Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 154 Beijing Film School Starts!

Chapter 154 Beijing Film School Starts!
Marven Ye slowly put away the roof, and it immediately turned into an open-air sports car.

Marven Ye took off the hat from his hair and put on sunglasses.Slowly and gradually increase the force of stepping on the accelerator, and the speed immediately soared.

Feeling the whistling wind in his ear, Marven Ye felt like he was about to float up.Lamborghini was Ye Wenxuan's favorite sports car in his last life, but unfortunately he could only look at the pictures in his last life with greedy eyes.

But now that he truly experienced this sports car of his beloved brand, Ye Wenxuan felt a sense of satisfaction beyond words.

However, today's continuous huge expenses have shrunk Ye Wenxuan's wallet a lot.

Today, I spent 450 million in one day. Originally, Marven Ye only had more than 3000 million left, but now only 1000 million is left.Coupled with the planning of "Flowers and Boys" that will start soon, Ye Wenxuan only has about [-] million yuan left.

Originally, the company spent more than 6000 million on leasing and decoration, and only more than 8000 million was left.However, in the past few months, Ye Wenxuan's wallet has bulged up due to the continuous income from some money. It is all Ye Wenxuan's advertising endorsement fees, and Ye Wenxuan's income from Yunding Company, all of which are also recovered one by one.

So if Marven Ye has no more income in the future, Marven Ye will run out of funds.

But Ye Wenxuan's biggest profits are all concentrated in the second half of the year. The upcoming release of Shooting Condors, the release of new books, and the upcoming release of "Flowers and Boys" at the end of the year are all capital for crazy money.

So Ye Wenxuan was not worried. As for whether he would pay or not, Ye Wenxuan still didn't think about it. This was the confidence brought to Ye Wenxuan by the entertainment resources of the previous life.

Even after losing Ye Wenxuan, he had the confidence to start over, so Ye Wenxuan still didn't think about it.

Speeding fast on the expressway around the city, it is like a silver-gray lightning, which is also mixed with a touch of yellow.

Ye Wenxuan quickly returned to Ruijing New City, and returned to the sales office just now.

Such a cool sports car parked at the sales office, everyone's eyes were attracted by this extremely cool sports car.

Marven Ye got out of the car, dressed in white.At this moment, he undoubtedly became the prince charming of all the girls in an instant, and his eyes were full of love.

But Ye Wenxuan ignored it and called Cui Zhiming to ask him to give him his procedures and keys.

Within 2 minutes of the phone call, I saw Cui Zhiming trotting and returning Ye Wenxuan's many procedures, such as door cards, identity certificates, real estate certificates, and many other documents to Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, and under the gazes of everyone looking up, he drove his beloved sports car into Ruijing New Town and parked it in his garage.

Sitting in the elevator, Marven Ye quickly returned to the floor where his home was located, and the door of his room was opened wide.

Xu Rou is instructing the cleaning staff to carefully clean every inch of her room inside and out, and also moved in some small plants, some food and some necessary household items. It's all ready for Marven Ye.

"Yo, boss, you're back." Xu Rou turned around and saw Ye Wenxuan was back, and asked in surprise.

Ye Wenxuan nodded with a faint smile, and changed his shoes into the slippers that Xu Rou just bought.

"How is it? How is the house? Is it clean?"

"Very good boss, the house is very clean, only some corners are dusty, and the rest are very clean. It can be seen that they should clean Ruijing New Town quite frequently, and overall everything is very good." Xu Rou sat on the sofa. , and poured Marven Ye a glass of water.

Ye Wenxuan was a little thirsty after running all day, and drank water in big gulps.

"Okay, it's getting late. Go back as soon as you finish packing, you're quite tired after a busy day."

Xu Rou didn't force herself when she heard Ye Wenxuan's words.They left with those sweepers, leaving only Marven Ye alone.

The room was brightly lit, Marven Ye looked at the bright lights outside, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I suddenly bought a house and a car, and I suddenly felt that I had some kind of sustenance in my heart.Perhaps this is also a characteristic of Chinese people. According to the old saying, they have their own roots.

After looking at the scenery outside for a while, Marven Ye suddenly felt a little hungry.

Marven Ye stepped on his slippers and walked to the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator.It has been filled with a lot of food, whether it is instant food or some vegetables and raw meat.

Originally, Ye Wenxuan just wanted to deal with it with instant food, but suddenly remembered the intermediate cooking skills he had just learned.The hand that was holding the quick-frozen dumplings was taken back again.

In turn, he took some ingredients from the refrigerator and walked to the induction cooker.Taking out the meat cutting board, Marven Ye held the kitchen knife in his right hand and pressed the raw beef with his left hand.

A familiar feeling came from his hand, as if he had cut meat countless times.It felt like Ye Wenxuan was holding a guitar and could play beautiful music at will.

It gave Ye Wenxuan a very wonderful feeling. Ye Wenxuan immersed himself in it, and the vegetables in his hands were neatly cut into pieces.

After 10 minutes, a plate of fried pork with green peppers is freshly baked.

Marven Ye took out a pair of chopsticks, slowly picked up a piece of beef, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chewing carefully, a rich and spicy taste and touch permeated Ye Wenxuan's mouth.


Ye Wenxuan is still very satisfied with his cooking debut this time, both in appearance and taste are very good.Ye Wenxuan believes that the taste is definitely not inferior to that of ordinary chefs, and the level is definitely not low.

With a piece of bread, Ye Wenxuan quickly finished the plate of stir-fried meat with green peppers.His stomach was only half full, but he was going to bed soon, Marven Ye gave up the desire to continue eating, packed up and went to bed.

For the next two days, Ye Wenxuan has been dealing with matters in the company.He will be very busy in September, so arrange some things in advance so that there will be no trouble at that time.

In a blink of an eye, August left like this, and a brand new September came quietly.

On September [-]st, Marven Ye got up early to tidy himself up.Carrying a black schoolbag, he turned and left the house.

Marven Ye walked out of the community and came to the door.Ye Wenxuan didn't plan to drive his own car to school today, that would be too high-profile and not very good.

So Ye Wenxuan asked Huang Tianlei to pick him up and drove the Audi Q7, which is not very high-profile.There are really many cars of this level in Jingying, which is the middle level.Among the many luxury cars, there are not many waves.

Students who can come to Jingying to go to school, especially men and women who study art and performance.Those are definitely wealthy masters, among other things.

It’s just a year of acting, and the cost of acting classes taught by Teacher Jingying will definitely start from hundreds of thousands.This can be regarded as an unspoken rule in disguise. There may be some really good seedlings, but most of them come here like this.

So Ye Wenxuan didn't want to be too high-profile, after all, he started school.Parents of students have everyone, and it is not easy to escape if they are surrounded.

Ye Wenxuan got into the car, Huang Tianlei drove slowly to Jingying...

(End of this chapter)

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