Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 171 The Mark of Rain!

Chapter 171 The Mark of Rain!

The lights were dim, Ye Wenxuan gently brushed the keys of the piano in front of him with his hands, his eyes were slightly intoxicated.It's like touching the woman you love, full of tenderness.

Ye Wenxuan did not perform, and Ye Wenxuan spent 500 million popularity points to buy an advanced piano skill book last night.Now Ye Wenxuan's piano level will definitely not be inferior to those so-called world famous pianists.

So when you touch the piano, you will naturally have a deep emotion, which is a kind of love from the heart.


Walker looked at Marven Ye on the stage, and he was a little bit less interested.Now the body is slightly leaning up, and there is a glimmer of expectation in the eyes.

"Walker, this man from China seems to be playing piano music. Judging from the program list, it seems to be an original piano piece, which seems very powerful." Janice whispered to her husband Walker beside her.

"Shh, don't make a sound. This person's piano skills should be quite high, you can tell by looking at his current state. It's definitely not a deliberate performance, but a genuine love from the heart. I'm looking forward to it now. "

Walker didn't look away, but still focused on Marven Ye.Said softly in his mouth.

Seeing her husband wondering why he reacted so strongly, Janice couldn't help being a little curious, and turned her gaze back to Marven Ye.


Backstage, the remaining eight people gathered together, looking at Ye Wenxuan in white on the stage, there was a trace of expectation in their eyes.

"Is Wenxuan really okay? Can he really conquer these foreigners?" Zhao Feier murmured with some doubts.

"Yes! Wenxuan can definitely do it!" Wang Shiyu blurted out without any hesitation, her face full of determination.

Zhao Fei'er listened to Wang Shiyu's words, and looked at Wang Shiyu's firm face.There is also the deep affection and unshakable look in Wang Shiyu's eyes.

Zhao Feier sighed slightly.

It seems that this is why Marven Ye chose her.Even if the whole world doubts him, this girl will still believe him.Maybe that's why I can't win his heart.Zhao Feier thought silently in her heart.


The arena was very quiet, and the whole place was extremely dark, except for a beam of light on the white piano in the center of the stage, which was extremely dazzling.

Ye Wenxuan was shining brightly under the beam of light.

Marven Ye didn't move quietly, just feeling the emotion brought to him by the piano.

Suddenly, Marven Ye moved.

With white hands, ten slender fingers landed on the piano.

The crisp piano sound came from the piano, as crisp as raindrops falling on a plate.

The sound of the piano came gently amidst the pattering rain, like a lover's exhortation, one sound at a time.

The sound of the qin came to me amidst the sound of the gently falling rain, like a lover's kiss, bursts.

The soothing and crisp sound of the piano brought all the audience to that rainy night, as if they were lying on the vast grass under the vast starry sky.The slight drizzle gently sprinkled on people's cheeks, and a kind of natural tenderness permeated everyone's hearts.

The clear and quiet piano sound fell from the sky like raindrops, with a cool temperature, calmly marking traces in the dusty memory.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were slightly narrowed for the passionate performer on the stage.I was completely immersed in the world of rain that I built.

This song is the very famous "Mark of the Rain" in the previous life. It was composed by YIRUMA, the best musician in Korea who is good at describing love.It is said that it was created on a night full of stars, in a rainy night.

This song is one of the top ten piano songs in the world where Ye Wenxuan was in the previous life, and it will appear in many coffee shops or TV programs.

This song was also Ye Wenxuan's favorite song in his previous life. Whenever he listened to this song, his heart would always be extremely peaceful, as if his soul had been washed by the gentle drizzle.

But the feeling brought to people by live playing is extraordinary, and that kind of appeal is something that digital music cannot bring to people.

Ye Wenxuan continued to play with his fingers, every movement was so natural, complementing the music he played.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan lost his previous temperament, noble and untouchable, like a banished fairy, exuding a charming light, attracting everyone's attention.

The music is very quiet, except for the piano or the piano.It seems that every note has been condensed into raindrops, full and transparent.

And the falling of each note also tells a kind of artistic conception like raindrops. I don't know if the notes condense into rain, or the raindrops string into flowing notes.


Liu Tian at the backstage was full of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"This... This is definitely a master-level playing level, and this piano piece is definitely a classic, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation. I really don't know what to say, Marven Ye is simply..."

Liu Tian said that he didn't even know what to say in the end, because he couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe Marven Ye's talent.

Yiying, Peng Yue, and Leng Mengfei also didn't know what to say, as professional musicians.Although he can't play the piano, he still has the basic appreciation ability.

The four of them stood there as motionless as a piece of wood, their eyes filled with shock.

As for the others, although they are not from the music circle, they also know that this piece is very good, and they all listened to Ye Wenxuan's playing quietly, each immersed in their own world.


The audience in the audience also looked obsessed, and everyone's eyes were firmly locked on the young man in white on the stage.It seems that Ye Wenxuan is the spokesperson sent by God, only the spokesperson of God may be able to play such a beautiful movement.

Ye Wenxuan played it twice in total, with a total duration of 7 minutes.When the last note fell, the scene fell silent.

Ye Wenxuan was intoxicated by the perfect performance, and closed his eyes to savor it.

After a full minute, there was applause.Sparse applause gradually turned into stormy applause. The audience in the front row stood up one by one, leading the audience behind to stand up as well.

Everyone's face was full of excitement, and their mouths couldn't stop saying words of praise.

Ye Wenxuan stood up slowly, the expression on his face was still calm.With deep eyes and a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he has a handsome and upright figure.

At this moment, it left an eternal and indelible mark in everyone's heart.





The audience in the audience called Ye Wenxuan's name neatly, liking it from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Wenxuan smiled slightly, and bowed deeply to the audience.Everyone who was not present at the moment has no distinction of nationality, and some only have a heart that loves music.

The other eight people in the back also stepped onto the stage one by one.The nine held hands and bowed again to all the audience.

The show has officially come to an end...

 This section will be over soon, so don't worry.And I don’t know if there are any students in my readers who have taken the college entrance examination. I wish you all the best, success in no time, and an ideal result in the exam!

  (Thanks for the reward for the memories in April, and for the support!)

(End of this chapter)

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