Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 172 Liu Tian's Request!

Chapter 172 Liu Tian's Request! (!)

Marven Ye and eight people silently withdrew from the backstage.The rest of the work will be handed over to the program team to evaluate how well the task is completed and it will depend on the final result.

"Wenxuan, the piano piece you just played is so beautiful. You must make it when you go back, and I will listen to this piece every day when I go to sleep!" Wang Shiyu's face was full of admiration, and her eyes were full of little stars. , said with his arm around Marven Ye.

"Ye Wenxuan, I found that you are really unpredictable. Shiyu's suggestion just now is very good, remember to give me a copy after recording the song!" Leng Mengfei's eyes flashed an inexplicable meaning.

Faced with everyone's request, Ye Wenxuan nodded repeatedly, a little embarrassed.

A group of people chatted while walking towards the lounge.But most of the things they talked about were the piece that Ye Wenxuan played just now.

After walking to the lounge in a few minutes, Liu Tian deliberately walked last.

"Wenxuan, wait a moment." Liu Tian held Ye Wenxuan and whispered.

Marven Ye looked back at Liu Tian with a smile on his face.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Liu Tian smiled slightly, and patted Marven Ye on the shoulder.

"Wenxuan, I apologize for questioning you behind the stage just now. Not only your piano skills have reached a world-class level, but the pieces you composed are also absolutely world-class. I apologize to you for what happened just now !" Liu Tian's eyes were very sincere, Ye Wenxuan could see that he was really guilty.

Marven Ye clapped his hands again and again, with a wry smile on his face.

"Brother Tian, ​​what are you doing. I didn't take it to heart at all. Another you is for my own good. You really don't have to do this."

Listening to Ye Wenxuan's words, Liu Tian was very relieved.Immediately, his eyes became serious, very formal.

"Wenxuan, promise me one thing?"

Ye Wenxuan was slightly taken aback, not understanding what Liu Tian wanted to say.

"what's up?"

"Don't give up on the path of piano, just like what you said. I believe that as long as you continue to work hard, you will definitely become the symbol of our Huaxia pianist, and you will definitely let the whole world know that China also has world-class pianists. Pianist!" Liu Tian said to Ye Wenxuan with a soothing tone, and earnestly said.

Marven Ye looked at Liu Tian and saw the expectation in his eyes.His heart was slightly touched by Liu Tian, ​​and he could see that Liu Tian really hoped that there would be a world-class pianist in his country, who could make up for what was lacking in the country.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't worry. The piano is what I really like, and I will definitely stick to it, absolutely!" Ye Wenxuan answered Liu Tian solemnly.

Liu Tian took a deep look at Ye Wenxuan, and suddenly burst out laughing.Laughing very happily, with a hearty voice.

Seeing Liu Tian so happy, Marven Ye also laughed.The two hugged each other's shoulders like good brothers.

"Wenxuan, I am really happy today, let's have a drink tonight."

"Naturally, Li Guanghe and Kodak can also drink. Let's have a good drink tonight!"

"That's a good relationship. I'll make some appetizers in the evening. I'm very good at this!"

"Brother Tian, ​​let me do it, I won't brag about it with you, just my cooking skills..."

The two of them crossed their shoulders and entered the lounge. Their voices traveled far, far away in the empty corridor of the Sydney Grand Theater...

Outside the Sydney Opera House.

Becker looked excited, he was originally bored today.I heard that nine stars from China will be coming to the Sydney Grand Theater tonight, so I came to see their performance out of curiosity.

Becker is an editor of a well-known Australian website, but he has never had a chance, and has always been a small editor without the right to speak.

Tonight, I originally wanted to watch the show, find some gaps, and then make a report.The first few programs were quite satisfactory, but when the last piano piece, Becker was stunned.

Becker was stunned that such a beautiful melody came from the hands of a Chinese.

Be sure to get the video!must!

This is what Becker has in mind at the moment, and what he wants for this video is extremely strong.

Becker just listened to it patronizingly, fascinated by it, but finally found out tragically.Patronously listened to it, but forgot to record it.

But this seems to be a program recorded by Huaxia, I can ask them for a copy!
Becker turned around and returned to the Sydney Grand Theatre, but no matter what, he had to give it a try.


The nine of Ye Wenxuan waited in the lounge for 10 minutes, and director Feng Tianyi arrived late.

When Ye Wenxuan and the others saw Feng Tianyi coming in, they knew that the completion of the task should have a result.

"Director, how satisfied are we? Tell us quickly!" Zhao Fei'er asked anxiously out of curiosity.

Feng Tianyi took out the card slowly, looked at it twice, looked at Marven Ye and the others and said.

"Your satisfaction with completing the task this time is..." Feng Tianyi intentionally dragged his voice long and didn't say anything.

Originally, Feng Tianyi wanted to procrastinate, but seeing the murderous eyes of the nine people opposite him, he gave up this idea.

"The satisfaction rate for this mission is 2671! Congratulations on winning the mission fund of [-] Australian dollars!" Feng Tianyi loudly announced the result.

After speaking, he took 5000 Australian dollars from the staff behind and handed it to Yiying.

"Wow! That's great!"

"Cool! Five thousand Australian dollars!"


The nine people cheered, they were all very happy, and it was not a waste of work.

Feng Tian looked at the nine people with a smile on his face, and quietly walked to Ye Wenxuan's side.

"Boss Ye, there is one thing, please give me an idea." Feng Tian said in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Marven Ye asked.

"It's like this. An editor from a website in Australia came over just now. I want the video of you playing the piano just now. It is said that I want you to promote it on their website."

Feng Tianyi interviewed Becker just now, but did not give him a clear answer.He said he was contacting him for a discussion. This matter has advantages and disadvantages, so Feng Tianyi naturally wanted to communicate with Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"That website? How is its popularity? Have you seen the other party's ID?"

"It's a big website in Australia. It's very popular. The other party's documents are also complete, and there is no problem with their identity." Feng Tianyi replied affirmatively.

Ye Wenxuan pondered for a moment, there are pros and cons to this matter.The advantage is that you can open up your popularity abroad and promote yourself. You must know that big foreign websites are not so easy to get on.

The downside is that Ye Wenxuan was afraid that this video would be spread back to China, so he leaked it in advance.This episode is the essence, and it was leaked out in advance, which may have some impact on future broadcasts.

Marven Ye thought for a while and gave an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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