Chapter 185 Angry!
In the next two days, Ye Wenxuan officially started filming.At the beginning, Ye Wenxuan was really uncomfortable.

It's my first time making a movie, so I don't have much experience.You feel completely different when you are filming a TV series and filming a movie, and you should not confuse them.

When a TV series is broadcast, it is only played on a small screen of how many inches, but a movie is played dozens or even hundreds of times the size of a TV.

This has led to more demanding requirements for actors' performances, especially the portrayal of facial expressions, which is even more refined.

Many TV drama actors suddenly switched careers to make movies. Originally, the audience felt that watching this TV drama played by this person felt that his acting skills were good.

But when watching a movie, I suddenly find that this person's acting skills are very hollow.Just like a puppet, lack of appeal.

So when making movies, the actors are far more demanding than TV dramas.It also led to every expression and every action to meet the highest standard.

From the very beginning, Marven Ye knew about this.But I still underestimated the standard, so I made frequent mistakes and NGed many times in succession.

But Ye Wenxuan gradually got used to this level of shooting, and his acting skills were excellent enough.

Playing a supporting role and his temperament is in line with the supporting role, Ye Wenxuan didn't have much pressure in the first place.

After timely adjustments, Marven Ye made fewer and fewer mistakes.The speed of filming also gradually increased.

Today is the third day that Ye Wenxuan came to the production team, and Ye Wenxuan got along well with everyone in these three days.

Ye Wenxuan's approachable attitude won the favor of everyone.

And these days, those Tianyang martial arts people have not gone too far, it seems that they were temporarily shocked by Kang Xin.

It was noon now, Marven Ye was eating under a small shed.

This is the meal Ye Wenxuan ordered himself, and then it was delivered outside.The food was very rich, and Marven Ye was in a good mood after eating big mouthfuls.

At this moment, Xu Rou and Nie Qian came over.

"Come back, let's sit down and eat together." Marven Ye said casually.

However, there was no response to his words, so he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and looked up.

Looking at Nie Qian's red eyes, it was obvious that she had just cried.Marven Ye's smiling face gradually disappeared, and he said in a deep voice.

"Xiaoqian, what's wrong? Have you ever cried?"

"Boss, they..." Xu Rou was about to say angrily, but Nie Qian pulled Xu Rou back.

"It's okay, boss. I'm just blinded by the sand." Nie Qian said in a low voice, her voice was also a little hoarse.

Marven Ye frowned slightly, and put down the chopsticks in his hand.


Marven Ye's tone gradually became harsher, and he uttered a word coldly.

Seeing Marven Ye angry, Xu Rou spoke again.

"Boss, those people from Tianyang Martial Arts are really going too far. The two of us went to get lunch boxes from the crew, but the people from Tianyang Martial Arts said that there was no food. But there are still a lot of boxed lunches there, Nie Qian reasoned with them. As a result, they couldn't help saying some disgusting things, and even pushed Xiaoqian hard, and Xiaoqian pushed them down."

"What's even more exasperating is that not only did they have no intention of repenting, but they were still laughing and arrogant." Xu Rou became more and more angry as she spoke. After she finished speaking, Nie Qian felt very wronged again, and she couldn't stop crying.


Ye Wenxuan slapped the table with his palm, cracking the table with great force, which shows the extent of Ye Wenxuan's anger.

"Too much deceit!" Marven Ye spit out a few words coldly.


Ye Wenxuan got up and left, leading Xu Rou and Nie Qian to the director.

"Director, isn't there a martial arts scene this afternoon? I'm going to shoot it now!" Ye Wenxuan said calmly, but there was no expression on his face, and everyone could feel the monstrous anger hidden under Ye Wenxuan's calm face.

Kang Xin was slightly taken aback, not knowing what was going on.

"Xiao Ye, what's the matter with you? It's lunch break, and everyone is eating."

"Okay, then I'll wait for everyone to finish eating, and then shoot the martial arts scene!" Ye Wenxuan didn't mess around, and sat on a small stool in the studio after speaking, without saying a word, exuding a kind of icy aura.

Originally there were people talking and laughing here, but since Ye Wenxuan sat here, everyone silently ate the boxed lunch in their hands.They all dared not make a sound, bowed their heads and ate their own food.

The arena was quiet, and the atmosphere seemed very strange.

Kang Xin frowned, wondering what happened to Marven Ye.

After a few days of getting to know him, he knew that Marven Ye was easy to talk to.He is usually approachable, always smiling when he sees everyone.

But with the current situation, Kang Xin knew that there must be a reason for the incident.Ye Wenxuan is not a big-name player, whether it is his own contact or external comments, there must be a reason.

Kang Xin whispered into the ear of the assistant director: "Go and find out who made Marven Ye so angry. There must be a reason. Find out and tell me immediately."

The assistant director immediately nodded and quietly left the set.

"What's wrong with Marven Ye? It looks like he's taken gunpowder, his face is really scary."

"I don't know, Marven Ye is usually very kind. There must be something that really angered him."

"Hey, what do you think... are those reckless people from Tianyang Martial Arts causing trouble again?"

"It's hard to say, but it may be very big."

"This time there is a good show, it seems that Marven Ye may not let it go so easily."


The people around looked down at Marven Ye secretly.Whispered with the people around him, the voice was as small as the sound of mosquitoes.

At this moment, the people from Tianyang Martial Arts came swaggeringly.From a long distance, he shouted: "Director, here we are, why did it change to the first martial arts scene? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have eaten so much."

The loud voice broke the original silent atmosphere on the set at once.

In an instant, there were discussions.

"Boss, the leader pushed Xiaoqian just now, and the rest of them also satirized us."

Xu Rou whispered to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at the six people in front of him, and the corner of his mouth drew a cold arc.

The leader is naturally Li Dong, Li Yang's younger brother, and the one who hates Ye Wenxuan the most, that's why today's incident happened at noon.

"Yo, big star Ye is here too. This big star is different. It's amazing to shoot whichever scene you want to shoot." Li Dong said casually, seemingly flattering, but actually mocking.

Ye Wenxuan stood up slowly, with no surprise in his eyes.

"let us start……"

(End of this chapter)

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