Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 157 Mysterious rich second generation?

Chapter 157 The Mysterious Rich Second Generation?
Guo Linping looked at Ye Wenxuan with great interest when he heard Ye Wenxuan's request for leave.

"Why ask for leave? I'm going to ask for leave just after school starts. You're really good at it!" Guo Linping scolded with a smile.

Marven Ye chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed on his face.

"I only invested in one variety show, and everything has been prepared. And all the funds have been invested in it, and the family's wealth has been suppressed..."

When Guo Linping heard this, he was a little dumbfounded.

He even forgot that his apprentice was not just a student of acting.Rather, he is an all-rounder in all aspects, able to handle all tasks with ease, and can make some tricks in every task.

Guo Linping waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, it's your first time. I'll give you a special case. When you ask for leave, you can just come to me."

Ye Wenxuan was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Hey, thank you teacher."

"Don't get too excited, tomorrow's opening ceremony. You have to speak as a freshman representative. If you speak well, I'll give you a leave of absence. Go back and prepare!"

Ye Wenxuan, who was originally smiling, immediately collapsed into a frown.

"Ah... can I change it..." Ye Wenxuan discussed carefully.

"You are the most famous among the freshmen. Even among your seniors, there are few who can compare to you. You don't represent anyone! Stop talking nonsense, go back and prepare. Come at ten o'clock tomorrow morning My office!" Guo Linping directly decided on this matter.

Marven Ye could only agree, and left Guo Linping's office with the task.

Walking out of Mr. Guo Linping's office, Marven Ye left the office building.Walking out of the door of the building, I found that senior sister Lu Xuan was waiting for Ye Wenxuan at the door, and kept fanning her hands to relieve her heat.

"Sister Lu, have you been waiting for me here?" Ye Wenxuan was a little surprised to see that Lu Xuan was still here, after all, he had just talked with Teacher Guo Linping for almost an hour.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's voice, Lu Xuan quickly stood up and looked at Ye Wenxuan and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that you will get lost. Although our school is not very big, it is easy for people who come here for the first time to get lost and make detours. Anyway I have nothing to do, there are people from the student union on the reception side, so I can be regarded as a sneak in my busy schedule."

"That's really troublesome Senior Lu, I'm really sorry that you have been waiting here for so long on such a hot day." Ye Wenxuan said sincerely.

When Lu Xuan heard Ye Wenxuan's words, a smile appeared on her face.

"Since you are so embarrassed, is it convenient for Fang to add a Feixun? Add a big star junior to Feixun, I believe those girls will envy and hate me." Lu Xuan said tentatively.

Ye Wenxuan nodded when he heard Lu Xuan's words.Cleanly took out the mobile phone, and the two exchanged Feixun numbers.

After all, the other party is also the vice president of the student union, for the next four years.I don't know if Marven Ye needs help from the other party, and the other party has helped me a lot today, and they are all alumni of the same school, so adding Feixun is fine.

Lu Xuan was overjoyed to receive Ye Wenxuan's Feixun, and took Ye Wenxuan back to the school gate.

However, Ye Wenxuan did not follow Lu Xuan to the gate. After all, after what happened just now, everyone knew that the person next to Lu Xuan was Ye Wenxuan, so he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so Ye Wenxuan left Lu Xuan's side just before the school gate. .

Hiding in a shady place, Marven Ye sat under a big tree wearing a mask and a baseball cap.

There is nothing unusual about wearing hats and masks, and some men and women like to dress like this these days.It can give people a very cool feeling, and there are many of them in Jingying.So Marven Ye was not afraid of attracting attention, and sat silently.

After waiting for a while, Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei arrived late.Originally, Wang Shiyu should have come to report normally, but her part in shooting the eagles has not been completed yet.But Wang Shiyu's father, Wang Xiong, naturally knew many people in Jingying, so it was not a problem to delay reporting on such a trivial matter for a few days.

Ye Wenxuan took Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei out for a big meal, and went out to play until late at night.

The two returned to school, while Ye Wenxuan returned to his home.

Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei chose to live on campus, so it was naturally impossible for Ye Wenxuan to live on campus.With his status, he just hangs a name in the school dormitory. After all, if his status is casually shown in front of the public, it will cause a lot of commotion.

silent night...

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Wenxuan was wearing a lavender casual suit on the upper body and a pair of jeans underneath.I simply adjusted my hairstyle, and the whole person looked very sunny and decent.

After all, you have to speak in front of thousands of people at a time, and there are so many school leaders.Not only that, every year at the opening ceremony, the school always invites some graduates who have established themselves in the entertainment industry to come back to participate.Although they may not be famous celebrities, they can be regarded as a kind of spiritual inheritance.

Marven Ye was driving alone today, and the car pulled out of the garage.It immediately attracted a lot of attention and a series of voices of admiration.

But Ye Wenxuan quickly left their sight and flew away.

At the gate of Jingying, Ye Wenxuan drove his coquettish car to the gate of Jingying.But what was embarrassing was that Marven Ye was stopped by the guard...


Ye Wenxuan chatted with the guard for a long time but did not let Ye Wenxuan in. Although Jingying did not object to students driving, but only the students of the school registered at the student office and had to pay to drive in.

But Ye Wenxuan didn't know this rule at all, facing that old and stubborn security guard, Ye Wenxuan felt a little headache.

Seeing more and more people watching around, Ye Wenxuan had no choice but to call his teacher Guo Linping, hoping that he could solve the problem.

Guo Linping said he could handle it, Marven Ye put down the phone and waited quietly.

Seeing the students around taking out their mobile phones and standing not far from his vehicle to take pictures, Ye Wenxuan knew that he would appear on Jingying's post bar soon.

That's right, Ye Wenxuan's guess was right, now Jingying's post bar is indeed full of frying pans.

"The world's limited-edition Lamborghini, a luxury car priced at more than 300 million yuan, appeared at the gate of the school. Car fans, come and watch!"

"I'm going to hang around like this. I guess it's that rich second generation who came to our school to catch girls again. He firmly despises this kind of behavior, and we must condemn it!"

"I don't think he's here to catch girls. It looks seems like he's a freshman in our school. I heard him talking with the security just now and said he's a freshman!"

"Really! My heart hurts so much. I think the beauties in our school are going crazy again. The typical type of young and rich, I just hope that the goddess in my heart will not fall..."

"It seems that this year is really a year full of wind and clouds. Yesterday the big star Ye Wenxuan came to the school. Today there is another super rich second generation. This year is interesting. Who is this year's man of the year? I have a little expectation!"


(End of this chapter)

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