Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 152 Marven Ye's "Street Vendor!"

Chapter 152 Ye Wenxuan's "Street Vendor!"

Huang Tianlei stepped on the accelerator when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words, the car started slowly, and left the sales office of Ruijing New City.

Huang Tianlei's car was very stable. After a while, he got on the expressway around the city, and his speed gradually picked up.

"Boss, why do you want to buy a car yourself?" Huang Tianlei glanced at Marven Ye in the rear mirror and asked with a smile.

Marven Ye nodded.

"Then do you have a driver's license? You are so busy, why don't I know when you took the test?" Huang Tianlei immediately remembered something, and asked with some doubts.

Marven Ye smiled mysteriously.

"Haha, it's not that I asked editor-in-chief He Fan to help me. He still has some connections in Beijing City. After all, the vice president of the official publishing house is not given for nothing. The connections I have made over the years are not just a joke. Yes. So I said I don’t have time, so I asked He Fan to do it for me.”

As he spoke, Marven Ye took out a small black notebook from his wallet.

"Neng, he got this for me. It's absolutely true. No matter how I check it, there will be no problem. With him, I can go on the road!"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Huang Tianlei felt a little depressed.Thinking about how much effort I had to get my driver's license back then, and seeing the relaxed expression on Ye Wenxuan's face, I feel a little helpless...

"Boss, even if you have a license. But you can drive, this is not a joke, you can't be brave." Huang Tianlei asked a little worried.

But how could Marven Ye not know how to drive? In his last life, Marven Ye had driven a car for ten years.With nearly ten years of driving experience, it is easy to drive naturally.

"Don't worry, your boss, I know a lot. Naturally, there is no problem with driving, and there will be no accidents."

The two chatted while Huang Tianlei drove the car.The Huancheng Expressway is not so traffic jam, and it took a while to drive to the destination this time.

This is a Lamborghini 4S store located on the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, and the store is very large.It is the largest Lamborghini store in Beijing, and it has a complete range of Lamborghini models.Even items like Lamborghini branded clothes, wallets, perfumes are sold.

There is a lot of people here, and there are a lot of people coming and going.There are many car fans here, and there are not a few of them.

Ye Wenxuan took Huang Tianlei into the 4S store, and brought Huang Tianlei just in case.There is a huge flow of people here, it would be troublesome if Ye Wenxuan's identity was revealed, so Huang Tianlei was brought along.

The two of them were like tourists, wandering around the auto show.The two browsed through many models, and there were many people watching in front of each model.In front of each Lamborghini, there are also bikini-clad car models on display. They are fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, making many male tourists drool.

Ye Wenxuan looked at many models, each one was very good, but Ye Wenxuan always felt that there was something missing, not the type he liked the most.

The two kept walking forward, and suddenly saw a car in front of which was full of people.The surrounding area is so tight that even the cars are blocked, and the contents inside cannot be seen at all.

Ye Wenxuan was a little curious, and squeezed in with Huang Tianlei.Both of them are tall and strong, and they squeezed in quickly.

Entering inside, Ye Wenxuan also saw the display car inside, and was immediately attracted by this sports car.

I saw a Lamborghini with dark gray and yellow as the main theme parked in the center of the field. It was perfectly streamlined and exquisite as if carved by a knife.Every corner, every line is so perfect, silently interpreting the almost primitive beauty of Lamborghini.

The whole body is like a wild horse waiting for its master.And although it has the unruly wildness of a horse, but when it is quiet, it contains a faint aristocratic atmosphere. People attract people's eyes and can't look away anymore.

This perfect sports car makes people subconsciously ignore the beautiful young model in front of the car. Although he is the most beautiful model in the entire car market, his light is still covered by the cars around him, and he can't stand it. waves.

Marven Ye's heart was moved, Marven Ye's heart was moved when he saw this sports car!
Leaving from where he was, Marven Ye walked towards the car, impatient to see what it looked like inside.

But after two steps, a young man in overalls stopped Marven Ye from moving forward.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't go in."

Ye Wenxuan's eyes could not be seen by others under the sunglasses, but Ye Wenxuan's slightly raised eyebrows showed his surprise.

"Why? Isn't this a 4S store? As a customer, I want to see what's wrong with the vehicle I want to buy?" Marven Ye said lightly, with a very natural tone.

A trace of contempt flashed in the young man's eyes, but it didn't show on his face.

"Sir, this car is worth 300 million. It's one of the [-] limited editions in the world. It's very expensive..." He said the price, thinking that he could repel this ignorant man, but of course he just thought of.

"Oh, 300 million. So what, I said I would buy it!" Marven Ye repeated his tone again.

"You..." The young male staff member was a little angry at the moment. In his opinion, Ye Wenxuan just wanted to see it, and couldn't afford it at all, but he was messing around with stalkers.


At this moment, the people around looked at this scene and whispered.

"Haha, that kid said he wanted to buy it. He can really brag, and he doesn't care about his identity."

"That's 300 million. Someone can afford it, but it's definitely not that kid. You see, there are some people wearing hats and sunglasses, probably because they are afraid of embarrassing themselves and dare not show their faces!"

"I guess so. Look at the clothes he's wearing. What brand is that? It's probably a street vendor. It's probably not as expensive as the Adias I'm wearing!"


Huang Tianlei, who was standing in front, listened to the conversation behind him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly...

Street stalls? !

Miscellaneous brands? !

Not as expensive as your Adidas that costs hundreds of dollars? !
It's really interesting that 1 *** ran through Huang Tianlei's heart.A pair of underwear of our boss is probably more expensive than yours, and he actually said that my boss is...

Huang Tianlei complained frantically, it was the funniest joke he had ever heard recently.

Ye Wenxuan and the young staff member were still confronting each other, and the patience of both of them was a little impatient.

Just when the two were about to explode, a middle-aged man rushed in and pulled the young man away.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry sir. You can go and see it, it's a negligence in our work." The middle-aged man apologized to Marven Ye.

Turning his head and yelling at the bewildered young man, "Xiao Wang, you still haven't apologized to the guests! Hurry up!"

The little Wang in the middle-aged man's mouth looked at his manager and Ye Wenxuan at the moment, and his brain was a little short-circuited...

What kind of routine is this shit! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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