are late, the fog is heavy and the smoke is light, and the companions are not seen.The faint singing returns to Zhaoyuan, and the sorrow of departure leads to the south bank of the river. "


As soon as everyone started reading, they couldn't help but immerse themselves in the grand world view constructed by Ye Wenxuan.Slowly forgetting the time, time passed slowly.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the fifth round came to an abrupt end.It made everyone feel anxious, but it can be regarded as a real intuitive understanding of the charm of Ye Wenxuan's book.

Every boss here is a member of the publishing house.Everyone has read and read countless good books, and there are very few books that can make them feel anxious.

Increase the price!the price is too low!Get this book anyway!must!

This is the voice of all the bosses, looking at the colleagues around them hostilely, the sense of urgency in their hearts is even more serious.

Everyone lost the mood to eat, and immediately looked for a place to discuss with the people in their publishing house on the phone, and felt that the current price was too low.

Marven Ye was in the living area, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.He crossed his legs leisurely and looked at the boss who left in a hurry in the meeting room.The corners of the mouth rose slightly.

It seems that my goal has been achieved, Ye Wenxuan thought silently in his heart.

That's right, all I did was promote my book.Only by letting them experience it for themselves can they understand the charm of this book and dispel their anxiety.

In the economic market, this is called profit maximization!

 The author, I am a post-[-]s generation, so I love the version of Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming very much~
(End of this chapter)

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