Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 174 Mysterious Mission!

Chapter 174 Mysterious Mission! (Third update!)

Night, full of stars.The slight evening wind blows gently, refreshing.It makes people feel a bit of coolness, but it is extraordinarily refreshing.

On the rooftop of a small hotel on the edge of Sydney, laughter and noise can be heard from time to time.Far, far away in this empty night...

"Come, come, I'll order food for you." Ye Wenxuan stood and said to everyone in front of him, his face was full of pride.

"This dish is sweet and sour carp ordered by sister Yiying, this dish is okra salmon soup ordered by Brother Tian, ​​this dish is Shiyu's grilled scallops with French cheese, and this dish is Ge Ge's beer chicken. The dishes are..." Ye Wenxuan explained to everyone one by one.

Not only these few items, Ye Wenxuan also used some ingredients.I made a full twenty dishes, almost a whole table of dishes.The combination of meat and vegetables, as well as Ye Wenxuan's carefully cooked soup, as well as pasta and many other dishes.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and looked at the food on the table even more eagerly.

"Haha, alright. I won't talk anymore, let's start, or it will be cold in a while." Ye Wenxuan saw that everyone was really hungry, so he gave the command to start.

Ye Wenxuan hadn't finished speaking when everyone's chopsticks were already on the ground.Everyone seemed to have not eaten for several days, and the original image of the Queen of Heaven and the Goddess of Fresh Meat was all gone, and they didn't care about the image at all.

Marven Ye shook his head and poured himself a bowl of soup.Meimei drank a bowl of delicious okra and salmon soup, which was very fragrant.

With so many dishes, they couldn't eat any more, Marven Ye was not in a hurry.So many dishes were actually prepared by Ye Wenxuan for himself, after all, his appetite... er... very big!
Everyone was a little anxious at first, but then they all slowed down.Start talking and laughing, wrangling and laughing together, talking about some of my own experiences over the years.Especially Yiying, Liu Tian and others who entered the industry relatively early, talking about the bitterness of their early fame.

Everyone is sometimes sad and sometimes happy.It's been a long night, but the hearts of the nine people are more closely connected tonight, not to mention confidants, but they can definitely be called good friends.

We went on until late at night and everyone drank some wine.The girls didn't drink much, they just tasted it.But the boys had drunk a lot, several of them were so drunk that they passed out, and Marven Ye was also dizzy.

These few people all knew that Ye Wenxuan could drink, and if they fought alone, they would definitely not be able to drink Ye Wenxuan.So they joined forces to fight against Marven Ye, but Marven Ye still drank all of them down.

There was no words for a night, and another night passed in a blink of an eye.

In the next two days, everyone did not deliberately complete the task.Just complete the simple ones, and give up the troublesome ones. After all, everyone is out to play, and the money is enough to spend.

About [-] Australian dollars is enough for nine people to play for a while, and everyone had a good time around Sydney.

Famous places in Sydney, such as Sydney Observatory, Rock Square, Circular Quay, Notre Dame Cathedral, Mrs. Macaulay's Corner, and Hunter Valley, have all turned around.

Everyone who had delicious food and fun also tried it. In Hunter Valley, a famous winery in Australia, Ye Wenxuan and the others bought two bottles of good red wine.Waiting for the rest of the journey, there is something to celebrate and drink out.

Ye Wenxuan and the others have not been idle these two days, but they don't know that they have become slightly popular on the Australian Internet.


Becker has been very happy these days. Originally, he was not taken seriously in the company.But since I got that video that night, I quietly put it on the board I was responsible for.

The page I was in charge of was deserted all the year round.Basically, very few people stay here, which is why Becker is not popular.

But since Becker posted the video of the man from the far east that night, everything has changed.

In the past two days, the page that was originally deserted has taken a triple jump.Popularity is like riding a rocket to the top.

I also received a commendation from my superiors, and moved my page to the forefront of the website.And focus on promoting that video, even though it has signed a non-profitable contract with the other party.

But the large amount of traffic that this video brings to the website is real money, because only those advertisers with more traffic will pay a large price to buy your advertising space, which is also a potential profit.

Otherwise, how could such a good thing be publicized for you for free.

No matter what country you are in, it is consistent with that principle, that is, everyone in the world is for profit. Only real profit will make others cooperate with you unconditionally.

Becker was sitting on his desk, looking at the amount of hot comments on his page, he couldn't help but think of that mysterious oriental man that night.

"Is this really a piano piece from that country in China? Are you sure you're not mistaken? This piece is simply amazing. It seems that the country in China has a lot of piano accomplishments."

"It's so nice, I don't know where to download it? Please help, I really want to download it and play it on a loop!"

"The creator of this song is called Ye Wenxuan? Very good, I remember the name!"

"This music makes me feel as if my heart has been washed, and I feel like I am in the arms of the Lord. It's so wonderful!"


From the dense comments below the comments, you can see how popular this song is.

"Becker, the boss is looking for you, it seems to be about that video, it seems to increase publicity, you have to develop!" Becker's colleague suddenly came to Becker's forehead, conveying the news, his face With an envious look.

"Okay, thank you!" Becker smiled lightly, tidied up his clothes, and walked towards the boss's office.


Ye Wenxuan and his group were about to bid farewell to Sydney today, and decided to move on to the next place.

The next place is Cairns, which is the third largest city in Australia and the most famous tourist city in Australia.Cairns is on the list of "places that must be visited once in a lifetime" selected by the world.

Cairns is a famous marine stadium, and the world-famous Great Barrier Reef is in Cairns.So Ye Wenxuan and his party naturally would not let go of such an opportunity, and naturally came to experience it.

A group of people set foot on the train to Cairns, a nine-hour drive.We successfully arrived in Cairns in the morning of the next day. Although we had a long journey all night, everyone was in good spirits.

We do sleeper, so not so tired.

Just when everyone was looking for a hotel, the program team gave Ye Wenxuan and his group a mysterious card.

"Mysterious mission-air challenge! Mission details: challenge the sky above ten thousand feet, and the challenge will be completed if nine people successfully hold hands and form a circle. Mission rewards: Mysterious rewards (absolutely shocking, absolutely enjoyable, never miss this opportunity, never come back again) !)”

Looking at the task above, Marven Ye and the others were stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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