Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 153 Global Limited Lamborghini!

Chapter 153 Global Limited Lamborghini!

Some of the young staff didn't know what Manager Sun meant.

"Manager Sun, it's not you..."

Sun Yu waved his hand violently, interrupting the young man surnamed Wang.

"What about me, Wang Xing quickly apologize to this gentleman!" Sun Yu turned his back to Ye Wenxuan and winked at Wang Xing.

Seeing Manager Sun's expression, Wang Xing swallowed all his doubts and what he wanted to say.

Looking at Marven Ye, Wang Xing bowed slightly.

"Excuse me sir, it was my fault just now. Please forgive me..."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, since the other party had already apologized, there was no need for Ye Wenxuan to hold on to it.

"It's okay, can I get in the car to have a look now?" Ye Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, looked at Wang Xing, and then at Sun Yu.

The two quickly brought Ye Wenxuan to the front of the car, and told Ye Wenxuan to go in and watch the car door open.

The onlookers outside looked at the reversal in front of them, and they were a little confused.

"What's going on here, why did he let him in!"

"I'll go, does this kid have some background? But it looks like that, he's not as imposing as me!"

"Are you saying that people can go in and see what's going on inside the car, but we don't dare?"


As soon as this sentence sounded, the people around were slightly taken aback.Then he looked at the exquisite devil-like sports car in the center of the field, his eyes were fiery.

While talking, there was actually a middle-aged man who bravely walked towards the car.

At the moment, Sun Yu is accompanying Ye Wenxuan to experience the feeling in the car, and introduces Ye Wenxuan one by one.

But seeing that man also walking towards the car, he raised his eyebrows.

He stopped this man with Wang Xing far away, his demeanor was completely different from when he was with Ye Wenxuan.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go in, this is a limited exhibition area." Sun Yu said to the man lightly.

Faced with Sun Yu's obstruction, Li Heng, who was originally a bit bold, immediately became a little upset.

He looked at Sun Yu with bad eyes.

"Why can that kid go in, but I can't. What's the matter, you look down on me! Is this how you treat guests?!" Li Heng yelled loudly.

Sun Woo's originally slightly furrowed eyebrows furrow even more.

"Sir, as I said, this is a non-experience area. That gentleman is a distinguished VIP customer of our 4S store, so he can experience it." Sun Yu said casually on a whim, as for the VIP, it is simply nonsense.

Li Heng's expression froze when he heard Sun Yu's words.But there was nothing to refute, and he walked back cursing.But he didn't leave, he still looked there with bad eyes.

Wang Xing was a little confused, why the manager treats them differently if they are also guests.

"Manager, what are you..." Wang Xing asked suspiciously, pointing to the side of Ye Wenxuan and the onlookers.

Sun Yu shook his head, put his hands behind his back, looked at Marven Ye on the other side of the car, and said in a low voice.

"Xiao Wang, you are still too young. Your ability to see people needs to be improved. If I hadn't stopped you this time, you would have offended a big shot!"

Listening to Sun Yu's teaching, Wang Xing nodded quickly, with a listening expression on his face.

Seeing Wang Xing's expression, Sun Yu nodded with satisfaction on his face.

"Do you think that young man is dressed in ordinary clothes? It's just white, with a hat and sunglasses. But if you look carefully, there is a light gold LV bronzing small label on the collar of the white clothes. If you don't It’s really hard to find out, I know this style is the latest style that LV released this summer, and one piece of clothing has to catch up with your half-year salary!”

"You are looking at the pants, which are limited editions of Versace. There is also the Cartier brand of sunglasses, which cost tens of thousands of yuan. And the hat I saw in a Prada store a few days ago, it is also thousands of yuan s price."

"Only this body costs at least one hundred thousand or more. This person is definitely of extraordinary status. Even if he doesn't buy it, we should greet him with a smile, and we must not offend him!"

Listening to Sun Yu's introduction, Wang Xing gasped.

I didn't expect that my unattractive clothes would be so expensive. Wang Xing didn't believe it or seen it before.So I couldn't believe it, but looking at the man in the car, he finally saw it today.

See what is called the world of rich people!
Just a suit of clothes is enough for him to earn a year's salary, and the age of the other party seems to be about the same as him, but there is such a gap.

Wang Xing's eyes were complicated, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

Sun Yu looked at Wang Xing's appearance and sighed silently, knowing that he might be a little bit shocked.

After patting him, Sun Yu ran to Ye Wenxuan's side and continued to introduce cars to Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan didn't know about the outside affairs, and looked at the interior of the car to himself.

The interior inside is extremely simple and clear, with light yellow stripes mixed with light black, which is very cool.

Marven Ye watched while listening to Sun Yu's explanation of the car's performance.

Nodding in satisfaction, he finished looking at the interior and got out of the car.He turned around the car again, nodding incessantly.

"How much is the full price of this car plus formalities?" Ye Wenxuan asked without raising his head.

Sun Yu was overjoyed and suppressed the joy in his heart.

"Sir, this car is a limited edition new car released by Lamborghini this year. Currently, there is only one car in our 4S store in the entire Beijing City. Adding various taxes, the total is 400 million."

Sun Yu quickly talked about the price and how precious the car was.

"Can the full payment be discounted?" Ye Wenxuan asked.

"Well... yes, sir, if you pay the full amount, you need to pay 350 million. This is our minimum bottom line!" Sun Yu said sincerely.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, and started wandering around the car again.

Li Heng outside the arena looked at Marven Ye in the arena, and the look of jealousy flashed in his eyes. If it wasn't for him at the beginning, he wouldn't be so ashamed.

"Boy, don't pretend if you can't afford it, come down quickly!" Li Heng shouted loudly, and after he finished shouting, he laughed a few times triumphantly.

Marven Ye cast a glance at Li Heng.Didn't say much.

Sun Yu turned around and was about to get angry, but this time Wang Xing was a traitor.Before Sun Yu could react, he immediately ran to Li Heng's side.

"Security, security! Get this person out!" Wang Xing pointed at Li Heng sharply.

With so many precious cars, there are naturally many security personnel around.Hearing Wang Xing's shout, he rushed over immediately, grabbed Li Heng and threw him out.

No matter how Li Heng struggled, he couldn't get rid of the embrace of those two big men.

Seeing Wang Xing's solution, Sun Yu gave him a great look, turned around and continued to follow Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan looked at it several times and was really satisfied with this car.

"I want this car, the full amount of 350 million, and you need to swipe your card!" Ye Wenxuan's faint voice broke out, making the noise of the scene stagnate.

This car with a sky-high price is about to be sold in front of their eyes? !
Sun Yu was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately.Looking at Ye Wenxuan's black gold dragon card again, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly.

"Okay sir, I'll go through the formalities for you right away!" Sun Yu said respectfully, working at the feet of the emperor, how could he not know about such a famous black gold dragon card!

An hour later, Ye Wenxuan drove away in this cool sports car that attracted countless people.As for Wang Lei, let him go back first, Marven Ye wants to have a good time!

(End of this chapter)

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