Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 178 The choice of TV station!

Chapter 178 The choice of TV station!

Ran Yirou glanced at Marven Ye with a smile in her eyes.

"Okay, it's useless not to talk anymore. Let me tell you a few important things first." Ran Yirou stopped chatting with Ye Wenxuan and said seriously.

Marven Ye nodded, motioning for Ran Yirou to sit down and talk.

Ran Yirou was not polite either. After sitting down, she looked at Ye Wenxuan and said, "Two days ago Zhou Wenchang came to me and told me that the post-production of "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be edited in one month. When do you have time?" , you can consider the selection of TV stations, and you can also do some publicity in advance if you choose in advance, which is very important for the ratings in the future."

Ye Wenxuan thought for a while, his brows slightly frowned.

"It's so fast, it took half a month to complete the production. Why is the post-production so fast? They didn't give up the quality for the sake of speed, right? How is the film? Has our company sent someone to check it? Is the flow of funds still normal?" Ye Wenxuan asked many questions in a series.

Normally, such a TV series with more than 50 episodes.It takes a lot of time to complete all the editing, and there are also post-production special effects, etc., which cannot be completed overnight.

Ye Wenxuan estimated that it would take at least one and a half months, which is the premise of working overtime.

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan's doubts still have a basis, not Ye Wenxuan's suspicion.

"Don't worry, there are no problems with the quality and funding. The company has been watched by someone throughout the whole process, but director Zhou Wenchang edited the samples that have already been shot in advance. And the special effects side also started production in advance. Do it at the same time, without cutting corners." Ran Yirou responded to Ye Wenxuan's doubts with a faint smile.

"Is that so..." Ye Wenxuan finally felt relieved.

"Since this is the case, we can indeed start looking for a TV station. Let's talk to director Zhou Changwen about this matter. After all, he has been around for so many years, he must know a lot of people from the TV station. Then we can make up our minds. After all, we The company has just been established and has no status."

Ye Wenxuan thought about it and let Zhou Changwen take the lead. In this regard, Ye Wenxuan and the company are really blank.It was also the first time to contact TV stations, and Ye Wenxuan was not very familiar with the things in it.

"Don't worry, I have been in contact with this before. Although I am not proficient, I still understand some of the things inside. We are not so passive, and the most important thing is to watch the TV series itself. As long as the TV series is exciting enough, we will not I don’t worry about whether someone wants something.”

"What we have to do now is to negotiate a suitable price before negotiating. What kind of contract can we maximize our interests!"

Ye Wenxuan nodded, feeling that what Ran Yirou said was right.Some worries were also relieved.

"Okay, then let's do this. After Director Zhou decides the time, you can let me know." Ye Wenxuan said.

"Okay, then it's the next thing."

"The movie "The Grandmaster of Tai Chi" will start next month. You should be ready to go to the crew. Your part is estimated to be finished after half a month of filming. It won't take up too much of your time."

Ran Yirou was talking about the second thing, which was the movie that she told Ye Wenxuan a while ago.

"Okay, no problem. Did you send us the script?"

"Yes, it's in the mailbox."

"Then you can give it to me. It's over 20 now. I have to read the script. If I don't read any of it, I think I will be embarrassed by then..."

Ran Yirou rolled Ye Wenxuan's eyes, took out a USB flash drive from her bag, and threw it to Ye Wenxuan.

"Here, I'll save it for you. You can take it back and look at it. I don't have anything to do here. You also need to sign and browse the documents on your desk. There are a lot of capital flows on it. You also have to look at them." Look. There's nothing else to do, I'm leaving first!" Ran Yirou left Marven Ye's office after speaking.

Marven Ye smiled lightly, picked up the documents on the table and started browsing.


Time passed gradually.

After Ye Wenxuan browsed the files for a while, he opened the script on the USB flash drive and read it.

I also gradually got a general understanding of the play, which was about the period of the Republic of China.In the dispute between a group of martial arts people, Ye Wenxuan played a senior brother of the protagonist, a righteous person.

In the end, in order to protect the protagonist, he left and died at the hands of the invading foreigners.In short, the role of this big brother is definitely a very eye-catching role, with many bright spots.

His temperament is a bit like Guo Jing's role that Ye Wenxuan just played, they are all loyal and honest.But the big brother in this play has a little more sharpness. When he is angry, it is like a long-quiet volcano erupting, which is very frightening.

The more Ye Wenxuan watched it, the more he liked it. This was the first time he had stepped on the stage of the big screen.So Ye Wenxuan must work hard to specialize in research and strive for perfection.

This is also an opportunity for Marven Ye to step onto the big screen, so Marven Ye must present himself perfectly.

While Ye Wenxuan was studying the script, night slowly fell.The employees also left one by one, leaving only a few people on duty, and most of them left.

At this moment, a young and beautiful figure broke into Times Entertainment's company.

Wang Shiyu spent the whole afternoon dealing with the issue of student status in Jingying, and went through many procedures.I also met my mentor, and I was busy until seven o'clock in the evening.

"Where did Ye Wenxuan go, and he didn't answer the phone, really..." Wang Shiyu muttered in a low voice, looking inside with his head.However, the company is really big, and all kinds of office tools are well arranged, blocking Wang Shiyu's sight.

Jiang Huan had just made a cup of coffee from the living area at this time. Just now Ye Wenxuan found out a few small problems in the flow of funds, and Jiang Huan decided to work overtime tonight to solve them.

Just in time to see Wang Shiyu who was probing his head, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hello, lady. This is where the staff can enter. What can you do?" Jiang Huan walked up to Wang Shiyu and said politely.

"I'm here to find Marven Ye. I'm his...his classmate!" Wang Shiyu was about to say that I was his girlfriend, but changed his mind in time.

After all, Wang Shiyu didn't know who this person was, and if it leaked out, it would be a big trouble.

"Student?" Jiang Huan was a little skeptical.

"Then why didn't you call Marven Ye? Why do you prove yourself? If you can't prove yourself, I can't let you in." Jiang Huan said lightly.

"I..." Wang Shiyu was a little speechless.

"Shi Yu, you are here, I said I feel like your voice..."

(End of this chapter)

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