Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 151 Black Gold Dragon Card!

Chapter 151 Black Gold Dragon Card!

Xie Lin had a lot of thoughts, but she quickly pulled her thoughts back.He looked at this young man who was about his own age in appearance with complicated eyes.

"Okay sir, please come with me..." Xie Lin took Marven Ye back to the sales office.

After bringing Marven Ye to the VIP room, Xie Lin went to find her manager.For such a large order, the manager must be present.

After a while, a middle-aged man followed Xie Lin to the house.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, holding a stack of documents in his hand.Wearing a pair of wooden glasses, he looked at Ye Wenxuan with a slightly respectful gaze.

"Hi sir, are you the gentleman who wants to buy an eleven-story well-decorated building?" the manager asked respectfully.

Marven Ye nodded, but didn't make a sound.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's attitude, the manager became more respectful.

"Hi sir, I am Cui Zhiming, the manager of Ruijing Xincheng Sales Office. I will handle the following procedures for you, including all the procedures. I will let you complete the procedures for you as soon as possible. Tonight you will I can stay in your home now." Cui Zhiming said respectfully.

Ye Wenxuan was still very satisfied with their speed, took out the card from his wallet, and handed it to Cui Zhiming.

"Hurry up and make the payment, I have something else to do. I'm going to check in tonight, and I'm going to send someone to clean up in the afternoon, so hurry up." Ye Wenxuan said lightly, with an unquestionable determination in his tone.

However, Cui Zhiming was not surprised at all. At this moment, his eyes were completely attracted by the black gold card in Ye Wenxuan's hand.

Having worked in sales in the group for more than ten years, I have naturally met many big names and learned a lot of unknown things.

For example, the black gold card that Marven Ye is holding is a credit card issued by Hua Xia Bank last year.

Each one is cast in black gold, with a delicate black dragon engraved on it.The minimum conditions for issuance are that the owner must have at least [-] million yuan in the card, which must be current assets, not fixed assets.

Moreover, Huaxia Bank will also assess the identity of the cardholder, which is said to be very demanding.A net worth of at least one billion can meet the standard, and this card can only be used by the cardholder himself, and no one else has the right to use it.

This card has high requirements, and its functions are naturally high.The credit card can overdraft 1000 million per year, and it is an interest-free overdraft.It must only be owned by people with extremely noble status, even in this Beijing city, there are not many of them.

But the man in front of him took it out easily, making Cui Zhiming's breathing a little short.

Naturally, Ye Wenxuan's instructions were taken as an imperial decree, and he quickly said: "No problem, I will go through the formalities for you immediately, we will give you the key first, and you clean up the house first. It will be fine if you come to pick up the formalities in about two hours, absolutely It will not delay your affairs, sir."

Xie Lin looked at Cui Zhiming with some doubts, even for a rich man like Ye Wenxuan, Cui Zhiming never did this.What happened this time, Xie Lin was a little confused.

Marven Ye nodded, no nonsense.Direct credit card payment, 100 million was transferred out in an instant, which was extremely clean and neat.

"Anything else?" Marven Ye asked after paying.

Seeing that Ye Wenxuan had successfully paid the payment, Cui Zhiming lowered his posture even more.

"Sir, I need to trouble you to take a photo now. It is convenient for us to go through the formalities. It must be taken now. This photo is also needed for things like the door card in the future." Cui Zhiming said in a low voice.

Marven Ye understood, and followed the two to the room where Zhunben was filming.

It was relatively deserted inside, with staff sitting there in twos and threes, whispering softly.

But when they saw Cui Zhiming coming in, they immediately lowered their voices, not daring to talk nonsense anymore.

Ye Wenxuan took a look, and said to Cui Zhiming: "Except for the photographer, everyone else should go out."

Cui Zhiming was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Ye Wenxuan did this.But since people have needs, they must be satisfied.

Immediately, the rest of the people were kicked out, leaving only Ye Wenxuan, Xie Lin, the cameraman and Cui Zhiming in the room.

Ye Wenxuan slowly took off his hat and mask, after revealing that charming and handsome face.

The already quiet room became even quieter.

Xie Lin opened her mouth slightly, her eyes full of disbelief.The other two people also had this expression, and they also had expressions of disbelief.

"Ye...Mr. Ye, I really never thought that you would come to buy a house from us." Cui Zhiming said stammeringly, there are not many people who don't know him because of Ye Wenxuan's enthusiasm.

Xie Lin was also dazed, she didn't expect that the person she had been with for two or three hours turned out to be the big star Marven Ye!

Thinking of this, Xie Lin couldn't help but smile wryly. Thinking about her embarrassing thoughts just now, and then looking at the identity of the man in front of her, she suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

Ye Wenxuan was not surprised by the reactions of the three of them.After more than a year, Ye Wenxuan has long been accustomed to this kind of situation.

"You must keep my secret and don't disclose my information. This is not only beneficial to your work, but also a kind of protection for me. If you let me know that my information was leaked by the three of you, I will But I'm going to sue you Ruijing New City!" Ye Wenxuan put his ugly words up front to scare them.

Ye Wenxuan didn't want to face a bunch of reporters every day when he went out, it was really annoying.

Although this kind of thing will be picked up by those unscrupulous media and paparazzi sooner or later, Ye Wenxuan still wants to hide it if he can hide it for a day, after all, no one wants to live under other people's cameras every day.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's warning, Cui Zhiming, Xie Lin and the cameraman nodded quickly, claiming that they would never say anything.

The next work will be very smooth, after taking pictures quickly.There is nothing else going on here, Marven Ye is going to do one more thing, let Cui Zhiming be busy with his own house formalities.

Before leaving, Cui Zhiming also left his phone number, saying that Ye Wenxuan could call him 24 hours a day if he had any problems in Ruijing New Town.

Since others reciprocated their kindness, Ye Wenxuan naturally wouldn't let others put a hot face on their backs, so he readily accepted the other party's kindness.

After walking out of Ruijing New City, Huang Tianlei at the door saw Ye Wenxuan come out.He quickly drove the car over and took Ye Wenxuan to the car.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Huang Tianlei asked.

Marven Ye thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Go to the largest Laborghini 4S store in Beijing! I'm going to splurge today!"

(End of this chapter)

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