Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 158 Excellent people, why should we be friends with us?

Chapter 158 Excellent people, why should we be friends with us?

There was an uproar on the forum, but Marven Ye didn't know it.

Marven Ye only waited for 5 minutes when a call came from the guard.The security guard let Ye Wenxuan in, and after Ye Wenxuan was released, he quickly drove to the last office building.

Teacher Guo Linping was already waiting for Ye Wenxuan downstairs. When he heard that Ye Wenxuan was coming by car, he asked Ye Wenxuan to pick him up, and the two of them went to the auditorium together.

After Guo Linping got into the car, he looked at Marven Ye with a strange expression on his face.

Ye Wenxuan felt uncomfortable being stared at by Guo Linping, and touched his nose.

"Teacher, why do you look at me like that, what's wrong with me..." Ye Wenxuan asked.

"I've always thought that your personality is relatively calm, and the car you like should be a low-key car. I didn't expect your car...Uh, in the words you young people's so coquettish!" Guo Linping smiled. said.

Ye Wenxuan was embarrassed, he didn't expect such a word to come out of his teacher's mouth, and he was also embarrassed.

"Eh... what's wrong with young people liking sports cars. Hehe, I have liked Lamborghini since I was a child, and now I have the ability to fulfill my childhood dream!" Ye Wenxuan said very confidently.

Guo Linping smiled and shook his head.

"It's good to like it, but you are not afraid that those reporters will write about you after they find out. I guess they will say that you flaunt your wealth, buy luxury cars, lose yourself when you are young and become famous?"

"Don't be afraid, they can write if they want to. I earn my own money, and I spend my own money. What's wrong, I didn't steal or rob, and I can sit up straight if I do what I do!" Marven Ye didn't care Said with a nonchalant face.

Ye Wenxuan is not afraid of those rumors, as long as they don't cause real harm to himself and his friends and relatives around him.He doesn't care about it, he has been caring about other people's opinions, so how tiring is his life.

Guo Linping sighed softly when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words, but didn't say much.

"Let's go, the freshman ceremony is about to begin, let's hurry over."


Guo Linping pointed out that Ye Wenxuan drove and arrived at the designated location in less than 5 minutes.

The two parked the car, and Ye Wenxuan and Guo Linping quickly entered the back of the auditorium, ready to start the freshman ceremony.


At the moment, the Jingying Auditorium, which used to be very easy to accommodate new students, is now a bit crowded, even the aisle and the small second floor upstairs are full of people.

I don't know where it came from yesterday. It was said that Ye Wenxuan would give a speech on behalf of the freshmen today.So not only freshmen, but also many sophomores and juniors also came to the scene, all looking forward to it.

Naturally, Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei were also on the list, and the two of them arrived at the auditorium early.Originally, the position near the leader's side in front was the position of the student union.But the two wittily used their talents and used Ye Wenxuan as a backer.

The two talked about their relationship with Marven Ye to the person in charge of the student union, and presented a lot of evidence. The two got the best position as they wished.

"Xiao Fei, don't you think that senior just now looks good? Look at that figure, wow, my little heart is beating faster~" Bai Haoyu said with an intoxicated face, obviously still thinking about what happened just now That senior.

"Don't dream, she is so beautiful, you lose weight first!" Zheng Yufei hit Bai Haoyu without hesitation.

"Hmph! You can die if you say a good word!"

"Can die!"

"go to hell!"

"Go, go, stop making trouble, it's about to start!"


While the two were talking, school leaders, some famous professors, and some graduated students came to the stage one by one.

The originally noisy voices in the auditorium also gradually calmed down, and finally became quiet.

"Hi everyone, I'm..." The school leader began to speak, a very formatted speech was delivered, and then another leader continued to speak.

Just when everyone was drowsy, the long-awaited voice finally came.

"Next, I welcome Wenxuan Ye, the freshman representative of the 2011 class, to come to the stage to deliver a freshman speech! Marven Ye is a leading figure in the new generation of Chinese music and film and television circles, and has developed comprehensively in many aspects. Now we invite classmate Marven Ye to deliver a speech for us !"

As soon as the host's voice fell, the drowsy students below immediately seemed to have been slapped with chicken blood.

There was thunderous applause, mixed with applause from time to time.Ye Wenxuan walked out amidst applause, with a signature smile on his face, waving with his right hand.

"So handsome! He is much more handsome in real life than on TV!"

"This aura is really strong, and there is no trace of nervous expression."

"Hey, look at how he has achieved so much in his freshman year. With more than 3000 million fans, I'm almost graduating, but I can't achieve anything. What a gap!"


Ye Wenxuan came to the stage, stood in front of the microphone, and waited for the students in front of him to quiet down.

The students in the audience saw Ye Wenxuan standing there, and their voices gradually calmed down.

"Hi everyone, I'm Marven Ye. Today I'm giving a freshman speech on behalf of more than 2000 freshmen. Originally, my agent and I prepared the speech, but I felt it was too long and meaningless so I didn't memorize it. Today I will simply Let’s talk about my experience and feelings with everyone. Do you agree?”

Ye Wenxuan's voice was slightly magnetic, coupled with the appearance of a modest young man, it must be said that he was really very attractive.

Facing Ye Wenxuan's question, the students below responded loudly.Especially some girls even blushed from shouting.

"One of the topics I want to tell you today is to strive to make yourself better!"

Ye Wenxuan said very seriously, with a deep light in his eyes, and his tone was very serious.

"There has always been a question like this: 'Why do good people always don't fit in? "

"What I can tell you clearly is that excellent people are also in the group. If you think they are not in the group, it is just that you are not in the group they are in."

"After more than a year of growth, today is a year ago. I just hold a guitar and have great dreams. I bravely stood on the stage of The Voice of China and spoke to the world for the first time. Everyone knows that I have won I have achieved success. Not only have I achieved success, but I have also been recognized by four teachers at the level of heavenly kings and queens. Why do you say this is?"

"Is it really my luck? I'm handsome? I don't think so, and everyone doesn't think so. There is only one reason, I have talent, and my talent and excellence are enough for the four teachers to recognize me."

"We all want to be friends with excellent people, because excellent people can bring us positive energy, but before that, we might as well ask ourselves: why should excellent people be friends with us?"

Ye Wenxuan talked eloquently, and what he said was his personal experience.The previous life and this life are completely different, and this is exactly the same as what Ye Wenxuan said just now.

In the final analysis, it depends on personal excellence to impress others, and the rest will be found to be false in the end.

Originally, the audience below came here for Marven Ye, not to listen to Marven Ye's speech.

But following Ye Wenxuan's speech, a sentence was like an alarm bell ringing in their hearts.All the laughing movements disappeared, and they all listened to Ye Wenxuan's speech seriously.

Even the teachers and leaders in front were very surprised that Ye Wenxuan had such a deep understanding of life, and even some teachers felt very rewarding after listening to it.

The entire auditorium was silent, only Ye Wenxuan was talking freely...

 Encourage it!

(End of this chapter)

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