Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 175 Challenge at a height of ten thousand feet!

Chapter 175 Challenge at a height of ten thousand feet! (Fourth update!)
Ye Wenxuan and his group looked at the cards in their hands, with tangled expressions on their faces.

Whether to take this task or not, Ye Wenxuan and the others were really curious looking at the reward content above.The mysterious reward written on it made them have expectations in their hearts.

"Should we take it?" Ye Wenxuan looked at everyone with a questioning look, asking for their opinions.

"I don't think I have any problem with this, but we need to consider many factors. For example, is there anyone in us who is afraid of heights, or is there a bad heart? Brother Tian is a bit old, can he bear it? Don’t live with such a stimulating exercise.” Yiying didn’t give a clear answer, but said a lot of issues that need to be considered.

Ye Wenxuan and others nodded, Yiying was right.You can't just stare at the rewards, but also consider the actual situation.

"Then let's ask one by one." Li Guanghe said.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Li Guanghe asked, his eyes swept over everyone.No one raised their hands and nodded for a long time, so this is no problem.

"Are there any heart problems?" Li Guanghe asked again, but still no one answered.

Finally, Li Guanghe set his sights on Liu Tian.

"Brother Tian, ​​how are you? Are you okay? Don't force it." Li Guanghe asked with concern, not pretending, but really worried about Liu Tian's body.

Seeing everyone looking at him with concern, Liu Tian laughed heartily and patted his chest.

"Don't worry, I have no problem! Trust me!" Liu Tian said confidently, and everyone saw that Liu Tian's expression did not seem to be trying to be brave.

So this mysterious task is next for everyone!

The program team directly brought the nine of them to the mission location of this challenge—Mission Beach!
Mission Beach is a beach located two hours away from downtown Cairns. It is the largest skydiving place in Cairns. Every year, countless tourists come to experience a thrilling skydiving.

The nine people followed the program group to the mission beach by car.

When you get off the bus, you will see the endless blue sea. The blue sky, white clouds, fine sand, and warm sunshine give people a feeling of paradise. Everything is so beautiful.

From time to time, there are waves gently beating the beach, leaving marks one by one.Some people are surfing on the sea, and some are playing jet skis.

Ye Wenxuan and his group looked at the scene at this moment, all smiling knowingly.

"Director, where are we going to complete the mission?" Peng Yue asked Feng Tianyi, the director beside him.

"Where, there is the skydiving company. We have already contacted you, you can go directly. There will be special personnel to serve you at that time." Feng Tian pointed to a place in the distance.

I saw that there was a huge field with planes parked there, and sometimes planes soared into the sky roaring from time to time.


An hour later, ten thousand feet above the sky.

A total of nine planes formed a huge circle echoing each other, and a group of people stood on each plane.

Everyone has a special protection person behind them to lead the skydive, and they don't skydive alone.It's someone flying with you.

In the hour just now, a dedicated person explained to everyone the essentials of skydiving, what actions to do when skydiving, and how to bend your legs when landing.

Then everyone took off in their own planes.Gradually rose to a height of [-] feet, which led to the current situation.

"Is everyone ready?" Marven Ye's muffled voice sounded in everyone's headsets.

"I have no problem, I feel very good now." Li Guanghe's voice sounded in the headset, listening to the voice, it seems that this kid is very excited.

"I have no problem." Kodak replied simply.

The next few boys answered that there was no question, but the four girls did not answer for a long time.

"Sister Ying, Sister Mengfei, Shiyu, and Feier, how are you four doing? Are you ready?" Seeing that the four of them didn't reply for a long time, Ye Wenxuan asked again.

"Wenxuan, I...I'm a little scared." Shiyu's weak voice sounded, Ye Wenxuan looked at Wang Shiyu who was opposite, Wang Shiyu retreated so far away from the entrance of the plane that he didn't even dare to look.

"Wenxuan, uh... my sister, I'm also a little scared, it's really okay to be so tall." Yiying was also a little worried, her brows were furrowed.

Looking at the current situation, Ye Wenxuan felt a little headache.Now the four girls don't dare to skydive, so what should they do?

But this can't be blamed on them. It is true that someone is standing at a height of ten thousand feet and looking down.It's bullshit to have no fear, so now we'll just have to wait.

"Okay then, sit down for a while. If it doesn't work for a while, we will fall down. We won't complete this task. It doesn't matter." Ye Wenxuan's gentle voice sounded, and he didn't mean to complain at all.

"Yes, if you don't dare, you don't have to force it. Everyone is happy and happy when they come out. You don't have to be so serious. It doesn't matter if you can't complete the task." Peng Yue also comforted.

The four girls responded silently, and returned to the cabin behind them to rest for a while.

The current situation seems to be at an impasse...

10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, Marven Ye sighed softly.

"We..." Marven Ye was about to say let's go back.

"Wenxuan, I'm ready!" Wang Shiyu's firm voice sounded, and she returned to the edge of the plane entrance.

"Me too!"

"I'm fine too!"

"me too!"


Seeing the four girls on the opposite side standing on the edge again, they all looked determined.

A slight smile appeared on Marven Ye's face, and the smile at the corner of his mouth grew bigger and bigger.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's start. Let's dance together when I call three two one, and then try to get together!" Ye Wenxuan said loudly, full of pride and ambition.

"Okay!" The other eight people replied in unison.






The nine people leaped neatly and fell freely downward.

"Ah!" Ye Wenxuan heard screams one after another, all from the four girls.

"Lean this way!" Li Guanghe shouted loudly.

The wind howled in my ears. Although I wore goggles on my eyes, the wind pressure tightly buckled the glasses on my eyes, which made people very uncomfortable.

After quickly adapting, several people moved closer together consciously.

One, two, three, four, gradually everyone's wrists are linked together.Only the last one, Li Guanghe, could complete the task successfully.

Li Guanghe was also striding across to this side, the distance was only a little bit short.

But at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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