Chapter 183: Chenjiagou!
After the discussion that day, Ye Wenxuan returned to his original study life again.

A week later, Marven Ye boarded the plane to Henan.

A few days ago, Wang Shiyu had already left school first to go to filming.

Today Ye Wenxuan also boarded the plane to the crew of "The Master of Tai Chi". The location of the crew is Chenjiagou, one of the former sites of Tai Chi.

It is known as the hometown of Yang Luchan, the master of Tai Chi in modern times, and it is also one of the few places where Tai Chi is popular.

The film has been filming in Chenjiagou for some time, and Ye Wenxuan came in halfway.

Because he didn't have a role in the previous plot, his role was concentrated and compressed into one week by director Kang Xin.

This is what Ye Wenxuan told Ran Yirou to negotiate with Kang Xin.Ye Wenxuan wanted to set aside more time to focus on Jingying to study performances systematically and hone himself.

In Ye Wenxuan's opinion, it is not a wise move to sharpen a knife without cutting firewood by mistake, and excessively consume one's own value.

Looking at today's film and television industry, those who can laugh till the end in the end are those who have real talents and learned skills, and only those with excellent acting skills can survive in the end.

And those artists who over-consume themselves by virtue of their momentary popularity, although they can be popular for a while.But it will soon wipe out everyone, lacking stamina.

What Ye Wenxuan is doing now is to settle himself down and try his best to break through both acting and singing skills to S level.

Ye Wenxuan also took time out a few days ago to visit Teacher Yu Canghai who once helped him.

With a lot of gifts, and under the bridge of Leng Mengfei, I went to visit the old man.

The three talked a lot, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Teacher Yu also liked Ye Wenxuan very much, and felt that Ye Wenxuan's bearing was extraordinary.Especially after Leng Mengfei played the piano music Ye Wenxuan played at the Sydney Opera House in Australia to Teacher Yu Canghai, Professor Yu Canghai valued it even more.

In fact, Ye Wenxuan's main purpose was to ask Mr. Yu Canghai for an auditor's pass from the Beijing North Conservatory of Music, in order to listen to formal music teaching and enrich himself.

Seeing that Ye Wenxuan is so eager to learn, Yu Canghai's impression of Ye Wenxuan is even better.Immediately contacted the people in the student office of the college and gave Ye Wenxuan a certificate for auditors.

Moreover, this certificate can also freely enter and exit the library of Jingbei Conservatory of Music and other places, which means that Ye Wenxuan's rights with this certificate are not inferior to those of normal Jingbei Conservatory of Music students.

Originally, it was very difficult to issue a certificate of this kind, but after hearing that it was Marven Ye.Coupled with Teacher Yu Canghai's guarantee, Ye Wenxuan's was issued smoothly and quickly.

Ye Wenxuan's daily life began to be fulfilled, running back and forth between the two schools every day.With all the class schedules related to acting and singing in hand, Marven Ye would mark the classes he wanted to take the next day every night.

Then run back and forth the next day, going back and forth to class.

This phenomenon was naturally noticed by all the students, who saw Ye Wenxuan desperately.Everyone was very touched, even Ye Wenxuan, who has already reached the peak of the first-line fame, worked so hard, why are they still playing?Why not work hard?
Ye Wenxuan's behavior indirectly drove the current class of students from the two schools.And after this period of fermentation, Ye Wenxuan's original speech has also spread very widely.

And now Ye Wenxuan is practicing this principle himself, unconsciously.Everyone was motivated by Ye Wenxuan, and they all knew to study hard.

The teachers of the two schools also feel that something is very wrong recently. In the past, the phenomenon of sleeping in class and playing with mobile phones in class is almost rare now.The vast majority of people know that they have studied, and they work harder than before.

In the past, it was all about who was better at playing games, but now it's about how hard they work. There is a lot of positive energy in both schools.

Many years later, it was discovered that among the students in the same class as Ye Wenxuan.Actively except for a large number of outstanding entertainers, or excellent entertainment practitioners.

Later people asked them why, and their answer was only one.

"Thank you Marven Ye, it is his positive energy that infected us!"


After getting off the plane, Ye Wenxuan and his group drove to Chenjiagou in the car that the crew had come to pick him up.

Ye Wenxuan originally thought that the road would be bumpy, but he didn't expect that the road would be smooth and smooth.

The driver may have seen Ye Wenxuan's doubts, and said with a smile: "This is the hometown of Yang Luchan's Tai Chi master, and Tai Chi is popular. It used to be a ravine, but as more and more tourists came, the government will develop it here. After a while, it became a famous scenic spot in Jiaozuo."

After listening to the driver's explanation, Marven Ye understood a lot.

Along the way, the driver is a local.A very enthusiastic middle-aged uncle explained to Ye Wenxuan a lot about the history of Chenjiagou, as well as Yang Luchan's deeds and so on.

Many of them are locally circulated, and there are no records on the Internet at all.

Along the way, there were laughter and laughter in the car, which was very harmonious.In about half an hour, the car arrived at Chenjiagou.

After Ye Wenxuan and his group said goodbye to the driver, they followed the person who picked up Ye Wenxuan and walked towards the crew.

Walking into the crew, Marven Ye gradually discovered some problems after walking for a while.These people seemed to be afraid of something, they didn't dare to say hello to Marven Ye, and when they saw Marven Ye, they turned and left, or turned their backs and pretended not to see it.

If there are one or two, it's okay, but there are too many people, this is a very strange thing, Ye Wenxuan noticed it slightly.

After careful observation, I found that when these people saw themselves, they would unconsciously glance at some people around them who were wearing dark blue sportswear with the logo of Tianyang Wuxing written on their backs.

Ye Wenxuan whispered a few times beside Huang Tianlei, and then walked towards the crew normally.

Huang Tianlei left the team and walked towards the back.

The group quickly walked to the center of the set, where a fight scene was being filmed.With Wia hanging on his body, the two of them couldn't be real actors at first glance.

It's where the two stand-ins are fighting, and the two of them fight beautifully and very powerfully.

Ye Wenxuan could see that the two of them had some kung fu, but it was just scratching the surface.The two of them should have rehearsed in advance, so the speed is very fast, and it seems that the punches are like electricity, and they are vigorous.

The scene was over very quickly, and the director yelled.Even if this is the end of the game.

The assistant director whispered in director Kang Xin's ear to remind Ye Wenxuan to come, and Kang Xin turned around and saw Ye Wenxuan.

This is the first meeting of two people, and also the first communication.The two didn't have much communication before, so it was their first meeting.

Just as the two were chatting, the two stand-ins from just now came down from the field.

The two were talking and laughing while unfastening the gauntlets on their hands.

As if they didn't see Marven Ye, the two naturally passed by Marven Ye.

"Hey, Lao Li. Isn't that Ye Daxingxing? He's really amazing. It's been almost half a month since filming!"

"That is, that is, he is a 'big star'!"

"Not only a big star, but also a 'world-class' martial art master!"

"Hahaha, awesome..."

(End of this chapter)

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