Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 176 Shocking Mysterious Gift!

Chapter 176 Shocking Mysterious Gift! (Fifth update!)
"Bang bang bang..."

With a series of bangs, the parachute behind the nine people was opened.

The nine people were floating in the sky, landing slowly, and the speed was gradually controlled in a stable state.

"Sorry, Ye. We also know that you are only a little bit close to completing your challenge, but you have reached the critical point. For your safety, we must open the parachute, this is our responsibility!"

The protector behind Marven Ye explained to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan smiled wryly, it was really just a little bit worse.It was only a little bit short of completing the task, but it still failed...

"It doesn't matter Jack, I know this is your job. We won't blame you, at least we will challenge once." Marven Ye smiled slightly.

Then he turned his gaze to everyone, and saw everyone's expressions excited.Everyone shouted and shouted, very happy.

Overlooking the Mingchuan Mountains of Cairns from high altitude, the rippling blue sea and the bustling metropolis of Cairns.

Everything is so beautiful, giving people a very strong sense of visual impact.

Everyone slowly landed on the ground and took off their seat belts.Everyone decided to challenge again, otherwise it would be a pity to give up like this.

Everyone took a short rest and boarded the plane again.

This time, everyone has studied the countermeasures and was ready the moment they jumped off.They all leaned towards each other consciously, and soon everyone formed a circle, and the photo ball in the sky faithfully recorded this moment, taking pictures from various angles and aspects.

When we landed on the ground again, everyone looked very happy and laughed.

"Director, we have completed the task. What is our mysterious reward? Hurry up and give it to us, we are all so curious!" Wang Shiyu asked with a charming smile, everyone was really curious about the mysterious reward.

"About your mysterious rewards, we are preparing for you. Please go to the designated location at six o'clock in the evening to collect your mysterious rewards. You can go to have some food now, and just go directly to the designated location later, it's very close." Director Feng Tianyi said, after finishing speaking, he handed everyone a small card with a position written on it.

Although the nine people all looked curious, they could only suppress the curiosity in their hearts now.

Mission Beach is located on the outskirts of Cairns, and there is nothing to eat at all.So everyone simply ate something to satisfy their hunger, and played on the beach for a while after eating, waiting for the mysterious reward at night.

At six o'clock in the evening, everyone looked for the location on the card.It's not very far from Cairns, so everyone just walked over there.

"What exactly is the mysterious reward that the program team prepared for us?" Zhao Fei'er asked everyone curiously.

"I don't know, but the mysterious mission doesn't say that the rewards are absolutely shocking, absolutely enjoyable! So I guess it shouldn't be bad." Kodak said in a low voice.

"Guess what it is, I guess it might be a luxury hotel, or a vacation resort. Otherwise, why wouldn't the program team let us find a place to stay!" Li Guanghe guessed.

"The hotel probably won't, that's too surprising. I guess it might be some fun stuff, which you can't usually buy!" Leng Mengfei guessed.

"Could it be a big meal?"

"I can't, I didn't see that we were allowed to eat just now."

"What the hell is that?!"

"Who knows, maybe we'll know soon..."


While guessing, everyone walked to the designated location.

Walking to the designated location, everyone saw a huge curtain covering a huge object, and they didn't know what was inside.

"What is this? Did the program team prepare a container for us?!" Liu Tian asked in surprise.

"Who knows, what is this thing? Why is it so big!" Everyone was very puzzled.

At this time director Feng Tianyi came out from the side.

"This is the mysterious gift we have prepared for you! Please look at it!" Feng Tianyi smiled mysteriously, pointing to the huge mysterious object.

I saw a few staff members coming from a distance, they grabbed several corners of the curtain, pulled hard, and pulled the huge curtain down.

"I go!"

"Optimus Prime?!"

"No way, could it be the world's largest... RV that was advertised a while ago?!"

Everyone exclaimed.

I saw that the huge object in front of me had revealed its original appearance, a gigantic touring car, a bit like Optimus Prime in "Transformers" released by US Emperor a while ago!
"This is the mysterious gift that the program team prepared for you—the largest caravan in the world! A luxurious double-decker caravan known as a mobile villa."

"This luxury double-decker RV is 17 meters long and four meters high. The total area has reached 120 square meters, with a total of two floors. The living and entertainment facilities inside the RV are also readily available, including satellite TV, kitchen, bar, and lounge , an office, a large bedroom and two bathrooms, all of which are very luxuriously decorated.”

"During the period when everyone was in Cairns, this caravan was handed over to you for use. Moreover, the program team also provided you with two drivers for free to serve you all the way. I hope you have a pleasant journey in Cairns!"

After the director Feng Tian finished his introduction, he withdrew.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan and his group's brains were still in a state of panic, their eyes were staring blankly at the RV in front of them, and some of them hadn't woken up from this shocking gift.

"This is really cool, this mystery gift is really shocking!"

"I like!"

"Haha, compare it to my previous RV. My previous RV is just a toy! It's too small!"


Everyone quickly chatted about it, and then they all ran into the car.Experience the luxury of this so-called largest RV.

Soon, bright lights gradually lit up inside the car, illuminating the originally dark road.

The second floor is all bedrooms, enough for nine people to have a place to rest.Below are all kinds of home configurations, such as toilets, kitchens, living rooms, wine cabinets and other facilities, which are very complete.

"This gift is very suitable for Cairns. With it, our stay in Cairns will be much more convenient!" Marven Ye was a little emotional.

Cairns mainly has more marine sports activities, but the places for marine sports are still too far from the urban area.There are not no hotels near ocean sports, but most of them are resort hotels, which are too expensive and not suitable for nine people with limited funds.

So this gift is very suitable for the nine people who are about to play Cairns, very happy!
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(End of this chapter)

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