Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 159 Chapter Details!

Chapter 159 Program details!

"We often hope that the world will be gentle, but the world's gentleness is limited, why should it fall on us?"

"We often want to be friends with excellent people and find the right person to spend our lives with, but when we are lazy, excellent people have already made great strides forward; when we fantasize, the right person has already made good friends with others up."

"Perhaps many students are just looking for the true love they expect when they first enter school. They are eager to find a certain girl or boy to be their partner. After all, we in Jingying do have a lot of handsome men and beauties, so we really should hurry up. "

Ye Wenxuan made a humorous joke, which caused the students below to smile knowingly.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the students below and nodded slightly in his heart. It seems that his speech today is still very successful, and everyone is listening carefully.

"But before meeting the right person, all I can do is to work hard to make myself better. And only when you become better yourself, good people will choose to be with you."

"Life is not equal. The world is full of unfairness. But unfairness is always there. Instead of evaluating unfairness, it is better to learn how to face unfairness. In fact, it is precisely because of unfairness that highlights the value of struggle. .”

"Today I am simply sharing with you my feelings for more than a year. I also hope that we who have just entered university can have a positive attitude and fulfill our dreams. Today we are proud of being Jingying people , Tomorrow Jingying is proud to own us! Thank you everyone!"

Ye Wenxuan talked for about 10 minutes, but what he said was very encouraging.

Ye Wenxuan's voice fell, and there was warm applause in the auditorium.There was no noise or booing from everyone, and they were all genuinely grateful for the slender figure on the stage.

After many people are admitted to their dream university, they are really at a loss.But Ye Wenxuan's words just now undoubtedly guided everyone to a bright light, giving everyone a vague direction for the future.

Ye Wenxuan stepped off the stage, facing everyone's admiring eyes.He walked forward calmly and returned to his position.

After Ye Wenxuan spoke at the opening ceremony, he left not long after.

But Ye Wenxuan's words just now really excited everyone, and they posted the video on the school's forum.

In the video, Ye Wenxuan talked eloquently, with the style of a general, which made other students who didn't come to the auditorium feel regretful.

After the opening ceremony, each found their own class and got to know their tutors, and spent a busy day.

College life really begins...

In the next few days, Ye Wenxuan was like an ordinary student, going to and from get out of class with everyone.But most of the time Ye Wenxuan still stayed with Mr. Guo Linping, learning acting from Mr. Guo Linping.

But such a few days did not last long, five days later.

On September [-]th, Ye Wenxuan's "Flowers and Boys" was officially launched.The other eight celebrity friends also rushed to the hotel booked by Ye Wenxuan's company one after another, sooner or later, anyway, they all arrived on the same day.

Wang Shiyu's role was also finished the day before, and she rushed there after that.But this time, everyone brought their own agent team.Everyone's team has more than five people, which is still a streamlined staff.

But this is essential. After all, although it is a recorded program of a friend, it is also a formal commercial presence.Necessary rules and conditions are still indispensable.

In the evening, everyone gathered in the restaurant of the hotel, not only the stars.The director team and related personnel who went abroad to record together all appeared here, which can be regarded as a simple small reunion.

The director is a well-known director in the industry that Ran Yirou contacted, named Feng Tianyi.I have recorded many programs, I am in my 40s and have rich experience.

At the dining table, a total of nine Ye Wenxuan sat together again.

"Xuanzi, hurry up and tell us what we should do with your show? Do you need some rehearsal or show?" Li Guanghe asked Ye Wenxuan while eating.

The nine people on the table are all related to Marven Ye.The four queens and kings are very familiar with each other, but the other four are not very familiar with each other, they just have a good relationship with Ye Wenxuan.

But they are all well-known figures in the circle, and they have met each other in various activities.They are all very familiar, but they just lack a chance to know each other.

Now hearing Li Guanghe's words, everyone looked at Ye Wenxuan curiously and with some doubts.

Facing everyone's questioning eyes, Marven Ye smiled slightly.

"You can think that this recording is just a tour, and it's all about relaxing your mind. Sit back and don't think of it as a recording program, just think of it as a trip for the nine of us."

"Is that true? What else do you want? Let's talk together. Everyone listen." Yiying asked with a smile.

"Yeah, Xiaoye. Let's talk about it together. We really haven't participated in such a variety show. We really don't have any experience." Liu Tian also echoed.

Ye Wenxuan put down his chopsticks, anyway, sooner or later he would have to talk, and it's the same now.

"When our show starts, all funds and credit cards on your body cannot be used. From the time we go abroad, our funds are used at the same rate, and the daily basic fund is only [-] Australian dollars!"

Marven Ye stretched out five fingers and said to everyone.

"Are we going to Australia? Although [-] Australian dollars is equivalent to [-] yuan. But Australia's consumption is very high, a bottle of mineral water costs [-] Australian dollars! We can't live at [-] Australian dollars, and there is no place to live... "Zhao Feier complained, obviously she knows Australia and the prices there.

The other seven people were also a little surprised when they heard what Zhao Feier said.

"I haven't finished yet, don't worry..." Ye Wenxuan gave everyone a calm look, and continued.

"The five hundred Australian dollars is just the basic fund. Our crew will set up many challenge tasks for everyone every day. Challenge tasks of different difficulty will have different funds, and we can get more funds. Of course, we can also not complete a task. It's not a mandatory task."

Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, everyone understood a little bit, and at the same time, they had little expectations for the next half month of travel.

"You arranged these tasks? Would you like to tell us?" Kodak leaned over to Ye Wenxuan, slapped Ye Wenxuan with his arm, and said with a smile.

When the rest of the people heard it, they all came over curiously.

Ye Wenxuan spread his hands and looked innocent.

"Don't ask me, I have never been to Australia. I taught this task to the director team, and they asked local people to work together. When we are in different places, they give different tasks... "

Hearing that Ye Wenxuan didn't know, the curiosity in his heart grew even bigger.

"Hey, Wenxuan. Is there any arrangement for our route? Did we arrange it at will, or did the director team set the route?" Wang Shiyu asked softly.

"Of course we arrange it ourselves. We have the final say on our trip. We can go wherever we want. Everyone can go back tonight and think about what is fun in Australia. We can discuss it!" Marven Ye explained.

"I want to go to the Great Barrier Reef. I have wanted to go for a long time, but the schedule is not available."

"Haha, Hunter Valley is also good, quite interesting."

"Why don't we who are engaged in music not go to the Sydney Opera House!"

"I have to go to the Gold Coast too, or it's a waste of time to go to Australia."


 I have changed the content of "Flowers and Boys", please don't connect with reality.After all, if I just write some trivial things, people will not want to read it. It will be more interesting after such changes.I hope everyone understands!
(End of this chapter)

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