Chapter 184 Cut Hu!

Although the voices of the two are not loud, they are definitely not too small.Coupled with the silence of the people around them, the voices of the two became very rough.

Although there was nothing wrong with the two people's words at first glance, but with their tone and expression, it can be seen that they are mocking Marven Ye and embarrassing Marven Ye.

When Kang Xin saw such a scene, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.As a director, he naturally knew why these people targeted Marven Ye so much, but there was nothing offensive about what these two people said.

Even if he looked for it, there would be no results. Kang Xin turned his eyes back to Ye Wenxuan and gave Ye Wenxuan an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoye. That's how they are, you... don't take it to heart." After Kang Xin said, she was also a little embarrassed.

A top-notch three-living star came to your crew to film, and he didn't even say a word, so the double in the crew gave him a sneer.

This is simply a slap in the face!
Faced with this situation, there is nothing wrong with people turning around and leaving.Being in this circle is all about saving face.

If I didn't know, I would have thought it was you, the director, who instigated it, and that's why Kang Xin was so embarrassed.

Now Kang Xin has already sprayed the blood of those two bastards in his heart, and he will go to these two people to settle accounts at night.

Marven Ye shook his head, still with a faint smile on his face.

"It's okay. As I am, I don't have to argue with two small roles. It's fine if I don't take it as an example. Director Kang, let's see when I can film. I'm ready."

Marven Ye revealed the matter calmly, without getting angry.

Kang Xin was overjoyed when he heard Ye Wenxuan say that.It's okay, okay, nothing happened.

"Haha, Xiaoye. Don't be in a hurry, take a rest today, and it's not too late to start filming tomorrow."

Kang Xin couldn't help taking a high look at Ye Wenxuan. This kid is not very old, but he has an extraordinary bearing. It's no wonder that he can flourish in the entertainment industry. There is a reason for this.

"Okay, Director Kang, you are busy. I'll go back to my place first." Ye Wenxuan was not polite, and left the set after talking with Kang Xin for a while.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the crew's field manager, he walked back to the crew's set.

Ye Wenxuan was allocated a large suite, and the room conditions were very good.

After Ye Wenxuan sat down, he asked Xu Rou beside him, "Brother Tianlei hasn't come back yet?"

"Not yet, I guess it will be soon." Xu Rou responded, and a trace of anger flashed across her face immediately after she finished speaking.

"Those two people just now were too much. They were sneering and sarcastic. It's too much. If Xiaoqian didn't pull me, I would go up and argue with him!"

Nie Qian hugged Xu Rou and patted her on the shoulder.

"Sister Rou, although everyone understands the meaning of those two people just now, but we really can't find the fault in their words, even if we go up, we can't please them. Maybe the other party will bite back, saying that we are playing big names on the set, Maybe it's a trap they set for us."

Ye Wenxuan casually put his luggage into his closet, and after hearing what Nie Qian said, he turned his head to look at Nie Qian with strange eyes.

"Xiao Qianqian, when did you become so sensible. Normally, you should be the first to lose your temper. This is really a surprise for three days."

Nie Qian curled her lips when she heard Ye Wenxuan's teasing.

"Of course, Miss Ben saw through their tricks at a glance!" After finishing speaking, she even felt a little proud.

Just as the few people were talking, the door was suddenly opened, and Huang Tianlei walked in.

Seeing Huang Tianlei's return, Ye Wenxuan gave Huang Tianlei an unopened bottle of mineral water.

"Brother Tianlei, sit down and talk. Look at how you are sweating profusely." Ye Wenxuan pulled him over from the side and told Huang Tianlei to sit down and talk.

After such a long time, several people are very familiar with each other, so there is no need to be polite.

Huang Tianlei was not hypocritical, and sat down with a stool.

"Tell me, what did you find out. Why are those people wearing Tianyang martial arts in this crew so hostile to us? We don't seem to have provoked them."

Ye Wenxuan tapped lightly on the right armrest with his right hand, with a pensive expression on his face.

Huang Tianlei took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and said.

"It's like this. The people in Tianyang Martial Arts are all affiliated to one person. You must know the boss. He is the martial arts team of the famous domestic martial arts star Zhen Hao. There are many famous martial arts action guides, martial arts doubles, The move designers and many other professionals are well-known in domestic martial arts, and they appear in many martial arts movies."

"Then why is he hostile to our boss? Our boss has never offended them, and it has nothing to do with that Zhen Hao." Xu Rou asked a little puzzled.

"Yeah, it didn't matter at all. But the appearance of the boss blocked some people's way, so we were targeted."

"Blocking the way?" Xu Rou was even more confused.

"Originally, the role of our boss was taken down by Li Yang, a vice-captain in Tianyang Martial Arts. It is said that this person has been in the industry for a long time. It was not easy to get this opportunity. Originally, we were full of joy. In the end, our boss gave it to him. Cut Hu, so now their entire martial arts team is targeting the boss, it's as simple as that."

Huang Tianlei explained the development of the matter in a simple and clear manner. The matter is very simple.

It was Ye Wenxuan's appearance that made people lose their hard-won opportunities.So it is natural to hate Ye Wenxuan, and naturally he will not give Ye Wenxuan a good look.

Especially those who practice martial arts all pay attention to loyalty, and they are all brothers in the same martial arts.The vice-captain in his martial arts practice was bullied, so naturally they all hated Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan understood what happened after hearing what Huang Tianlei said.

It turned out that it was just such a thing, blocking the future of others, it was normal to be hated by others.

"Boss, what about this..." Nie Qian asked in a low voice.

Everyone understands what Nie Qian means, and she is asking about Ye Wenxuan's attitude.

Ye Wenxuan shook his head, and said: "Forget it, after all, I ruined his future. Let him say a few words, as long as he doesn't go too far in the future, let's forget about this matter and expose it like this." Bar."

Ye Wenxuan was also a small person in his previous life, and he knew how much pain it would be to have such a great opportunity taken away by others.

Many people have waited for an opportunity for an unknown number of years, and when they finally got it, they were cut off.

This huge gap is no wonder.

As long as they don't target Marven Ye in the future, it will be fine, and the two waves of people will go to the sky each time.

But will things really end like this?

(End of this chapter)

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