Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 164 Sydney - Challenging Mission!

Chapter 164 Sydney - Challenging Mission!
Ye Wenxuan and his group all changed into shorts and long skirts, and everyone dressed coolly.

Especially the five beauties, Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er, also dressed coolly.Some wore skirts and some wore shorts.The five pairs of white and long legs dazzled the people who looked at them. It was really a very beautiful scene.

"Director, hurry up and announce the mission! We really don't have enough money, we need a big meal!" Zhao Fei'er raised her white hand and said mischievously.

"Yes, director, hurry up and announce the task, we will definitely complete the task!" Wang Shiyu announced her goal not to be outdone, with picturesque eyes. Ye Wenxuan was so lost that he couldn't find the north.

"Get your mission cards now. There are two missions for tomorrow. You can choose one or complete them all." The director's voice came.

As soon as the director's voice fell, Li Guanghe ran over in a dizzy manner, and took the two task cards, looking very active.

"Guanghe, read it quickly!" Yiying urged.

"Come on, let's look at the first one first." Li Guanghe took out the first task card and cleared his throat.

"Mission [-]: Speed ​​up the Sydney Bridge."

"The arch of the Sydney Bridge is 503 meters long, and the total length of the bridge is 1149 meters. The highest point is 147 meters high, and you can overlook the entire Sydney city. It is the only bridge in the world that can be climbed. Flag."

"Mission details: Nine people climbed the Sydney Bridge relay, and nine people climbed the Sydney Bridge one by one. Each person from the bottom of the bridge to the top of the bridge, the total time to save people does not exceed 45 minutes to complete the task. The task amount - 2000 Australian dollars! "

Li Guanghe read out this task in a funny tone, and after reading it, the nine people looked at each other in dismay!

"45 minutes! I heard you right! That's the Sydney Bridge. It takes 10 minutes for a person to climb to the top normally. Doesn't it take 5 minutes for each of the nine of us?! This is too exaggerated!" Kodak Some jumped, and the rest were a little confused.

Everyone who comes to Australia obviously does some research and learns about some of the most beautiful and famous places in Australia.

The Sydney Bridge is naturally a very famous sight in Australia and even in the world, and of course everyone knows about it.

"It can't be calculated like this. Ordinary people come to travel with the attitude of watching flowers on horseback. If we always calculate at a high climbing speed, each person can complete it in 5 minutes!" Liu Tian hugged his shoulders, Rubbing his chin with his right hand, he thought for a while and concluded.

Marven Ye nodded.

"Brother Liu is right, although this is a bit difficult. But the program team can't set an impossible task to make things difficult for us. Since he set it up like this, it means that this task can be completed!" Ye Wenxuan also echoed.

"No problem, let's challenge it! How exciting! Anyway, I think it should be fun, and think about it, everyone, it's [-] Australian dollars! Then we will have a big meal tomorrow!" Wang Shiyu was a little excited, listening to the task It was very exciting, and the liveliness in Wang Shiyu's bones began to wake up.

"Yeah, I also think we can challenge this task!" Zhao Fei'er also found it very interesting. In a way, Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er have similar personalities. They are both so eccentric and lively in nature. girl.

"Isn't there another task? Let's take a look at the second one first. Then let's think about whether to do both, or to choose one of them to complete." Leng Mengfei said calmly, but her face was also vague. smile on his face.Obviously, the design of this program is very novel, which aroused her interest.

"Yes, yes, Guanghe, hurry up and read the next one!" Kodak urged with his arms around Li Guanghe.

In just two days, Li Guanghe and Kodak were also familiar with each other.Later, the two found out that their personalities were very similar, and their ages were not much different, so they immediately hit it off and became good friends.

In Ye Wenxuan's words, Li Guanghe is Mingsao, and Kodak is Mensao.The two people have the same smell, and of course they got big middle fingers in exchange.

"Don't worry, I'll read it right away!" Li Guanghe said.

"Mission [-]: Conquer foreign friends with art at the Sydney Opera House!"

"The Sydney Opera House is considered a typical giant sculpture in the history of modern architecture, and it is also a symbolic symbol of Australia. It is one of the largest performing arts centers in the world. The concert hall inside is the largest hall of the Sydney Opera House. It can accommodate a total of 2679 spectators and is usually used for various performances such as symphony, chamber music, opera, dance, chorus, pop music, and jazz.”

"Mission details: Tomorrow at [-] o'clock in the evening, there will be a concert held by the nine of you. The form is not limited. At that time, foreign audiences will come to watch your performance. At that time, the funds you will receive will be based on the satisfaction of foreign friends. Judge by degree!"

"Satisfaction of less than 1000 people will not receive funds!"

"A thousand Australian dollars for the satisfaction of one thousand to one thousand five hundred people!"

"One thousand five to two thousand satisfaction gets two thousand Australian dollars!"

"[-] to [-] AUD for satisfaction!"

"Satisfaction of more than 5000 yuan will receive [-] Australian dollars!"

Li Guanghe read out all the information on the task card, and his tone was a little trembling at the end of the year.

"I'll go! The rewards for this mission are too generous! This is really too rich!" Kodak shouted, as excited as Li Guanghe's expression.

"We have four famous singers at the level of heavenly kings and queens, and a genius like Marven Ye is here. I don't believe that we can't conquer them like this. We have decided on the 5000 Australian dollars!" Li Guanghe said excitedly.

But after he finished speaking, there was no echo.On the contrary, Ye Wenxuan and Liu Tian's five singers all looked serious, not as optimistic as Li Guanghe said.

"Xiao He, you take this for granted." Liu Tian said slowly, his tone not so optimistic.

"You have to know that there are great cultural differences between China and the West. The five of us are very popular in China. If this task was in Asia, we would all be confident of getting [-] Australian dollars, but this is Australia, a former colony of the US Empire!"

"Whether our art can be accepted here is two different things. Whenever our Chinese artists come to the West to hold concerts, they never dare to rent a place like a stadium. They always look for a smaller place like a studio. .Do you know why?"

"It's because there are very few people who come. All Chinese singers who can come to the West to hold concerts are at least in the top position in China. Now in our country, only a small group of top and top people can mix in the West. Gotta go."

"But the five of us are not on this list. We have to take on this task, but we still need to plan carefully. Let's do our best. Even if we don't get [-] Australian dollars, we can still compete for [-] Australian dollars." !"

Liu Tian explained the current situation to Li Guanghe and several people in the film and television and fashion circles, and told them the current situation in a realistic manner.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Ye Wenxuan spoke.

"We can actually do this..."

 Please ask for tickets, recommended tickets and monthly tickets, I hope you can support me a lot, a new start on Monday, Qingfeng really needs tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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