Chapter 165 Sydney Bridge!

"Now we have two tasks in our hands, and we can take them all. It is six o'clock in the evening, and we can complete the task of quickly climbing the Sydney Bridge tonight. Then tomorrow we will prepare for the Sydney Opera House performance at night." Alright!" Ye Wenxuan briefly explained the plan in his heart.

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard Marven Ye's plan.

"The plan Wenxuan said is feasible. In this way, we can get at least 5000 Australian dollars. In this way, we can solve our accommodation and food tomorrow, and there will be a lot of surplus." Yiying agreed with Ye Wenxuan's plan.

"I think it's also possible."

"It's interesting, so let's decide!"


Everyone agreed with this suggestion.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Guanghe came to director Feng Tianyi with the two task cards in his hand.

"Director, we have accepted both tasks. We want to complete the task of climbing rapidly, can we?" Li Guanghe returned the task card to the director.

"Okay, you can start the mission when you arrive at the Sydney Bridge at 07:30 in the evening!"

Li Guanghe nodded and returned to his team.

"Everyone go back and change into sportswear. Our appearance is not suitable for a while. Then we go out for a stroll, just to see the night view of Sydney." Liu Tian looked at everyone's clothes and suggested.

"Okay, let's go up. Go back up and change into a tracksuit before coming down!"

So everyone took the elevator back to the 27th floor, went back to their own room, and changed into sports clothes again.

Ten minutes later, the group returned to the lobby.

"Rough hair!!!" Zhao Fei'er gave the command to set off alive and kicking.

"Go, go, go."

"Move your body, or you will be injured after strenuous exercise!"


Nine people came out of the hotel in a bustling manner, and the sky was getting dark.The lights of the city have been turned on, colorful and dazzling, covering the entire city of Sydney.

As soon as the nine people came out of the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney, they were near the Sydney Bridge.The distance was so close that the nine walked along the sea towards the Sydney Bridge.

"Is this Darling Harbor in Sydney? It's really lively at night!" Wang Shiyu exclaimed.

"Yes, this is Sydney's Darling Harbour. There are many leisure activities here at night. Dock restaurants, dock bars, cruise ships, song and dance performances, and many other very interesting activities." Marven Ye smiled and said to Wang Shiyu, originally wanted to touch Wang Shiyu's head.

However, since there is a 24-hour tracking and shooting photo ball on it, I had to hold back the impulse in my heart.

"Really? Xuanzi, how about we find a shipyard restaurant for a meal later?" Kodak and Li Guanghe listened to Ye Wenxuan's introduction, and they felt a little itchy in their hearts, and wanted to try it.

Marven Ye glanced at the two of them, pouted his lips, and signaled them to look for Yiying.

"You go to Sister Ying, where is our financial power? Only with her consent can we have a big meal..."

Li Guanghe and Kodak looked at each other, and they hurriedly went to find Yiying.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the appearance of the two of them, and muttered something in a low voice.


When Wang Shiyu heard Ye Wenxuan's words, she rolled her eyes helplessly.

"You still have the nerve to say that others are foodies, but you yourself are a big foodie, okay?" Wang Shiyu mercilessly exposed Ye Wenxuan's background.

"Haha, that's called enjoying food, not a foodie!"

"You're a foodie! Big eater!"


Accompanied by the faint sea breeze at night, the nine people were laughing and playing while admiring the exotic night scene.

It can be seen that everyone is in a good mood, at least they have restored their true nature.There is no deliberate feeling, Ye Wenxuan is very satisfied with the current state of everyone, this is the state he wants most.

The nine people walked for about 10 minutes and came to the foot of the Sydney Bridge not far away.

In the golden light of the setting sun, the arch bridge reflects the changing sunset, from golden yellow to purple, from purple to dark brown. The shadow of the bridge on the sea has just faded, and immediately there are colorful bands of light shining.The tens of thousands of bright lights on the steel frame and railings of the bridge, in a trance from a distance, are countless diamonds inlaid on the back of the bow and the bow strings.

Coupled with the reflection of colorful neon lights in the flat, mirror-like bay, it adds a bit of mystery.The vehicles on the bridge are like rows of crawling ants, which is very spectacular.

"I'll go, it's so beautiful!" Marven Ye sighed softly.

Leng Mengfei heard Ye Wenxuan's emotion, and glanced at Ye Wenxuan.

"Of course it's beautiful. This is one of the most famous landscapes in the world. It's a well-deserved reputation."

"Now I'm really looking forward to the time when I stand on the highest point and overlook the entire night view of Sydney. It will probably be very beautiful!" Yiying's eyes were full of longing, and a trace of anticipation flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Peng Yue lowered his head and flipped through the information on his mobile phone. After reading it for a while, he raised his head and said to everyone, "We still made money this time. Normally, if one person wants to climb the Sydney Bridge, guess how much it costs?"

Liu Tian frowned and guessed.

"It's probably not much money, it won't exceed [-] Australian dollars. After all, it's just a sightseeing project."

Peng Yue shook his head and stretched out three fingers.

"About $[-] a person! $[-]!"

"It's so expensive! If we didn't have the task of the program group, we would definitely go up and watch it. Wouldn't it mean that the nine of us would cost 350 Australian dollars!" Wang Shiyu exclaimed.

"We've earned money this trip, alright, let's hurry up and complete the mission. I've already discussed with Sister Yiying just now. After completing the mission, we will go to the dock restaurant! It's a celebration for our first arrival in a foreign country." !" Li Guanghe cheered, his emotions very high.

The group of people had already reached the edge of the bridge, but now when they actually came under the bridge, they looked up at the bridge again.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of insignificance, like an ant standing at the foot of a giant dragon, and that indescribable sense of shock permeated everyone's hearts.

"Hey, are you all star guests from Huaxia's "Flowers and Boys"? I am one of the people in charge of the Sydney Bridge, and on behalf of all the staff of our Sydney Bridge, I welcome you!" Just when everyone was in a daze, A blond foreign man walked up to the nine of them and greeted them warmly.

Marven Ye moved his gaze from the Sydney Bridge to the man in light gray and blue in front of him, smiled slightly and walked forward.

"Hi sir, we are celebrity guests from China, I am Ye Wenxuan. Thank you for your warm hospitality!" Ye Wenxuan responded to him in extremely fluent English.

It surprised the person in charge of the Sydney Bridge, that is, Brown.I didn't expect that the Chinese in front of me could speak such authentic local English, even the tone and pronunciation were so standard.

The smile on Brown's face couldn't help but become brighter, and his affection for Marven Ye soared.

He stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Marven Ye.


(End of this chapter)

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