Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 160 Smart Bracelet!

Chapter 160 Smart Bracelet!

As soon as they said where they wanted to go, everyone also opened up the chatterbox.They all said where they wanted to go, and everyone chatted while eating.At first, there was still a sense of distance, but gradually everyone became familiar with it.

This is actually a situation where everyone's strength levels are relatively close, just like Ye Wenxuan said at the opening ceremony.

Excellent people will naturally have excellent friends and their own groups.Everyone intends to make friends with each other. After all, the circle is so big. One more friend is one more way.

Everyone did not drink, after all, we have to catch a flight tomorrow.While talking and laughing, the relationship became closer, at least they got to know each other a little bit.

After eating, everyone went back to rest.

Eight o'clock the next morning.

Marven Ye came to the hotel's buffet breakfast area and saw everyone eating.

Finding where the eight of Wang Shiyu and Yiying were eating, Marven Ye walked over with a smile.

"Good morning, everyone." Marven Ye greeted everyone with a smile.

"Good morning, Xiaoye."

"Good morning, Wenxuan."


Everyone responded one by one, and Ye Wenxuan waved to the staff behind him.

I saw nine people in security clothing coming from behind, each holding an extremely sophisticated safe in their hands.

Nine people put nine small safes on the table, and then stood waiting not far away, vaguely protecting these boxes.

"This is?" Everyone was a little confused, so they looked at the safe on the table in a daze.

Ye Wenxuan smiled mysteriously, these nine are naturally the nine high-tech photography balls.

Since Marven Ye got them, he sent them to the bank vault for safekeeping.And purchased the most high-end safe equipment for the nine photo balls.

Although this safe is not big, it is made of modern super alloys, and it will not be damaged in an explosion.And the triple insurance adopted is fingerprint insurance, password insurance, and iris insurance.

This also shows how fancy Ye Wenxuan is to these nine camera balls. This is absolutely indispensable equipment for Ye Wenxuan, and it is worth investing so much in Ye Wenxuan.

Marven Ye opened the nine safes one by one, revealing a high-tech camera ball inside.Each one is so smooth and round, exuding a silver light.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the latest research result of the research laboratory. The high-tech photography ball can automatically follow the recording object in the sky, and shoot 360 degrees without dead ends. And there will be photographers shooting remotely to control the distance. That is to say, the traditional shooting method can be avoided, and it is more convenient and convenient.”

Ye Wenxuan gave a simple introduction to the eight people, which made the eyes of the eight people shine.

"Wow, Xuanzi. Why are you so cool? I've never seen it before. If this becomes popular, wouldn't the traditional way of filming be terminated?" Li Guanghe approached Ye Wenxuan, carefully touching the safe photography ball.

"This was made by a friend of mine in the lab who wasted his efforts. It was very expensive to make one. The technology and materials are very limited, so it will take at least 20 years to popularize it..." Marven Ye had already After thinking about it, I explained it all, and pushed everything to the unwarranted friend.

After all, things in the laboratory are generally about 20 years ahead of the technology in reality, so they have no way to prove it.

"Then how do you use this?" Peng Yue also came over, all eight of them were curious about this.After all, new things are always curious.

Marven Ye took out a small box from the safe and opened it.There is something like a health bracelet lying inside, but it is very fashionable and beautiful.

"Neng, this is it. This is the smart bracelet connected to the camera ball. As long as you wear it, the camera ball that is paired with it will automatically follow you." Marven Ye said to everyone while holding the bracelet.

"Shiyu, come, I'll bring it for you." Ye Wenxuan took the bracelet and put it on for Wang Shiyu beside him.

Wang Shiyu did not refuse, and let Ye Wenxuan bring it to her.

After wearing it, Ye Wenxuan helped Wang Shiyu activate the button on the bracelet.I saw the camera ball that was paired with it slowly lift off into the air with a buzzing sound.They automatically circle around Wang Shiyu, controlling the distance from time to time.

"Why do I have a sense of immediacy of black technology..." Kodak said in a daze.

"This is really great." Leng Mengfei, who has always seldom talked, also praised at this moment.

"But it has been taking pictures with us, so when we sleep, change clothes and take a shower..." Leng Mengfei didn't say anything in the middle of her sentence, but everyone understood what she meant.

The girls Zhao Feier and Yiying also looked over, obviously also confused.

"Don't worry, there are many buttons on the bracelet. You can see..." Marven Ye explained each function to everyone.

Half an hour later, the nine people were all wearing a bracelet, and their own photo balls were flying above their heads, which was very cool.

"Everyone is ready to go, the camera crew will start shooting from now on, don't miss any moment!" Ye Wenxuan said with a loudspeaker.

Although the photography team does not have photography equipment, they all have to remotely control the photography ball.It is not easy to find the angle height and other matters, and the workload is heavy.

A group of people drove to Beijing North International Airport in a mighty car.

"Mr. Ye, I suggest that you don't cover up for a while. We have shown our true colors. I believe that the appeal of the nine of you, if you appear at the airport at the same time and participate in the recording of a program at the same time, I believe it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. There is a great uproar. We can take this opportunity to build momentum for our show in advance, and we can stir up the popularity so that everyone has a sense of expectation for our show. When the time is right, we can release some information." Director Feng Tianyi said in the Marven Ye whispered in front of him.

After Ye Wenxuan heard this, he felt that this was feasible.

"Go and ask their opinions later on, I have nothing to do with it. By the way, if you do this, you must contact the security personnel at the airport in advance, otherwise there will be trouble." Marven Ye instructed.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I will get in touch." Feng Tianyi responded.


Two 10 minutes later, Jingbei International Airport.

It was already mid-September at this time, and the number of people at the airport was much less than that of the previous two months.

But as the capital's airport, even the flow of people is much less.There are definitely a lot of people, international friends from all over the world every day, and Chinese people who come to Beijing for business.There is a lot of traffic at all times.

At this moment, at Beijing North International Airport, Ye Wenxuan and his group finally arrived.

A group of people got out of the car one after another, probably hundreds of people.

Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu, Zhao Feier, Li Guanghe and other nine people were surrounded by stars like a moon.

When the airport security personnel at the gate saw the group of people, they rushed over one after another and surrounded them.

The people in the airport don't know what surprises they will face soon...

(End of this chapter)

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