Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 188 Marven Ye Beating Incident!

Chapter 188 Marven Ye Beating Incident!
The filming continued. The directors Kang Xin and Ye Wenxuan had a tacit understanding. They treated what happened just now as if everything happened. The filming continued smoothly.

As for Li Dong and the others, they were taken to the hospital by the film crew, and Ye Wenxuan "guiltfully" borne the medical expenses.


In Ye Wenxuan's room, Ye Wenxuan, Huang Tianlei, Xu Rou, and Nie Qian were eating in the room.

All the food was ordered by Ye Wenxuan from the crew, and the portions were quite large.At first, the crew were a little surprised by Ye Wenxuan's appetite, but after a while, it became commonplace.

The four of them chatted casually.

"Boss, you beat them all to the hospital this time, will something happen?" Nie Qian asked in a low voice, with guilt on her face, feeling that she had caused trouble for Marven Ye.

Marven Ye shook his head.

"Some things must be done. If they dare to overthrow you today, I will not say a word. Then they dare to attack me tomorrow. If this kind of thing is higher than my status, we may be able to bear it. But things depend on Third-rate bastards like them also want to play tricks on me, they really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

Ye Wenxuan's tone was somewhat disdainful, and he didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all.

"Although they are all small characters, there is Zhen Hao standing behind them. If Zhen Hao gets serious, will it be..." Xu Rou asked.

"That's right, the rumors about Zhen Hao from the outside world are not very good. There have been news about him playing big names, bullying, arrogance, etc., and I don't think he will let it go." Nie Qian Also echoed.

"It doesn't matter if Zhen Hao cares about it. Since his people dare to offend me, I can educate him about what is wrong. Besides, even if he troubles me, he is just a bit more famous than me in the international arena. But when it comes to domestic popularity, he is still close to me!" Ye Wenxuan said confidently, not at all afraid that Zhen Hao would make trouble for him.

"I don't think Zhen Hao has any real kung fu at all. He just knows the superficial aspects of various boxing styles. The main thing is that he is good at some modern fighting. If it comes to actual combat, he will never be able to beat your boss' ten moves!" Huang Tianlei, who has never spoken much, also said He spoke in agreement.

"Haha, the soldiers are here to cover the water and the soil, let's eat and eat, let's not talk about this." Marven Ye chuckled, and the group of people ate the dishes on the table again.


Jiaozuo People's Hospital.

Li Yang looked at the six people lying in front of him, and then at his younger brother Li Dong's injury, his heart became more depressed.

Just now Li Dong told Li Yang everything that happened today, including the fact that they pushed Nie Qian.

Although it was his younger brother who made the mistake first, Ye Wenxuan was too ruthless.

My younger brother was hit with a slight concussion abruptly, Ye Wenxuan was really merciless.

Ye Wenxuan was already furious when he robbed his role of Li Yang, but now he hit his younger brother.

Li Yang wanted to beat Marven Ye up, but he didn't have the strength.

Li Dong looked at Li Yang who was standing by the bed, and said with a mournful face: "Brother, we have shamed you this time, we shouldn't find trouble for you when we have nothing to do."

Li Yang nodded slightly, shook his head, and sighed.

"Xiaodong, you are really reckless this time. We are only at the bottom of the circle, and you are so blatantly provoking Marven Ye. Although you are standing out for your brother, you are really reckless."

When Li Yang said this, his voice changed.

"But you won't be beaten in vain. I have already told Brother Hao about this. He is also very angry. Don't worry, he will find us back. Tomorrow, the media will probably come, so we... "

Li Yang said, the eyes of Li Dong and others became brighter and brighter, as if they had seen Ye Wenxuan when he was pointed out by others.


Early the next morning, the originally peaceful morning was occupied by reports one after another.

"Ye Wenxuan's crew played a big game and injured six people in a row!" "

"Young and frivolous or low-quality? "

"Ye Wenxuan slapped six members of the film crew on martial arts performances yesterday, and was seriously injured. One of them suffered a concussion and is still in a coma!" "

"The crew hurt people, played big names, relied on force and didn't care about the safety of the extras!" "


Many reports all pointed to Ye Wenxuan hurting people in the crew yesterday, and there were pictures and truth.

There was a picture of Ye Wenxuan knocking Li Dong's head on the ground, and a picture of Li Dong and the six of them in the hospital with their heads all red and swollen.

And the report was very tactful, all of which were to guide netizens a little bit, saying that Li Dong and the six were extremely pitiful.

People tend to stand on the side of the disadvantaged group, coupled with the deliberate guidance of people with ulterior motives, so everyone immediately fired at Marven Ye.

"At first I liked Marven Ye quite a lot, but I didn't expect him to be such a person."

"Fan turned black, I used to think he has martial arts virtues, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that. The villain is successful, hehe..."

"The group performer is just a person who just wants to make a living. They just make a living. Marven Ye, why are you so ruthless? You are worth hundreds of millions, and he is just a poor person. I am really disappointed."

"I think everyone should not make comments first, but listen to what Ye Wenxuan has to say, and don't be used by people with ulterior motives."

"The upstairs is right. I am a group performer, and I have worked with Marven Ye. Marven Ye is a very nice person, and he is polite to everyone. It is definitely not like what is written in the report. I think this is Those with a heart are maliciously attacking Marven Ye!"

"Anyway, it's wrong to hurt someone! I suggest that the six extras should call the police and use the law to protect their rights!"


There was a lot of discussion under the report, some rational and some swearing. The reactions of different parties were different, but most of them were swearing.

Not to be outdone, Zhen Hao forwarded the report with his own comments.

"The six people who were injured were members of Tianyang Martial Arts under my command. I was really sad to see my brothers being hurt like this. I have already paid for the medical expenses of the brothers. Please take good care of the six brothers. Also, I want to tell a certain actor, don’t be arrogant if you think you know a little kung fu, you are still far behind, as a martial arts practitioner, you must have a little martial arts!"

As soon as Zhen Hao made a statement, it was immediately reposted by everyone, who praised Zhen Hao for being affectionate and righteous, and then cursed Ye Wenxuan for being dark.

The momentum grew louder and louder, and everyone accused Ye Wenxuan one after another.In just half a day, Ye Wenxuan was scolded like hell, with countless bad reviews!
(End of this chapter)

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