Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 167 Dock Restaurant!

Chapter 167 Dock Restaurant!

When a gorgeous firework was set off in the sky, Marven Ye rushed out like a cheetah.

Ye Wenxuan took two or even three steps every time he took a step, and he walked like flying, like a flying man.

The camera ball above Marven Ye's head rose slowly, photographing Marven Ye's figure from a distance.

At night, the lights of the Sydney Bridge are shining brightly, echoing with the blue sea below.

I saw a blue fluorescent figure on the bridge, rising rapidly, every step was a big step.Gives a strong visual impact!
The foreign friends watching below are the staff of the Sydney Bridge.Some people who work long hours have also seen such a challenge, but people with Ye Wenxuan's speed saw it for the first time, which surprised them.

"Look at that, that Huaxia kid is climbing too fast. Could it be that he is a parkour practitioner? Not only is his speed fast, but his movements are also so smooth and natural, with a different kind of beauty!"

"Wow, is this kid Superman?! It's like flying up!"

"Cool! Come on!"


The people below cheered for Ye Wenxuan one after another, and they all cheered for Ye Wenxuan.

The eight people on the top of the bridge saw Ye Wenxuan's speed so fast, and cheered Ye Wenxuan loudly and excitedly.

Ye Wenxuan looked at his watch and nearly a minute and a half had passed, but there was still a normal distance to the top of the bridge.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes exuded a wolfish light, which was a look that would not admit defeat.

Ye Wenxuan tried his best to squeeze all his physical strength, and the dark energy in his body circulated on his legs, making Ye Wenxuan's already fast speed even faster.

Originally, there were only two steps and three steps to climb up alternately, but now there are at least three or four steps to climb up.

Every jump can jump far, full of speed and passion.

"come on! Come on!"

"come on! Come on!"


No matter on the top of the bridge or below the bridge, they all shouted in unison, mixing Chinese and English, cheering loudly to Ye Wenxuan.

ten seconds...

eight seconds...

four seconds...

It's getting close!

All the muscles in Ye Wenxuan's body were running with all their strength, and they rushed towards the finish line with all their strength.

one second...

At the last second, Marven Ye successfully rushed to the top!
Ye Wenxuan won the victory and completed the task of extreme climbing the Sydney Bridge!

The tired Marven Ye sat slumped on the top platform, panting heavily.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Suddenly, gorgeous fireworks shot up into the sky from the distant seaside, and they exploded in front of Marven Ye and the others.

Dazzling fireworks flicker in the sky, like a fairy descending to earth, dancing lightly.Carrying a flower basket on the arm, picking flowers.Embracing the pipa, lightly plucking the silver strings... The sound of firecrackers broke the tranquility of the night in Sydney, making the sky beautiful.

Since the nine people are at an altitude of 140 meters, the fireworks in the distance seem to be in front of them, huge and beautiful.

The camera ball of Marven Ye's nine people was flying high in the sky, faithfully recording their expressions, the surrounding environment and the beautiful night view of Sydney.

Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu and others stood behind the fence, looking at the dazzling Sydney below.The nine people felt a long-lost sense of tranquility in their hearts. The faint sea breeze blew on everyone's cheeks, and a photography ball quietly came in front of the nine people.

"Crack..." This scene was faithfully recorded and became eternal...


After 10 minutes, nine people successfully returned to the Sydney Bridge area.Everyone holds a climbing book and a blue hat in their hands as a souvenir of the Sydney Bridge.

Of course, the most important thing is the task reward of [-] Australian dollars distributed to everyone by the program group. Now the faces of the nine people are full of joy.

As the saying goes, if you have a big pocket, you will have confidence!
"Haha, we are rich now. There are still [-] Australian dollars left, and I want to have a big meal!" Li Guanghe and Kodak shouted loudly, excitedly waiting for the big meal.

"Let's go, it's almost nine o'clock now, and I'm really hungry." Yiying said softly, smoothing her hair that was a little disheveled by the sea breeze.

So a group of people walked in the direction of Darling Harbour, although it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.But there are still many people by the riverside, some are walking, and some are stopping by the seaside.

Darling Harbor at night exudes a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. There are boats moored on the edge of Darling Harbor, and the boats emit a little light, which seems to have a feeling of a seaside home.

There are many dock restaurants in Darling Harbour, that is, restaurants transformed from ships. It is very pleasant to enjoy delicious meals on board.

The nine people found a larger houseboat restaurant, and they were all very interested in this novel restaurant.

Especially while enjoying the food, and sometimes there are waves under the boat that will make the whole hull shake slightly, which is very strange to enjoy.

This restaurant specializes in steak and seafood, all of which are very fresh.And the consumption is only at a moderate level, not very high.

The average price per person is only 2000 Australian dollars, and the nine people are only [-] Australian dollars.Although the equivalent of RMB is almost more than [-] RMB.

But the price here in Australia is really not much, just a middle level.But everyone was very satisfied with what they ate, especially the seafood that they wanted to salvage on the same day.

After dinner, it was already very late at night, and everyone could not go to the hotel.

While walking, discuss tomorrow's itinerary.

"What is our itinerary tomorrow?" Marven Ye asked everyone.

"I think tomorrow we have to find a place to stay tomorrow, and then we have to fix the show tomorrow night. After that, we can choose a few places not far from the Sydney Opera House to visit." Clearly, I will briefly divide tomorrow's priorities.

"Let's talk about the performance tomorrow night first, after all, the mission rewards are exciting!" Peng Yue said with a smile.

Everyone also felt that it would be better to arrange that task first, and they all came up with ideas.

"This is the West, and the Sydney Opera House generally performs relatively high-end arts. If we want to please the audience here and satisfy them, we need to make some elegant ones." Liu Tian said.

"I'll leave the singing to the five of you. The remaining four of us plus Ye Wenxuan will help out. The five of us can perform a stage play. With our acting skills, there is absolutely no problem!" Kodak suggested.

Kodak and Li Guanghe are both graduates of serious majors. The performance form of stage play was played by them when they were in school. Naturally, they are familiar with it and can't be more familiar with it.

Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu's acting skills should not be bad, at least they are more than enough for a stage play.As for Zhao Fei'er who has shot so many commercials and films, she naturally has some acting skills.

After Kodak took the lead in proposing, everyone opened up the chatterbox and put forward suggestions one after another.

All the way from the restaurant to the hotel, everyone has almost discussed the stage play for tomorrow night.

Back at the hotel, everyone who was exhausted all day fell asleep one after another. What awaits them is another beautiful tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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