Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 161 Arrived in Australia!

Chapter 161 Arrived in Australia!

Surrounded by such a large group of people, coupled with the fact that there are uniformed airport police security forces around, it is naturally extraordinarily attractive.

Everyone was wondering who this person came to the airport, such a big row.

At the airport, those who were resting and waiting for the flight, or those who were waiting to collect their tickets, the latter turned their attention to Ye Wenxuan and the others.

But when everyone saw the nine people in the middle, they couldn't believe their own eyes.

Covering your mouth, pulling out your phone, and screaming are all common responses.

"Oh my god, what did I see! Yiying, Liu Tian, ​​Peng Yue, Li Guanghe, Kodak, Ye Wenxuan, Zhao Feier, Leng Mengfei! So many famous people!"

"What kind of day is this today? Usually, these people can burn incense when they meet one. They actually appeared in groups!"

"Zhao Fei'er, my goddess. Wow, this is so beautiful, my little heart can't stand it!"

"You still have another one, that girl standing next to Marven Ye. He is the heroine of Shooting Condors! I saw a still photo of her on the official Weibo of Shooting Condors a few days ago. She is really as beautiful as in the photos. Zhao Feier and Yiying are on par!"

"Is that Leng Mengfei? Leng Tianhou has never been so high-profile, and she can actually see her. She is so beautiful, like a fairy who is not a human fireworks!"


Seeing so many people who usually appear frequently on TV, the people flocked to the front.Walking forward with the team, and kept taking pictures with the mobile phone.

"Wenxuan, I guess if you make such a move, if it weren't for you and me in the headlines tonight!" Yiying said to Ye Wenxuan in a low voice.

"That's right, you're using the eight of us to give you a new show for free, you're pretty good at it." Leng Mengfei also interjected, her tone a little teasing.

After getting along with Leng Mengfei slowly for a long time, you will find that she is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.You are familiar with her, and she will occasionally joke with you, teasing and the like.

"Haha, the popularity of our show won't only benefit me. Everyone will benefit too. I believe that your popularity will definitely increase." Marven Ye said proudly, with a confident tone.

While the nine people were talking to each other, the team walked slowly forward.Due to the large crowd and the large number of onlookers, Ye Wenxuan and his party moved slowly.

This is something Marven Ye can control, if you are really in a hurry, you can go through the VIP channel.Such a long time is also to give enough time for people around to take pictures and videotape, so that more people can know and create momentum.

In about 10 minutes, a group of people came to the security check here.After Ye Wenxuan and the others went through the security checks one by one, there were no more crowds watching.Although there are only a few sporadic people, they are no longer a threat.

Everyone boarded the plane in order. Ye Wenxuan's nine stars, the director and other important members of the crew were all in the first class, and the rest were in the economy class at the back.

Ye Wenxuan and the others took up more than half of the plane to Australia, and Ye Wenxuan and the others took up the first class.

The camera ball above Ye Wenxuan and the others' heads still faithfully recorded everyone's every detail.

Director Feng Tian stepped forward, holding a task card in his hand.

"Welcome everyone to start this trip to Australia. I believe everyone will have a great time during the next [-]-day trip."

"The place we arrived at today starts from Sydney, Australia, which is also the largest city in Australia. There are many world-renowned buildings and scenery in it. Your leisure journey will start in Sydney soon!"

"We arrived in Sydney at three o'clock in the afternoon in Australia time. The hotel on our first day was provided free of charge to everyone. After today, everyone will not be provided with food, clothing, housing and transportation. Everyone has to solve it by themselves!"

Feng Tian said to the nine people sitting at the front, even if he knew the arrangement in advance.Everyone is still a little nervous. After all, they are in a foreign country and have no money, so they are indeed a little worried.

"Come on, please hand in your mobile phones, wallets, credit cards and other items, and the crew will keep them for you. We will provide each of you with a mobile phone and today's [-] Australian dollars."

As soon as Feng Tianyi finished speaking, the managers of the nine artists stepped forward and took away their belongings.

Zhao Fei'er was the most interesting, she wanted to secretly act like a baby with her manager and wanted to keep some money, she was acting cute and pitiful.But her agent said there was nothing she could do, and took all her belongings away.

Zhao Fei'er even forgot that there is a small ball on it that is faithfully recording this scene. It is estimated that Zhao Fei'er will be embarrassed when it is screened after production...

"Who will take care of our property, we must plan carefully how to spend the money. We must not be extravagant, and we must spend it in the right place." Peng Yue took [-] Australian dollars from the director and said to everyone.

"Yeah, five hundred Australian dollars is really too little for the nine of us. If we don't complete the tasks every day, let alone sleep, we can't even afford to eat..." Wang Shiyu also echoed Peng Yue's words.

"Let's hand over the money to Sister Yiying for safekeeping. I believe Sister Yiying will be fine. Do you think so?" Ye Wenxuan pushed Yiying out very irresponsibly.

Yiying was still watching the excitement, but Ye Wenxuan sold it to her in the blink of an eye.Willow raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Hey, why did you sell me, kid? This job is not easy, I don't want to do it!" Yiying said angrily.

"Haha, I don't care, anyway, I think sister Yiying is fine. Let's vote!" Ye Wenxuan shouted and said with a smile.

"I agree, Xiaoying is careful, but she must be right to come!"

"I have no objection, Ying Er will definitely not go wrong in managing her finances..."


Everyone agreed with Yiying to manage the finances, so Yiying had no choice but to take over this important task.

Yiying pouted, looked at Ye Wenxuan viciously, and said intimidatingly: "I told you to betray me. When you want to buy something, I won't buy it for you. I'm mad at you, hmph!"

Ye Wenxuan looked at Yiying who had a childish temper, and shook his head a little funny.

Amidst the noise, everyone finally arrived in Sydney after a six-hour journey.

Step off the plane and set foot on exotic land.

Blue sky and white clouds, blue sky thousands of miles.Fresh air, bright sunshine.The people who came and went also changed from yellow skin to people with different skin colors. Caucasians, blacks, and yellows can be seen everywhere.

Everyone was dressed in a refreshing manner, and the nine Marven Ye also separated from the crew behind.It was a little far away from them, but it hung far behind Marven Ye and his party.

The photo ball on the heads of the nine people rotated back and forth, up and down.

Australia has a lot of light, even in September, which is winter in Australia, the temperature is around [-] degrees.The temperature is just right, not too hot, but the intensity of ultraviolet rays is still very high.

Everyone was wearing a pair of sunglasses, handsome men and women, and the group took out the hotel that the director gave them for the first day when they got off the plane...

(End of this chapter)

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