Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 156 Apprenticeship!

Chapter 156 Apprenticeship!

The office building is located behind the school, and Lu Xuan led Ye Wenxuan gradually away from the crowd.There were also fewer people coming and going, Ye Wenxuan and Lu Xuan walked on a small road in Jingying.

Surrounded by lush poplars, they gradually turn yellow in September.

Along the way, whenever someone saw Lu Xuan.They all extended their hands to say hello to Lu Xuan. It can be seen that Lu Xuan's interpersonal relationship circle in the school should be quite good.

The two didn't talk much on the road, they just walked quickly to the office building and came to the office of Vice Principal Guo Linping.

Lu Xuan tapped twice respectfully.

"Professor Guo, Marven Ye brought it."

"Come in!" A thick voice came out from inside, full of arrogance.

Lu Xuan opened the door and let Marven Ye go in alone.She closed the door gently again. She knew herself that he was not qualified to be present on such an occasion.

After Ye Wenxuan entered the room, he looked at the old man in front of him.Wearing a light gray Chinese tunic suit, she was sitting at a mahogany desk.There is a little silver in the hair, but the complexion looks very energetic.Especially the strands of light flashing in the eyes from time to time, it is hard to believe that this is an old man who is almost 60 years old.

"Old Guo." Marven Ye walked up to Guo Linping, leaned forward slightly, and greeted him respectfully.

Guo Linping looked at Ye Wenxuan with satisfaction in his eyes.

"Do it, Xiaoye."

Guo Linping pointed to the stool in front of him with a very kind tone.

Ye Wenxuan was not polite either, and sat on the stool listening to Guo Linping's words.

"Xiaoye, how did you think about my proposal last time? Are you interested?" The two were silent for a while, and Guo Linping's voice sounded.

"Being able to worship Professor Guo as a mentor is something that many people can't find a job. Thanks to Teacher Guo who thinks highly of me, I am naturally very willing, but..." Ye Wenxuan paused slightly, not knowing what to say.

"It's just that I have been learning from Teacher Chen Wen before, I'm afraid... it's not very good... right?"

Guo Linping originally had some difficulty with Ye Wenxuan, but he didn't expect it to be just because of this reason.

Guo Linping shook his head with a smile, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ye, you may not know. Your teacher Chen Wen's husband is my good friend for many years, and I have also known Teacher Chen for many years. If it is because of this reason, you may But don't worry."

Marven Ye raised his right eyebrow slightly, but he didn't expect the two of them to know each other.There is a smile on his face, so if this is the case, there is nothing to worry about.

"In this case, I would like to worship under Mr. Guo. Study hard and hope Mr. Guo will teach you more in the future." Ye Wenxuan stood up and said respectfully to Guo Linping, bowing after speaking to show respect.

Guo Linping was very happy to see Marven Ye's actions.

"Sit down, I'll call you Wenxuan from now on, it's more friendly." Guo Linping pressed his right hand and motioned Ye Wenxuan to sit down.

Ye Wenxuan returned to his seat and set his gaze on Guo Linping.

This obeisance to myself is to be closely connected with Guo Linping in the future.

Acting is actually an art, and it also pays great attention to tradition.It has many similarities with those traditional folk arts, martial arts and other inherited arts.

Respecting the teacher is the most basic, and what is important is to be a teacher for one day and be a father for life.You must respect the master, and the master must do his best to teach his students.

Although it was a tight process just now, the relationship between the two has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Okay, my parents and friends call me that too. It's fine for Teacher Guo to call me that." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile on his face.

"Wenxuan, I have seen your performances. Your acting skills are good, but you are stuck in a bottleneck, right? It has been difficult to find a way to improve?" Guo Linping asked.

"Yes. I've reached a bottleneck in both acting and singing. No matter what I try to do, I can't break through. I don't know what's wrong..." Marven Ye spread his hands and said with a wry smile.

For a year, Ye Wenxuan used his popularity to continuously study the courses in the system.Both acting and singing skills have reached the level of A+, and they are only one line away from the S grade.

But it was such a small distance that stuck Marven Ye for a long time.It's not that I haven't tried advanced training courses, which can always give Ye Wenxuan endless inspiration, but it seems that there is always something missing.

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan was also very distressed for being unable to comprehend the true meaning of the next level.

After trying twice, Marven Ye didn't dare to try again.Because this kind of course is really too expensive, and each course has millions of popularity points.Can't stand such consumption at all.

Marven Ye thought for a long time, and finally understood the reason.That's just a lack of level. Ye Wenxuan was able to get to the present, relying entirely on the experience of the previous life to hold on.

However, he did not study systematically in his previous life, which made Ye Wenxuan unable to succeed.

After Ye Wenxuan found out the reason, he stopped worrying about seeking success and decided to calm down and enrich himself.

Facing Guo Linping's questioning, Marven Ye responded: "I know, it's the lack of knowledge that has caused me to stagnate now."

Guo Linping smiled with satisfaction when he heard Marven Ye's answer.

"Yes, it is the lack of knowledge. At the same time, you still lack a guide to lead you forward."

"Ms. Chen Wen is indeed an experienced veteran actor with superb acting skills. But she is not suitable for you now." Guo Linping said calmly.

"She is a woman, so his experience tends to be more female in the later stage. It is no problem for her to be your leader in the early stage, but in the later stage, she is a little helpless."

"What you need now is a lot of role training, and gradually develop your ability to create atmosphere and flexibly change the atmosphere of the environment. There are also some key knowledge about the grasp of some roles and how to shape the temperament of such characters. It's all she can't give you."


Guo Linping talked about a lot of knowledge, and also talked about some key problem-solving methods.In short, Lin Lin always talked about it casually, but for Ye Wenxuan, it undoubtedly pointed out a direction, and he knew what direction to work hard in the future.

The two chatted for a while, and Guo Linping completed the admission procedures for Ye Wenxuan.

Guo Linping looked at Marven Ye with a smile.

"Don't skip classes randomly in the future, remember to ask me for leave if you have something to do!"

Ye Wenxuan was slightly embarrassed when he heard Guo Linping's words.Scratching your head, some don't know what to say.

"Um... Teacher, I'm going to take a leave of absence in two days. About half a month..., look..." Ye Wenxuan stammered.

After speaking, Ye Wenxuan blushed a little. After all, he had to take half a month off on the first day of school, which was a bit excessive.

(End of this chapter)

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