Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 168 Sydney Backpackers!

Chapter 168 Sydney Backpackers!

The next day, Ye Wenxuan got up on the soft bed, rubbed his slightly sore muscles, and looked out the window sleepily.

Marven Ye picked up the remote control and opened the automatic curtains remotely.

A ray of sunlight shot through the opened window, illuminating the originally dark room.Gradually more sunlight came in, illuminating the entire room brightly.

Looking out of the window, there are thick white clouds, and a dazzling sun is supported on the clouds, just like an emperor.

"The weather is nice today." Ye Wenxuan muttered softly, got off the bed, put on slippers and entered the bathroom to tidy up his personal hygiene.

After 15 minutes, he walked out refreshed, found a piece of casual clothes from his luggage to put on, and then packed his luggage.

After all, I'm going to move out from here today, although it's very nice here.But the room rate was too high, and the funds of my group could not support this level of accommodation at all, so I had to find another place to live.

Carrying his own luggage, Marven Ye walked to the restaurant of the hotel.Fortunately, breakfast is served in the morning, which saves another expense, and Marven Ye is naturally very happy to eat.

While eating and waiting for his group, the boys basically came down.There are only four girls who are still on the top, probably still wearing makeup.

As a five-star luxury hotel at the international level, Four Seasons Hotel Sydney has a very good breakfast.It includes breakfast types from many countries, and the entire restaurant is in light blue tones, which makes people feel good.

Ye Wenxuan, Liu Tian, ​​Peng Yue, Li Guanghe, and Kodak gathered around a small table. Everyone had their own plate with their own food on it.

Liu Tian took a sip of his glass of milk and asked casually: "Wenxuan, what show do you want to perform tonight? I saw you didn't say what you wanted to perform yesterday. You always surprise people. Are you holding back any ideas?"

When Liu Tian said this, the other four people also looked over curiously, looking at Ye Wenxuan, and also wanted to know what Ye Wenxuan would perform at night.

Marven Ye chuckled and scratched his head.

"Me, I'm not going to sing anymore. My current repertoire is not very suitable for foreign countries. Even if there is, I have to adapt it. I plan to play a piano piece."

Piano piece?
What Ye Wenxuan said made the other four people look sideways.

"Piano music? Wenxuan, you have to know about the piano. Knowing how to play it and playing it well are two completely different things." Peng Yue added, reminding Ye Wenxuan.

"I know, I play the piano very well~" Ye Wenxuan smiled mysteriously.

"No, if you want to perform well on the piano, it's not easy to move people's hearts. At present, there are only one or two pianos in our country that can be recognized as elegant and internationally recognized. You If you are not fully sure, I advise you not to go up rashly, especially those people from abroad, they have a strict pursuit of taste in piano and other things. If you don’t play well, it will probably have the opposite effect, and you will not be as good as yourself Sing a song..."

Peng Yue instructed that Peng Yue always liked to play.Especially all kinds of music can be more or less good, and naturally Peng Yue can also play the piano.And he played very slickly, but if it was a solo performance on stage, it would be much worse.

Ye Wenxuan knew that what Peng Yue said was true, but he still decided to perform the piano music.

Ye Wenxuan naturally had his own plans, there were so many beautiful piano pieces in the last life.It would be a pity if Wenxuan Ye didn't show it. After all, in the previous life, China was always weak in the piano, and there were very few piano pieces that the Chinese could produce.

So Ye Wenxuan planned to show foreign people this time, and let them see that Huaxia also has really good piano music.

"Brother Peng, I know. Just trust me. When have I ever fought an uncertain battle? Don't worry, I will definitely surprise you!" Ye Wenxuan smiled mysteriously when he said this.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's persistence, Peng Yue and Liu Tian couldn't say anything.At the same time, Ye Wenxuan had aroused some interest in his heart, and he was vaguely looking forward to tonight's performance.

Several people then changed the topic to another direction, discussing where to go to play today.

After 10 minutes, the four girls above came down.

The four temperaments are different, but without exception, they are all big beauties who walk in unison.It can't help but attract a lot of attention. Even in the eyes of foreign friends, these four people are exceptionally beautiful. This kind of beauty has nothing to do with skin color or race.

"You guys came down really early!" Yiying greeted the five of Ye Wenxuan with a smile, obviously after a night's rest, she was in good condition.

"It's not that we're early, it's that you are too slow. You should go to eat quickly, and breakfast will be gone in a while!" Peng Yue complained angrily.

The four of Yiying didn't take it seriously, they got up and went to get some food.However, there are not many people, and they are all eaten in 10 minutes.

After the nine people finished their meal, they took their room cards and went downstairs to check out.

After checking out, the nine people discussed in the lobby where to stay tonight.

"We still have [-] Australian dollars left. I checked the accommodation here last night, and it is generally very expensive. If we stayed in a hotel in Sydney, we probably would have very little money left, but we are due to With so many people, we still have a good choice.”

Yiying made a fool of herself and took out her mobile phone from her backpack.

“That’s Sydney Backpackers, which is what we commonly call a backpacker hotel. Nine of us can rent a small house there. It’s only [-] Australian dollars for one person, and nearly [-] Australian dollars for the nine of us. It’s very cost-effective, and the appliances inside There are all kinds of them, and I think there is a small rooftop on it, which is great!" Yiying showed the other eight people the hotel information she found yesterday.

Looking at the picture, everyone was a little bit moved. The picture above showed that the house was very clean, and the key point was that it was really fun for nine people to get together.

"I think this is very good. Although the house is not so good, it is better than being warm. We can have fun together!" Marven Ye first praised this proposal.

"We also agree that with the extra money, we can visit some scenic spots. We can also buy some delicious food and bring them back for everyone to eat together, so that our trip this time can be completed very well!" Zhao Feier responded to this suggestion Also agreed.

Everyone said that there was no problem, so everyone went straight to the backpacker hotel, and a group of people laughed and played.Wandering on the streets of foreign countries, the sun is shining brightly, and the mood is also particularly sunny!

(End of this chapter)

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