Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 179 I Didn't Use My Hands!

Chapter 179 I Didn't Use My Hands!
Ye Wenxuan came out of the office and watched Jiang Huan and Wang Shiyu arguing at the door.

Ye Wenxuan walked over and said to Jiang Huan: "Director Jiang, this is my friend who came to see me. I was busy reading the script just now and didn't see her call. Go do your work."

Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, Jiang Huan nodded, turned around and went back to his office.

Watching Jiang Huan leave, Ye Wenxuan turned his attention to Wang Shiyu.With a hint of a smile on his face, he asked Wang Shiyu, "How is it, Shiyu, have you completed the admission procedures?"

Wang Shiyu nodded, Wang Shiyu's big eyes flickered.

"Wenxuan, are you still busy?"

"No, I've finished my work a long time ago, and I've been reading the script. I'll go and get my bag, and we'll leave after we finish." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

The two returned to Marven Ye's office, picked up Marven Ye's briefcase and left.

After taking a taxi back home, Ye Wenxuan took Wang Shiyu to find Cui Zhiming.Ask Cui Zhiming to apply for an access card for Wang Shiyu. After all, it will be too much effort for Wang Shiyu to live here without an access card.

When Cui Zhiming saw Wang Shiyu, he had a guess in his heart.But he didn't dare to ask any more questions, he just quickly got Wang Shiyu's access card and sent the two of them away respectfully.

Ye Wenxuan took Wang Shiyu home and turned on the lights in the room.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have a good eye. This decoration style is very suitable for this girl." Wang Shiyu patted Ye Wenxuan on the shoulder, looking very satisfied.

"But do you have any slippers? I forgot to bring them." Wang Shiyu said in a low voice, a little embarrassed.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Wang Shiyu, who had bare feet, quietly standing on the cashmere carpet.Shaking her head slightly, she took out a pair of pink unopened slippers from the shoe cabinet and handed them to Wang Shiyu.

"Nong, new one."

Wang Shiyu said that the slippers were unpacked and put on her feet.Afterwards, he looked at Ye Wenxuan strangely.

"Why do you have a pair of women's slippers at home? Tell me honestly, do you..." Wang Shiyu's small face puffed up slightly, and a dangerous gleam appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Wang Shiyu pouting, Ye Wenxuan was a little amused.He suddenly stepped forward and hugged Wang Shiyu by the waist, and kissed her tender little face fiercely.

"Hey, this is when Xu Rou bought spare parts for me, she bought them for you by the way. She always thought that you were going to live with me, so I bought a copy of all your spare parts for you." Marven Ye explained.

Being attacked by Marven Ye suddenly, Wang Shiyu was a little dizzy.Ye Wenxuan said what he said, and he didn't listen to it at all.

"I...haven't we made an agreement for three chapters! You are not allowed to touch me!" Wang Shiyu lowered her head with a bright red face and complained softly.

Ye Wenxuan puffed out his chest, and said cheekily: "Yeah, I didn't do anything, I didn't violate your rules!"

" are fooling me!"

"I didn't, or else you would give me a kiss to relieve your anger!"

"I don't!"


"Why did you kiss me again! Didn't you tell me not to kiss me!"

"Hey, I can't hold back..."


The two quarreled for a while, and Ye Wenxuan took Wang Shiyu to browse the general situation of the house, and moved all Wang Shiyu's things into Wang Shiyu's room, which is the second bedroom.

Originally, Ye Wenxuan wanted Wang Shiyu to sleep with him, and he also said firmly that he would definitely do nothing.

But Wang Shiyu didn't believe it at all, and directly shattered Ye Wenxuan's dream.

"Shiyu, are you hungry, can I cook something delicious?" Ye Wenxuan asked Wang Shiyu, after they sat in the living room and watched TV for a while.

Wang Shiyu shook her head.

"I'm not hungry. I've been tired all day. I'll take a shower soon and I'm going to bed. I have to go to Jingying for class tomorrow."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, looking at the current time, he felt uncomfortable after eating.

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow, and I will go to class tomorrow too."

Wang Shiyu shook her head, her brows slightly frowned.

"No, this way others will be suspicious, so I don't want it."

Seeing Wang Shiyu's worried look, Ye Wenxuan slowly took Wang Shiyu's little hand, and said softly: "Shiyu, how about...let's make it public!"

Wang Shiyu was very moved by Ye Wenxuan's words, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Have a male celebrity as your boyfriend, and want to see if he loves you or not.You can see it from the side by seeing whether he dares to disclose your relationship.

Ye Wenxuan is now in a hot spot, and he has countless female fans.In Ye Wenxuan's heart, Ye Wenxuan is their prince charming and the lover of their dreams.Although they clearly knew that this was just their own fantasy, they still couldn't help liking Ye Wenxuan.

But once Marven Ye announces his love affair, he will inevitably encounter thunderstorm-like obstacles.Fans will definitely have a big riot, because the hope in their hearts that insisted on them has been shattered!
Would Marven Ye not know the consequences?The answer is yes.But he is still willing to bet his acting career to justify Wang Shiyu's name, how can Wang Shiyu not be moved by this.

Wang Shiyu shook her head, with a happy smile on her face.

"No, this will affect you too much. Let's do this first, as long as we can hide it, it doesn't matter to me. "

Hearing Wang Shiyu's words, Marven Ye gave up this idea.

After all, after a while after the release of The Condor Shooting, Wang Shiyu's popularity is bound to increase rapidly.If the love affair with Ye Wenxuan broke out at this time, it would definitely attract a lot of black fans for Wang Shiyu, and Ye Wenxuan's fans probably would go to Wang Shiyu to attack her irrationally.

This was definitely something Marven Ye didn't want to happen, so he gave up this idea.

"Okay, then go to bed early. I'm going to sleep too." Ye Wenxuan touched Wang Shiyu's little head and said softly.

Wang Shiyu smiled sweetly, got up and lightly pecked Ye Wenxuan's mouth.

"Good night……"


The next day, after the two woke up, Marven Ye made breakfast.After the two ate for a while, Marven Ye drove Wang Shiyu to school.

Of course, such a coquettish sports car naturally made Wang Shiyu complain.

The two quickly came to the school together, which naturally caused a commotion.

"Wow, look quickly. That mysterious rich second generation has appeared again!"

"Yeah, the world's limited Lamborghini! It's so cool!"

"I must see who is inside this time."

"Go together, I guess there must be a handsome guy inside!"


A group of people rushed towards the place where Ye Wenxuan was parking, just happened to meet Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu getting off the car.

"Er...Marven Ye?!!"

"This car belongs to Marven Ye?!!"

"Hey, we should have thought about it earlier. It's not surprising that Marven Ye can afford such a car. We are really stupid!"

"Who is that girl next to Marven Ye? She is so beautiful. She is even better than the school beauties in our school, especially her temperament, she is really like a fairy."

"Yes, yes. It's so beautiful, I feel like I've fallen in love with her, my heart is moving!"

"Brother, don't dream. Don't even look at who is next to that beauty!"


Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu looked at the faint circle of people around them, frowned, and they walked away quickly, disappearing from everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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