Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 173 Ye Wenxuan's cooking debut!

Chapter 173 Ye Wenxuan's cooking debut! (Second update!)

"Promise him, but you have to make an agreement with the other party." Ye Wenxuan finally decided to agree to the other party's request. Ye Wenxuan believes that such an excellent piano piece will definitely shine here.

"Tell me, Mr. Ye. How about asking the other party? I'll talk to him later." Feng Tianyi said.

"First of all, since the other party is asking for a report and publicity, there must be no difference in the information about my name, country, etc., and mistakes in my nationality and name are absolutely not allowed."

This is the first thing Marven Ye wants to declare, and the other party is absolutely not allowed to tamper with his work into someone else's name.Or change his nationality, this is absolutely unbearable for Ye Wenxuan.

Feng Tian nodded, took out his mobile phone and recorded everything Ye Wenxuan said.

"Second, the other party is not allowed to use this video as a profit-making project. It is only allowed to spread, not to charge for it."

"Third, this video is only allowed to spread in the West. Before our program is released, they are not allowed to spread this video to China. You can talk to Xu Rou later and ask her to tell Li Yuxin in the company to let them Time to pay attention."

Ye Wenxuan said a total of these three points, which are the most basic conditions.

"For the rest, you can call Ran Yirou and ask about it. She has lived abroad, so she should know more than us. Let's see if he has any suggestions." Marven Ye said calmly.

Feng Tianyi quickly recorded what Ye Wenxuan said, and looked up at Ye Wenxuan.

"Boss Ye, I will talk to the other party about this. You guys continue to record, I will deal with this matter first." Feng Tian nodded, put away the phone, and said cleanly.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Ye Wenxuan patted Feng Tianyi's shoulder and said encouragingly.

Feng Tianyi smiled slightly, turned and left here.


Although I earned 5000 Australian dollars at night, I was saving money.Everyone still took the train back to the hotel, and everyone was very tired along the way.

But everyone's stomachs are growling, and their hungry chests are sticking to their backs.

"Wenxuan, hurry up and show off your cooking skills! I'm going to starve to death!" Yiying took off her shoes, lay down on the sofa, and yelled indistinctly.

"Yeah, hurry up and cook. We'll see your cooking tonight. I'm really starving to death." Peng Yue also cried out hungry.

"Haha, fine. Just wait, I'll cook now." Ye Wenxuan put his things in the room and said casually.

"By the way, let's eat on the rooftop tonight. It's cooler at night, and we big men want to drink some wine tonight!" Ye Wenxuan asked everyone.


"I agree with what you say now, and the rest of the people move the tables to the rooftop. You just cook quickly!" Yiying yelled, it was obvious that she was really hungry.

Ye Wenxuan smiled, went into the room and changed into a comfortable dress.He went to the kitchen and took out all the ingredients.While arranging the ingredients, he looked at the list they made.

The rest of the people also moved one after another, but the strength of the crowd was great, and the roof was quickly set up.

Everyone sat in the living room quietly watching TV, or browsing their mobile phones boringly.

But soon everyone couldn't sit still, and their eyes were always wandering towards the kitchen.

"I'm going, what the hell is Ye Wenxuan doing! Why is it so fragrant!" Li Guanghe shouted, his saliva was about to flow out.

"Yeah, this is too fragrant. It's really torturing people!" Zhao Fei'er said with a small mouth.

Wang Shiyu did not participate in their conversation, but ran directly to the kitchen.

The rest of the people watched Wang Shiyu run away, and couldn't help being curious, and ran to the kitchen one after another.

Looking at Marven Ye in the kitchen, everyone felt stunned.

I saw Ye Wenxuan walking between the kitchens, with superb knife skills.Often with the flash of the knife, the vegetables under the knife will become neat strips or flakes.

I saw that the dishes were burning on the two induction cookers at the same time, and Marven Ye was doing the three things at the same time, but he didn't feel the slightest sense of haste.All movements are so easy, everything is so calm and calm.

Cooking smoke curled up, and white steam permeated the kitchen.Marven Ye's slender figure stood upright, with a characteristic faint smile on his face.

The table on the other side is already filled with many dishes, not only the taste is particularly fragrant.And it's very pretty, full of color.

"I was worried before that if Marven Ye's food didn't taste good, I would hit him. Now it seems that I was thinking too much..." Kodak murmured.

"Me too. Originally, I just had the idea of ​​being able to eat. I didn't expect too much at all. It seems that children who are easy to be content will have good luck!" Li Guanghe said in a daze.

"Wenxuan is really good. I discovered another advantage of him. He is so busy every day, and his cooking skills are so good!" Wang Shiyu looked at Ye Wenxuan, feeling a little emotional.

Upon hearing Wang Shiyu's words, Yiying turned her head to look at Wang Shiyu meaningfully and said, "Haha, yes. I don't know which girl will be so lucky in the future to find such a good man as Ye Wenxuan. That would be a real blessing!"

When Wang Shiyu saw Yiying's meaningful eyes, how could she not know that Yiying was talking about her.

She couldn't help being a little shy, and didn't respond to Yiying.

Zhao Fei'er was obsessed with Ye Wenxuan in the kitchen, but when she heard Yiying's words, she felt as if she had been splashed with cold water.

Yes, no matter how good Marven Ye is, what does it have to do with me?Maybe it's just my own wishful thinking, but he is not my own after all.

Zhao Fei'er looked at Ye Wenxuan with complicated eyes, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes.

Everyone lay at the door for 10 minutes, and Ye Wenxuan's last dish was freshly baked.

"Everyone, bring all the dishes up, I'll clean up the kitchen and go up right away!" Ye Wenxuan looked at the crowd at the door who couldn't help but said.

"Wow, dinner is ready!"

"Haha, hurry up, I'll help you taste Wenxuan's handicrafts later. It won't be too bad for him to cook."

"Go, try it. You can tell it won't be bad just by smelling it!"

"Haha, what if!"


Ye Wenxuan looked at where a group of people were poor, tidied up the kitchen briefly, washed his hands, and went to eat.

When we got to the rooftop, everyone was already seated.They were all waiting for Ye Wenxuan to come, and they all had smiles on their faces.

"Haha, what's the matter, my craftsmanship is not bad, you still doubt me this morning!" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

"Don't dare, Xuanzi, we know your cooking is delicious before we've heard all about it!" Li Guanghe said exaggeratedly, with a cynical expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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