Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 182 Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV!

Chapter 182 Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV!

There were mocking voices around Dong Fucheng, and everyone was talking about it, and they all looked at Dong Fucheng with disdain.

Dong Fucheng looked at Ye Wenxuan firmly, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

My family knows their hardships. Dong Fucheng has been working in Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV since he went to work.Working hard all the way, coupled with some luck, he became the director of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV at the age of 31.

Such a young director is simply unbelievable in other David TV.

But no one cares about this position at all, and the reason is simple.

No status!

The ratings of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV have never exceeded three in the past five years, and it is estimated that the Radio and Television Bureau will cancel their TV station by the end of the year.

Dong Fucheng has been working in this TV station for ten years and has a deep relationship with him.

Regardless of whether it is due to personal emotions or personal future, Dong Fucheng cannot let Sichuan-Shaanxi TV station disappear.

In recent months, Dong Fucheng has been running around all over the place, but it has not been effective at all.When others heard that he was from Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV, they immediately drove him away.

Dong Fucheng knew that his chances were very slim, but he had to give it a try.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Dong Fucheng who was sitting in the corner with great interest, and the two just looked at each other without saying a word.

The scene was a bit weird, and the discussions in the meeting room gradually subsided.

"Are you sure you can give us 80.00% of the share as long as you break seven? You can make the decision?" Ye Wenxuan thought for a while, and said slowly.

Dong Fucheng immediately nodded fiercely.

"I'm sure! If Mr. Ye doesn't believe it, I can sign the contract for you now!"

Ye Wenxuan's eyes slowly scanned the people in charge of the various David TVs around him, taking in their expressions.

"Everyone? Is there a higher price than this Director Dong? If so, please hurry up."

What a joke, Dong Fucheng's conditions are basically sky-high.If you improve them, these TV stations will still make money.

The scene was completely silent, and no one bid anymore.

"Okay, that's Chuanshan Satellite TV. Thank you for coming to Times Entertainment. If there is a chance, I hope to cooperate next time."

Marven Ye stood up, with a smile on his face, and made a final decision.

Several Davids looked stunned, their faces full of disbelief.

Originally thought that Ye Wenxuan was just deliberately playing some tricks, but in the end he still had to choose among several David TV.

They had already negotiated and held down the highest share.Then the basic share depends on their respective means, and then they will compete again.

"Mr. Ye should think about it. Originally, you have the conditions to be a big hit. If it is broadcast on a good broadcast platform, it may not be a problem if the ratings break through seven. Mr. Ye, don't make mistakes."

Huang Ninghai put down the tea in his hand, looked at Ye Wenxuan and said.

"Yeah, young people, don't be so ambitious. Getting [-]% of the profit for the first time is not bad, you have to know how to be content." Guo Xiao's words are a bit intriguing, with a hidden edge.

"This sentence, Director Guo and Director Huang are wrong. If there are good conditions, we will naturally fight for it. [-]% of the profit is very large, and I am still willing to give it a go." Marven Ye smiled at the two He said, as if he hadn't heard those words before.

"Mr. Ye, do you know Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV? They haven't broken three for five consecutive years, and you still expect to break seven? It's ridiculous." Huang Haining didn't save face for Dong Fucheng at all. The difference in status between the two was enough to make Huang Haining doesn't take Dong Fucheng seriously.

Although one is the director and the other is the deputy director, the positions are indeed completely reversed, and there is no comparison at all.

"I know, but I have confidence." Marven Ye said with a light smile.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's firm tone, several David TV executives lost their patience.

"Haha, Brother Huang. Mr. Ye is young and promising, and his heart is high. Let's go. Two days ago, there was an urban inspirational drama that begged me to let them show it. I originally wanted to watch Shooting the Condors before giving it to the audience." Answer, now it seems that let them show."

That Guo Xiao stood up and said to Huang Haining with a smile.But it always sounded weird and ironic.

Ye Wenxuan did not speak, and watched the directors of many satellite TVs leave.

Only Dong Fucheng was left sitting there.

Now Dong Fucheng is ecstatic, he did not expect to successfully introduce a new movie, and it is also a TV series adapted from the most popular martial arts novel recently, which really makes him feel a little unreal.

"Director Dong, come and sit down." Ye Wenxuan stretched out his hand to greet Dong Fucheng.

Dong Fucheng woke up like a dream, and hurried to Ye Wenxuan's place.

"Director Dong, when will your TV station have a schedule in October?"

"Mr. Ye, our Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV has time anytime."


Marven Ye and the others chatted with Dong Fucheng until very late before leaving. The general direction has been set, and the rest is very simple.

After sending Dong Fucheng away, Zhou Changwen, Ran Yirou and Ye Wenxuan sat together.

"Wenxuan, it's a bit risky for you to do this. Maybe you will..." Zhou Wenchang didn't continue, but Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou both understood what he meant.

"It's indeed a little risky. Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV is very unpopular. Although the share is high, it's useless if there are no viewers to watch." Ran Yirou said with some worry.

"It's okay, we have to have confidence in ourselves. In the early stage of Sichuan and Shaanxi, it may be a bit sluggish, as long as it is gold, it will always shine. It's just that few people watched Sichuan and Shaanxi Satellite TV before, and the rest are no different from those David TVs. .”

"What we have to do now is publicity! Propaganda! Propaganda!"

"Just let the limelight out and expand the number of people to the maximum. When it's screened, it will snowball and grow. We have more than 50 episodes in total, and we have enough time to wait for it to shine."

Ye Wenxuan simply analyzed for the two of them, as Ye Wenxuan in the previous life.Naturally, knowing how popular the trilogy of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is, it can be said to be an absolute killer.

Regardless of the version, it beat many TV series in the same period and became the ace TV series at that time.

So Ye Wenxuan is full of confidence and is not afraid that the ratings will be low.

"The idea is good, and the method is right. But do you think those David TVs won't take action? They will also show their works of the same period. Although the quality of the works is not as high as ours, after several David TVs The long-term promotion will also take away a lot of ratings. If there are too many high-quality TV dramas, it will be difficult to handle."

Zhou Changwen looked a little sad, having been here for so many years.How could they not know about the means of other satellite TV, if they can't get it, then suppress it.

This is a very normal business method, elevating oneself to suppress opponents, which has always been the case since ancient times.

Marven Ye nodded, this is also something to consider.

The three of them have been studying the method, constantly adding to the original plan, and constantly improving the publicity plan.

After studying until late at night, the three left the company...

(End of this chapter)

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