Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 166 The last 2 minutes and 5 seconds!

Chapter 166 The Last Two Minutes and 50 Seconds!
Ye Wenxuan immediately chatted with Brown enthusiastically. There was no language barrier between the two, so the chat was very pleasant.

This was a pain for the eight people in the back. Seeing Marven Ye and Brown chat happily, but they couldn't understand anything, it felt so helpless.

"Can you understand?" Zhao Fei'er came to Wang Shiyu's side and asked Wang Shiyu in a low voice.

Wang Shiyu shook her head.

"I can only understand a few sentences. The English they speak has a strong local taste, which is different from the English we learn."

Zhao Fei'er looked at Marven Ye, and asked Wang Shiyu: "Marven Ye studied well before, why is his English so good? It's amazing, I found that there are so many fascinations in him, I really want to know more about it, What do you think?" Zhao Feier's last voice was like a mosquito, only Wang Shiyu and Zhao Feier could hear it clearly.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Fei'er looked at Wang Shiyu with her seductive winking eyes, and there was an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

Wang Shiyu was slightly annoyed when she heard Zhao Fei'er's words that were too direct.But Wang Shiyu was not a bully, and kept a calm face.

"Of course, our family Wenxuan has many advantages. There are many things you don't know, Fei'er, but it may not be realistic to know deeply. After all, our family Wenxuan is a dedicated person." Wang Shiyu said with a smile on his face. Smiling peacefully, without looking away, she looked straight into Zhao Fei'er's eyes.

The two women looked at each other for a long time without speaking.

Ye Wenxuan who was in front was naturally unaware of the confrontation between the two women, and was still talking with Brown.

As for why Marven Ye's English is so good?Could it be that Ye Wenxuan really practiced it himself?

of course not!

Ye Wenxuan's previous English level was simply rotten. The reason why he could speak so well was because he bought an intermediate English skill book in a store, so he could speak so fluently.

In about 5 minutes, Marven Ye returned to his team from Brown.

"We'll go there later to get the protective equipment. We need to change into their special clothes. There are walkie-talkies, gloves, hats and other protective equipment, and then we'll all gather under the bridge." Marven Ye simply said I told everyone about the news I learned from Brown, and then pointed to a medium-sized dressing room at the bottom of the bridge.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and finish early!" Ye Wenxuan urged, leading everyone to the dressing room below to change clothes.

The whole group of people changed into the same climbing clothes uniformly, and they were all wearing the same climbing clothes as the Brown just now. They were wearing light gray and blue climbing clothes, with a blue hat on their heads and a belt Fluorescent protective vest.

Under the leadership of Brown, nine people came to the bottom of the outer arch of the Sydney Bridge, ready to start climbing.

"Let's discuss the order." Liu Tian, ​​as the oldest member of the team, naturally had to take the lead.

"Yes, I suggest that the girls come first, and then we boys come to the bottom, so that if the girls in the front are exhausted, we will have a good idea and try to get back the delayed time." Kodak analyzed.

"Well, Kodak is right, I agree." Li Guanghe echoed.

"Okay, let's make it so. You girls arrange the order yourself. We boys will take pictures of the order." Ye Wenxuan suggested.

The order was quickly arranged, namely Yiying, Leng Mengfei, Wang Shiyu, Zhao Feier, Liu Tian, ​​Peng Yue, Li Guanghe, Kodak, and Ye Wenxuan.

The first stick, Yiying, was ready, and the staff below were also ready, holding a chronograph in their hands. Everyone was very surprised by this kind of play, and many foreign friends also gathered around to watch.

"Get ready... start!" Brown held the timer, and when he said start, he pressed the button of the timer on time.

Yiying also ran out quickly after Brown finished speaking, climbing up at an objective speed.

"Sister Ying, come on!"

"Xiaoying, come on!"

"Come on, keep the frequency!"


The remaining eight people cheered for Yiying loudly below, especially the three girls below were all chattering, their faces flushed with excitement.Even Leng Mengfei looked like this, which surprised Ye Wenxuan and others. I really didn't expect Leng Mengfei to have such an expression.

Yiying's speed has been maintained at a steady speed, and just after half of the time, Yiying has climbed two-thirds of the way.It was about to reach a height of more than 100 meters, and only one fluorescent spot could be seen from below. Everyone gave Yiying encouragement from the walkie-talkie.

"Sister Yiying is a little tired, but I guess even if you don't reach the top in 5 minutes, it won't be too much." Ye Wenxuan analyzed in a low voice.

Sure enough, Yiying finished it in five and a half minutes, which was half a minute longer than expected.When Yiying reached the top, a firework was suddenly set off on the top of the bridge, and the gorgeous firework told the next person to set off!

The next group of people, everyone is very fast.But the four girls all delayed some time more or less, which caused a lot of pressure on the five boys behind.

When I got to Teacher Liu Tian, ​​although Teacher Liu Tian kept exercising all the year round, he was a bit old after all, and it took a full 6 minutes to climb to the top.

There are only 7 minutes left for the next four people, and the task is very difficult to complete.

The eyes of the four people were a little dignified, and 7 and 4 minutes meant that each person only had a little more than [-] minutes. It was a bit difficult to complete the task!

"Just give me two and a half minutes, and the remaining fourteen and a half minutes are for the three of you, it's up to you!" Ye Wenxuan said slowly.

"Two and a half minutes?! Xuanzi, are you sure? This is a full 140 seven meters high!" Peng Yue was a little surprised. Although he knew that Ye Wenxuan's physical fitness was beyond ordinary people, he was still a little shocked.

"Don't worry, there's no problem, just work hard!" Ye Wenxuan said with confidence.

"Okay! Come on!" The four hugged together, giving each other strength.

Peng Yue took the lead in climbing, very fast.Except for Ye Wenxuan, the remaining four people are all regular exercisers. They all like sports, and there is no problem with their physical fitness.

Peng Yue four minutes and 50 seconds!
Li Guanghe four and a half minutes!

Kodak four minutes and 50 seconds!
Only two minutes and 50 seconds left for Ye Wenxuan!
Now both the staff below and the eight people above who have reached the top are very nervous, and they can't help but look nervously at Marven Ye below.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were full of fighting spirit, looking at the national flag at the top, a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"I like challenges!"

(End of this chapter)

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