Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 170 The Pianist—Marven Ye!

Chapter 170 The Pianist—Marven Ye!

After stopping outside for a while, Marven Ye and his party entered the Sydney Opera House.

Ye Wenxuan and others informed the front staff that they and others were the star guests of Huaxia's "Flowers and Boys", and they entered the Sydney Opera House smoothly.

Today, Ye Wenxuan and others are preparing for the concert hall of the Sydney Opera House. The concert hall will open on time at 07:30 in the evening, and many lucky local audiences will come to watch the show.

The building materials of the concert hall of the Sydney Opera House are all Australian wood, which faithfully presents Australia's own style.The brownish-red hue, coupled with a huge circular chandelier in the sky above, and the shimmering chandelier make people feel a very artistic feeling.

Time waits for no one, and everyone quickly rehearsed.The time also passed by little by little, and it was 07:30 in the evening in a blink of an eye.


Walker was very lucky today. When he checked out the goods at the convenience store, the amount purchased reached the limit of the lottery.So he got a chance to draw a lottery, so he was lucky to get two tickets to the concert hall of the Sydney Opera House tonight.

So Walker took his wife Janice to the Sydney Opera House to spend this wonderful night together after dinner.

At this time, ticket checking had already begun at the entrance of the Sydney Opera House. Walker and Janice lined up in an orderly manner and entered the venue one by one.

"Walker, it is said that tonight's performance will be performed by nine stars from Eastern China. It is said that they are all very famous stars in China. It seems that tonight's performance should be good, what do you think?" Janice said to her husband as she walked forward slowly.

Walker was a little absent-minded at this time.

"Hey, although they are very famous. But Janice, you should know me. I'm not interested in that music. I'm only interested in symphony or opera and some pure music. With all due respect, I don't think tonight's performance should be It fits my heart too well." Walker shook his head, not agreeing with what his wife said.

When Janice heard it, she thought so too.

They have always liked cheerful music and the audio-visual shock of some pure music, but in their impression that the music of the Chinese people is generally slow songs of love and love, it is really difficult to arouse their interest.

"Okay, this is a chance to come here for free. Why take it so seriously, anyway, we are all here with a casual attitude, just have fun." Janice hugged her husband's shoulders and said softly Said.

"Hey, that's right, let's go, it's time for us to check the tickets." Walker smiled slightly, and the two walked towards the concert hall.

At 07:30 in the evening, all [-] spectators were seated, and there were no empty seats.

The lights in the entire studio began to dim, and the show officially started...

It was Mr. Liu Tian who opened the show, and he sang the song "Song of Ordinary People" that Ye Wenxuan created for him.

But it's not Ye Wenxuan's version, but an adapted mortal song.Many popular elements have been added, and the modification is very rhythmic.

This is Liu Tian's original master tape, because his original album was intended to enter the Western market, and naturally some songs were modified to be more Western-friendly.

Liu Tian's singing skills are naturally at the absolute top level. According to Ye Wenxuan's estimation, he should have reached the SS level. He is definitely a capable singer.

The sound is impassioned, accompanied by the world's top music equipment on site.Although the language is different, they still make the audience's blood boil with enthusiasm.

Mr. Liu Tian made a good start and won a lot of applause at the end of the song.There was thunderous applause and a great welcome.

With Liu Tian at the beginning, the people in the backstage still bought it when they looked at the people outside, and their apprehensive hearts dropped slightly.

Then everyone showed their abilities and came to the stage one after another.

Yiying, Leng Mengfei, and Peng Yue are also figures at the level of heavenly kings and queens, so naturally they all have some songs prepared for the western market.Yes, he didn't get the absolute praise that Liu Tian did, but his interest was still good, and he didn't leave the venue or leave the venue early.

There is also a stage play performed by Li Guanghe, Wang Shiyu, Ye Wenxuan and others in the middle. It is a part of Marco Polo's study in ancient China. The performance is very exciting, and everyone's acting skills are absolutely online.And because the main character is Marco Polo, he has a sense of substitution, so everyone also applauded.

The show was still going on, and at the backstage, Liu Tian had sung all three songs.Without his performance, he was helping Marven Ye tidy up his clothes at this moment.

"Wenxuan, how are you? Do you have confidence? If you told me in advance that you were going to play your original piano piece, I would never let you on stage. You are too bold!" Liu Tian said. Arranging Ye Wenxuan's clothes while complaining.

When the show started, Liu Tian casually asked Marven Ye which song he was going to play, and Marven Ye told him it was his own original piano piece. Liu Tian was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

But the show has already started, and the program list has been distributed to the audience below, so it's too late to regret it now.

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't you have any confidence in me at all, just watch, I will definitely conquer them!" Ye Wenxuan showed a bright smile on his face, his tone was light, but he had a strong confidence.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but something like piano music. Every note, every scale needs a thousand hammers and hammers to finally take shape."

"Moreover, the level of piano appreciation in foreign countries is frighteningly high, and they are definitely as easy to fool as domestic audiences from time to time. Their piano concerts are basically held every three days, and there are many world-renowned pianists who come to give music Yes. Their piano appreciation level has definitely reached a very critical point."

"Even if your piano music is good, it is extremely mediocre to them. They already have problems with our Huaxia piano music. If your piano music doesn't particularly attract them, they will probably hate it instead. Yours." Liu Tian analyzed many things for Ye Wenxuan, some of which were unknown to Ye Wenxuan.

It's all known by Liu Tian, ​​who is really at the pinnacle of the music festival, so what he said is very sincere.

After Ye Wenxuan put on his clothes, he turned his head.Looking at Liu Tian with clear eyes, he said seriously: "Brother Tian, ​​after today, I will let them know Huaxia's piano music. I will never lose to any country in the world, and I will let them know that in the distant In the east, there is a man named Marven Ye who can also play the most beautiful piano music!"

Marven Ye spoke very sincerely, with clear eyes and some arrogant words.

Liu Tian's heart trembled, and he looked deeply at the under-twenty teenagers in front of him.Marven Ye is always so full of miracles, maybe this time...he will create a miracle too!

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he turned his head and walked out of the backstage, onto the stage.

There was a clean white piano standing on the stage at the moment. Ye Wenxuan was wearing a white tuxedo, with deep black eyes, a tall nose bridge, and a smile always on the corner of his mouth.The whole person looks extremely noble, like a prince walking out of a fairy tale world.

Ye Wenxuan sat gracefully in front of the piano, all his movements were so graceful, as if he was really a world famous artist.

The scene was silent, as if breathing had stopped.

Ye Wenxuan's white and slender hands slowly placed on the piano keys in front of him, and the performance was about to begin...

(End of this chapter)

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