Chapter 155 Lu Xuan!

On September [-]st, countless colleges and universities in China started school, and Jingying was one of them.

Ye Wenxuan was sent around the school by Huang Tianlei, but there were too many vehicles.So Ye Wenxuan got off the car and let Huang Tianlei go back by himself.

Ye Wenxuan walked to the school, and soon came to the school gate.

The I-shaped pale yellow stone pier at the school gate is covered with a line of gilded characters - Beijing North Film Academy!
Looking at the six big characters, many people, like Ye Wenxuan, stopped here for a long time.

Compared with Ye Wenxuan's relaxed and freehand style, countless people can be admitted to this dream school.I don't know how much hardship, pain and tears I have paid to enter this school, which is known as the cradle of China's dream.

The hard-won admission notice, many freshmen stopped here and looked at these words.My heart is full of infinite fantasies and expectations for the future. Although we all know that this road is destined to be full of hardships, we still bravely step forward.

Marven Ye looked at it for a while, then walked into the school with his schoolbag on his back.

Rows of seniors and sisters stood at the gate of the school, guiding the freshmen one by one in the face of their inquiries.

The entire gate was extremely lively, with beauties and handsome men who were rare to see.At this time, they came out in groups and could be seen everywhere.Fashionably dressed, sexy beauties and handsome handsome guys are everywhere.

Marven Ye wandered aimlessly, not knowing where he should go.

"Hey!" Suddenly two people jumped out in front of Marven Ye, which startled Marven Ye.

Marven Ye took a step back slightly and took a closer look.

Bai Haoyu!
Zheng Yufei!
Marven Ye's eyes slowly widened, his face full of disbelief.

"No... you... why are you two here? Didn't you come to Sichuan University?" Ye Wenxuan stretched out his fingers, his brain was a little dazed.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's expression, Zheng Yufei and Bai Haoyu smiled with satisfaction.

"Haha, the two of us lied to you! We both applied for the director department of Jingying, and we decided. We will mix with you in the future, and the two of us will be a big director!" Bai Haoyu said with a smile, and the two of them joined Ye Wenxuan's Beside, said flatteringly.

Ye Wenxuan patted his forehead when he heard what the two said, with a helpless expression on his face.

"You two, you have lied to me for so long, it's too much..."

"No, we really like directors. You don't know what we have always liked. In fact, we have always aimed at this. It's just that the goal is a bit high. I'm afraid I won't pass the exam, so I haven't told you. ..." Zheng Yufei said seriously.

Hearing what the two said, Marven Ye didn't say anything more.

The two have always been good brothers, and Ye Wenxuan was very happy to be in the same school even in college.

"Then if this is the case, you have kept it from me for so long. You must invite me to dinner tonight!"

"Okay, we treat guests, you pay!"

"No, I want to eat a big meal, you pay the bill, or my wounded heart will not be soothed!"

"Whether you want money or life, you can figure it out!"



The three of them were arguing as they walked, Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei came earlier, so the admission procedures and dormitory had already been done, so they came out to hang out.

According to Zheng Yufei, it is natural to look at the beauties in the Celebrity Dream Factory.Hurry up to find the target and then start, save when the time comes, it will be too late, and you will have nothing to do with yourself.

So they ran into Ye Wenxuan who was wandering around, and the two of them took Ye Wenxuan to the person who went through the admission procedures with ease.

There are many small sheds built there, and there are people from the student union inside.Most of them are beautiful seniors, fanning small fans while going through the formalities for the freshmen.

Many people were queuing up, and Marven Ye was no exception, queuing up at the back.

After about 15 minutes, it was finally Marven Ye's turn.

Ye Wenxuan handed over some documents such as his ID card, college entrance examination transcript, portfolio, admission notice, etc. to the senior sister.

The girl in front of her had long hair with a shawl, slightly wavy, and a reddish-brown hair color.Fair complexion, with a sandal on his feet.With her straight and slender thighs exposed, she sat upright behind the table.It looks very beautiful.

This girl is Lu Xuan, the vice president of the Jingying Student Union, and she is also a well-known and recognized beauty in the school.She is studying acting, and her acting skills are good. It is said that a director has already picked her up and wants her to play a female lead.It can be said that the possibility of becoming a star in the future is very high.

These were all the voices Ye Wenxuan heard from around when he was queuing just now, and Ye Wenxuan was not at all surprised that these freshmen could get so much information just after entering school.

The best topics for boys, only two!
Games and good looking women!

A good-looking woman is the focus of everyone no matter where she is.Naturally, it is not unusual for these freshmen to know Lu Xuan's name when they enter school.

Ye Wenxuan was not surprised by this identity, although Lu Xuan was very beautiful.But Ye Wenxuan has seen a lot of beauties in the past year. Although Lu Xuan is also very beautiful and temperamental, it is not enough to surprise Ye Wenxuan's eyes.

Lu Xuan has been sitting here all morning today, busy.The hot temperature made her sweat profusely.

He mechanically took Ye Wenxuan's information and began to read it.

Ye Wenxuan, Jiangsu No. [-] Middle School, Jiangsu and Zhejiang?

Art test No.1?
Lu Xuan was a little confused, which Ye Wenxuan?

Lu Xuan raised her head abruptly, and saw the young man in front of her.The small mouth is slightly opened, and the face is full of disbelief.

"Ye... Ye Wenxuan?!" Lu Xuan's unbelievable voice sounded.

Ye Wenxuan knew that this would be the case, but there was no other way, he had to come and register.

Marven Ye nodded with a wry smile.

"Senior sister, go through the formalities for me quickly, I won't be able to leave when people gather around me..." Ye Wenxuan urged.

"Oh...oh!" Lu Xuan immediately reacted, and hurriedly picked up Marven Ye's information.

"Ye Wenxuan, Professor Guo Linping told us that if you come, let you go to him, and he will handle the admission procedures for you, but we can't do it for you." Lu Xuan said in a panic. Lu Xuan, who was originally very capable But suddenly he found himself extremely nervous.

The orderly ability to handle everything in the past disappeared without a trace.Facing the man in front of him, Lu Xuan was unconsciously very nervous.

When Ye Wenxuan heard Lu Xuan's words, he suddenly thought of the old man in the art test.

I knew in my heart that this was the answer that the other party was waiting for me, but I didn't expect the other party to pay so much attention to me.

"Okay, then I'm going to trouble you, senior, please take me there..." Ye Wenxuan took over his profile and said politely.

Lu Xuan naturally agreed, and handed over the rest of the work to the people around her.Accompanied by the envious eyes of the people around, he led Marven Ye out of here and walked towards the school office building.

(End of this chapter)

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