Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 187 Hitting people doesn't slap people in the face, but slapping people in the face wil

Chapter 187 Hitting people doesn't slap people in the face, but slapping people in the face will last forever!
Ye Wenxuan's words made Li Dong feel cold for a while, but as a martial artist, he couldn't stop.

I felt a little regretful about provoking Ye Wenxuan, the evil star. I didn't expect him to really dare to do it. Isn't he afraid of media criticism? ! !

Ye Wenxuan spoke extremely fast, and then his hands kept moving.

The right hand clasped Li Dong's neck tightly like a big iron pliers, and the strength of the right hand exploded, dragging Li Dong back.

Li Dong was suddenly thrown behind him by Ye Wenxuan, bumping into a group of people who were jumping up from behind.

To outsiders, Li Dong is like a big doll drawing a semicircle on the ground.


Ye Wenxuan shouted loudly, his eyes sparkled.

With force from his right hand, Li Dong's head hit the ground hard again, and the dust flew up!

At this moment, Li Dong felt as if several big drums were beating in his head at the same time, and the buzzing sound never stopped.There is also a huge red envelope bulging on the top of the head, and it is also bloodshot, so miserable.

"Knock again!"

After a short stay, Ye Wenxuan shouted again.

Although Ye Wenxuan is seeking personal revenge, his acting skills are always on the line and he is upright.

Li Dong's head knocked on the ground again without any accident, and the two consecutive knocks knocked out a small hole in the loose soil on Li Dong's ground.

The five brothers behind Li Dong saw Ye Wenxuan humiliating Li Dong so much, their eyes were tearing apart.

The big knife in his hand greeted Ye Wenxuan unceremoniously, and he struck mercilessly.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Li Dong who was close to coma, and kicked him flying.

After that, Ye Wenxuan stuck behind Li Dong who flew out, and quickly rushed into the encirclement of five people.

A tall, thin man approached him, and he was also one of Li Dong's loyal henchmen.Just now, Ye Wenxuan had been in front of and behind Li Dong, so Ye Wenxuan naturally wanted to focus on taking care of him.

Wei Wei avoided his slashing by measuring her body, and stepped forward.

Right single whip!
Open and close hands!

He was directly knocked into the air, and he rolled backwards twice before barely stopping his figure.

And the moment Ye Wenxuan made a move, the two people behind shouted and slashed towards Ye Wenxuan.

The cooperation of the two complemented each other perfectly, and the shots were very tacit, locking Ye Wenxuan's front and back.

But Ye Wenxuan's movements were subtle, and he broke free from the seemingly perfect encirclement between the two of them in just one rub.

It has a sense of visual impact of the true meaning of Tai Chi, which seems to be slow, but is actually as fast as a cunning rabbit.

After Ye Wenxuan came out of the siege, he turned over and pulled his arms round.


A loud crisp sound came out, and a big man was pulled half a meter away by Ye Wenxuan's slap, his face was instantly bruised and swollen like a bun.

The loud voice came out, and the corners of the mouths of the audience around couldn't help twitching, it hurts to think about it.

The remaining three people can be easily resolved, and will not cause any more problems for Ye Wenxuan.

Take a break and tackle!

Wild horses split their manes!

Turn around and put the lotus!

Twin Peaks!
Cover your arms and beat!


Ye Wenxuan used some of the essence of Taijiquan, and Ye Wenxuan deliberately slowed down his movements, and his every move was full of beauty.

As if he was really a master of Tai Chi in the period of the Republic of China, his body was filled with a sense of physical rhythm, which made people feel a little excited.

The four of them fought together, but the three of them couldn't touch Ye Wenxuan's clothes at all. They were beaten frequently, but they remained firm.


Where is the director Kang Xin off the stage? The assistant director looked at the situation on the stage. He saw that Kang Xin didn't stop before, so he couldn't say much.

But looking at the situation in the field, I really couldn't help it.

The assistant director approached Kang Xin and said in a low voice, "Director Kang, will something happen to them like this? They're all playing hard, just in case..."

Kang Xin waved his hand to stop the assistant director's words. Just now the assistant director had told Kang Xin everything he asked.Only then did Kang Xin know why Ye Wenxuan was so angry, and his impression of Li Dong and the others was even worse.

A group of old men, who don't do serious business every day, actually bully a girl.And he did it, Ye Wenxuan would be surprised if he didn't get angry.

"Never mind, Ye Wenxuan has a sense of proportion. Although there are some bumps and bumps, it's nothing serious, let's continue. Let them know how to do whatever they want with Zhen Hao behind them, let them suffer!" Kang Xin slowly said slowly.

The assistant director was a little helpless with a look of nothing to do with himself.

It seems that Director Kang is not used to these Tianyang martial arts people, he is using Ye Wenxuan's hand to beat them.Assistant director Zhou Hua thought secretly.

But what is measured! !
What is some bumps and bumps! !

Look at those people lying there like dead dogs, and all their faces are painted, and their faces are swollen like a pig's head.

This is measured? ! !
This is called knock bump? ! !

Zhou Hua complained silently in his heart, looking at the smiling Kang Xin in front of him, Zhou Hua shivered secretly.


The battle on the field is still going on, but it will end soon.Ye Wenxuan acted with discretion, these people were not seriously injured except Li Dong.But the pain of the flesh is naturally unavoidable, it is unrealistic if there is no pain for half a month.

As for Li Dong who was "focused on" by Ye Wenxuan, he probably had to go to the hospital.Those few blows were so powerful that Li Dong probably suffered a slight concussion, which was quite miserable.

Moreover, Ye Wenxuan was so sluggish, this time the places he picked were all on the face and head, everyone's face was bruised and swollen.

Although it is said that beating people is not slapping face, Ye Wenxuan doesn't think so, he has his own way of saying it.

Hitting someone is a slap in the face, and a slap in the face will last your memory!
Ye Wenxuan just slapped them in the face, let them improve their memory, and let them know what pain is and what embarrassment is.

Let's see if they dare to face me again in the future, I want them to be scared when they see me and even everyone who sees me!
As the six people fell down, Kang Xin also yelled at the right time.

Ye Wenxuan patted the dust off his hands, pretending to be innocent.

While walking, he muttered.

"Which martial art is this, why is it so unprofessional. Really, this business is still lacking. Hey..."

Although Ye Wenxuan was muttering, he didn't lower his volume at all, and everyone present could hear him clearly.

Everyone was holding back their smiles, their faces were flushed, and they were about to suffocate internal injuries.

This is simply being good-looking while getting cheap, this kid is too bad.

The assistant director was walking towards the middle of the stage, wanting to see how these people were doing.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words just now, the corners of his mouth twitched.

So careless? !

Just use your skill, just your strength.Who can withstand a few punches from you!
But Ye Wenxuan didn't care, he treated his family as warm as spring, and treated his enemies as cold as winter.This is Marven Ye's way of dealing with the world.

Ye Wenxuan does not reject the behavior of beating a dog in the water!
not against!
(End of this chapter)

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