Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 150 Buying a House!

Chapter 150 Buying a House!

Marven Ye sat idly on the stool, watching the surroundings with his eyes.

About 3 minutes later, Xie Lin walked over with an Apple tablet.

"Sir, the pictures of our top hardcover houses in Ruijing New City are all here. You can browse slowly, and if you find the one you like, you can click to save it, and I will take you to see the existing house later." Xie Lin held the tablet Put it in front of Ye Wenxuan, bowed slightly and said.

"Okay, let me take a look." Ye Wenxuan said lightly, picked up the tablet in his hand and browsed the photos on it.

Xie Lin nodded, went back to the side, and waited for Marven Ye.

Xie Lin, who returned to the side, took a sip of the lemonade on the table to moisten her throat.

"Xiaolin, how about that client of yours? I think you're very caring, is it a big purchase?" Standing next to Xie Lin was a middle-aged woman, also wearing work clothes.She is still worse than Xie Lin, but she is also a very charming woman.

Xie Lin shrugged and said casually: "I don't know. Although this man is very young, there is a touch of nobility in his every move. And he speaks vigorously, and what he says is the most expensive. I feel It should be more likely to be a rich second generation, and the probability is estimated to be half and half."

A hint of envy flashed across the face of the middle-aged woman.

"Wow, Xiaolin, if you can do this, you can reach tens of thousands of yuan in terms of achievement alone. This is almost catching up with your half-year salary. You must work harder!"

Xiao Lin smiled, looking forward to it.

"Sister Wang, thank you for your good words. If my order is completed, I will treat you to dinner, a big meal, hehe..."

The sister Wang that Xie Lin was talking about looked at Marven Ye, and then at Xie Lin.Rolling his eyes, he smiled and said in Xie Lin's ear.

"Xiao Lin, if that man can buy it, it means that he must be a rich man. I think he has an extraordinary temperament, although he wears a mask. But I think he is definitely a handsome guy. Why don't you try... ..."

Xie Lin was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Sister Wang meant.

"Try what?"

That sister Wang patted her head resentfully, and said in a low voice.

"Try to see if you can have something to do with him. If you can become his girlfriend, or even marry him. You will be absolutely developed. Look at your beautiful face, great figure, and education..."

"Sister Wang!" Seeing that Sister Wang was still eloquent, Xie Lin shyly stopped what Sister Wang was going to say next.

Although she has been working for almost a year, Xie Lin still blushes a little.A little flush flashed across her face, but she quickly adjusted.

"Hey, you have only entered the society not long ago. If you want to take root in Beijing in the future, if you don't find a rich man, your life will definitely be very tiring, with a series of big expenses such as mortgages, car loans, etc. It will overwhelm you. You must take advantage of it while you are young..."

That sister Wang said a lot, and her tone was a little emotional.It can be seen that she may have suffered losses in the past, and she really told Xie Lin the truth.

Xie Lin was a little hesitant, but Ye Wenxuan on the other side had already chosen a house and reached out to greet Xie Lin.

Xie Lin didn't have time to talk to Sister Wang, so she hurried to Ye Wenxuan's place.

"Hello, sir, have you made your choice?" Xie Lin asked in a low voice.

Marven Ye nodded and pointed to a set of pictures on the tablet.

"That's all, I like this very much. I wonder if you can take me to see the existing house now?"

Marven Ye stood up and asked Xie Lin.

"Yes sir, please come with me." Xie Lin turned sideways and asked Marven Ye to follow her.

Ye Wenxuan followed Xie Lin and came out of the sales office.Entry is only granted after a strict registration check by security.

Xie Lin was always half behind Marven Ye, showing enough respect.

Wandering in the community, Ye Wenxuan looked at the greenery in the community, and all the facilities were very good.

The two came to the eleventh floor of the first building, which was the room Ye Wenxuan had chosen.

Xie Lin took out the key and told the door to open, and the two put on shoe covers.Prevents the interior of the house from getting dirty.

Stepping into the room, Marven Ye stepped down, and an indescribable soft and comfortable feeling came from the soles of his feet.

A pure white cashmere blanket with a length of two meters in length and a length of two meters was spread at the entrance. Looking around, the living room came into view.

The living room has a lot of space, but it doesn't appear empty at all.On the contrary, all kinds of furniture are arranged in a well-proportioned manner, which looks very warm and not crowded.

There is a crystal chandelier in the center of the living room, which is bright and dazzling.It exudes a faint soft light, illuminating the room extremely beautifully.

The color tone of the room is light gray, dark brown and white as the main colors.It looks very elegant and noble.

The decoration style is modern, and every home appliance is perfect and of high quality.

The house consists of a living room and two bedrooms.A kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet.There is also a huge wardrobe room, as well as a study.

The whole arrangement makes full use of the resources of the [-]-square-meter house, and the bedroom is divided into the master bedroom and the second bedroom.

There is a huge soft bed in the master bedroom, which is [-] meters long and wide.It is very big, and Ye Wenxuan sits on it is also very soft.

There are also small dark yellow round lights hanging on it, which is very warm.

Apart from the layout of the room, Ye Wenxuan was very satisfied, Ye Wenxuan also liked the small balcony outside.

The roof is not big, only five square meters in size.But it is also enough to place two sofa chairs and a small round table on it.

It can satisfy Marven Ye's hobby of looking into the distance. In short, Marven Ye is very satisfied with this house.

"I'm very satisfied with this house, what's the price?" Ye Wenxuan walked around, very satisfied with this house, and wanted to buy it.

When Xie Lin heard this, a look of joy appeared on her face.

"This house has a total of 100 square meters, and each square meter here is [-] yuan. Adding some handling fees and decoration fees, the total is... [-] million!!" Xie Lin hesitated a bit when she said the last figure.

Xie Lin was afraid that Marven Ye would be shocked when he heard this number, but Xie Lin miscalculated.

Ye Wenxuan's expression was calm and he didn't react at all.

"Oh, it's okay. The normal house price is [-], but your house is so expensive that it's not wronged. It's worth the price." Ye Wenxuan said casually.

Schelling was a little nervous, but nodded in agreement.

"Then sir, this house?" Xie Lin hesitated to speak.

Knowing what Xie Lin meant, Ye Wenxuan took out his wallet and took out a black and gold bank card, which was shining brightly under the light.

"Credit card, full payment!" Ye Wenxuan's two simple words almost made Xie Lin stop breathing.

My brother, do you think this is a market to buy clothes!

Also swipe the card!
Pay back the full amount!
This is 100 million!
Not one thousand and one hundred yuan!

Do you want to be so casual!

Is this the world of local tyrants!
Xie Lin suddenly remembered what Sister Wang said just now, and suddenly wanted such a life in her heart.

In an instant, some persistence in Xie Lin's heart...disintegrated!

The society is so cruel, it will always change your original intention and your persistence inadvertently.

Sometimes you will find that the persistence and original intention of the past.Sometimes it is so fragile, vulnerable to the reality of society!
At this moment, Xie Lin changed...

(End of this chapter)

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