Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 169 Symbol of Australia!

Chapter 169 Symbol of Australia!
A group of people walked towards their destination while admiring the street scene in Sydney.

About half an hour later, the group arrived at today's destination.

When I came to the door, there was a lady about 50 years old standing at the door, who was a bit fat.With wavy blonde hair, she looks very kind.

"Hey, Ye. You are here, welcome!" The old woman stepped forward and hugged Marven Ye very warmly.

"Hello, Mrs. Keith, I will trouble you for the next two days." Marven Ye chatted with Keith politely.

As for how the two met, of course they met on the phone.When Marven Ye said he was going to move in, Case became very enthusiastic.He pointed out the way for Ye Wenxuan and his group throughout the whole process. It is really inseparable from this woman named Case that Ye Wenxuan and his group can come here smoothly.

So with the help of Mrs. Keith, the group moved into their house.

A house of about 150 square meters has five bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet.There is also a small kitchen with a small terrace upstairs.

All kinds of facilities in the house are very complete. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

Everyone divided the room, two people share a room, and the last extra room is occupied by Teacher Liu Tian.The rest of the people happened to be in one room for two, for a total of four rooms.

Everyone cleaned up briefly, and it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

"What are we having for dinner?" Wang Shiyu suddenly asked, but it was a very crucial question.

"Yeah, what are we having for dinner? I didn't seem to see a restaurant near here just now!" Yiying also reacted, and suddenly realized a very serious question.That's how to solve dinner!

"Let's cook. There is a kitchen here, and there is a convenience store below. There are ingredients for sale inside. Let's finish cooking at night." Peng Yue said casually, without any worries at all.

"Eh... I don't know how to cook." Yiying shrugged.

"I do not know either……"

"I haven't even been in the kitchen..."

"I can only eat, what is cooking..."

Soon Peng Yue was desperate, he found that none of the four girls could cook!
"What! As girls, you can't cook at all, so we big men can't do it!" Li Guanghe also sighed, obviously he has no hope for tonight's food...

"Don't be discouraged. Although I don't know how to cook, I still know how to cook noodles." Liu Tian patted Li Guanghe's shoulder and said comfortingly.

Li Guanghe stared at Liu Tian in a daze, with a mournful face.

"I want to eat a big meal, I don't want to eat noodles..."

Seeing where Li Guanghe was being funny, everyone burst into laughter.

"Haha, Brother He, don't be poor. Don't worry, I will definitely let you have a big meal tonight. Let me show you my cooking skills tonight, so that you can see my cooking skills!" Ye Wenxuan looked at it with a smile Everyone, casually say something that makes everyone dumbfounded.

"Wenxuan, when did you know how to cook! Don't lie, I've never seen you cook, I've only seen you eat!" Wang Shiyu slammed mercilessly, curling her lips.

"Shiyu, what am I?" Marven Ye leaned closer to Wang Shiyu and asked.

"Food!" Wang Shiyu replied without thinking.

Ye Wenxuan immediately took it for granted and spread his hands.

"That's right, I'm a foodie! Since I'm a foodie, how can I not cook, and not only can I cook, but the food is delicious!"

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's confident expression, everyone couldn't help believing what Ye Wenxuan said.

"Okay, then I'll leave everyone's food tonight to you. If you dare to lie to us, hehe..." Yiying showed a little devil's smile, and Ye Wenxuan's goosebumps rose from the smile.

"Hey, okay, okay. Whatever you want to eat, write it down on a list, and I'll go down and buy it later. And why don't we drink some wine at night, Australian beer is very famous, brother He Don't you want to try it..." Ye Wenxuan gave Li Guanghe a look that you know.

Li Guanghe couldn't sit still when he heard that there was wine to drink.Nodding again and again.

"It's a must-try. After a while you go to buy ingredients, and I go to buy beer. Then the girls will clean the end of the house. After shopping, we will set off for the Sydney Opera House. Where else will we have a rehearsal?" Yes." Li Guanghe arranged.

"Okay, that's it. Let's act!" Zhao Fei'er said.

So everyone dispatched one after another and went to handle their own tasks.

Half an hour later, everyone came back from the convenience store outside with big bags and small bags in their hands.

There are not only ingredients, but also drinks, snacks, Australian specialties, fruits and other foods.

Although some things in Australia are much more expensive than those in China, some raw materials such as vegetables are much cheaper than those in China, and they are all very fresh.

The shelf life of food is several days, and milk will expire in one day.So the diet is really green and healthy, which is unmatched in China.

"Let's go, let's go. When I was shopping just now, I saw a train station over there. We can take the train to the Sydney Opera House very quickly, and it's very cheap!" Kodak put the food in his hand into the small In the refrigerator, he said to everyone behind him.

"Okay, let's go. I guess we're almost there, and it's almost five o'clock. We don't have much time left, so we need to speed up." Marven Ye nodded.

Let's go as soon as we say, everyone simply took some things and left the place one by one.


Sydney Opera House.

At five o'clock in the evening, Marven Ye and his group arrived at the Sydney Opera House.

The sky was gradually getting darker, and the sunset glow reflected the fiery red of the sky.It was also the first time for Ye Wenxuan and others to come to the foot of the Sydney Opera House at close range. Looking at the building in front of them, which is regarded as a landmark in Australia, a strong visual impact shocked everyone's hearts.

The appearance of the Sydney Opera House is like a white sail about to sail out to sea, which complements the surrounding scenery.

The Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney Cove, facing the sea on three sides, with an open environment and is famous for its unique architectural design.

Its shape looks like three triangles looking up at the river, and the roof is white and shaped like a shell, so it has the reputation of "the quiet nun who is looking forward to gazing".

As the sky darkened, the Sydney Opera House also began to show a variety of patterns on the four huge shells of the Sydney Opera House, which looked extraordinarily beautiful and colorful.

"Hey, regardless of whether we are here for a mission or not, I think being able to perform in one of the world's iconic buildings is not a waste of a trip to Australia." Liu Tian said with some emotion.

"Yeah, no matter how beautiful it looks in the photo, it still can't compare to the shock seen from a close distance, it's so beautiful..." Leng Mengfei looked at the building in front of her, also a little obsessed.

 It seems that everyone is not too interested in this part of the plot, I will end it as soon as possible...

(End of this chapter)

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