Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 190 "Legend of the Condor Heroes" starts broadcasting!

Chapter 190 "Legend of the Condor Heroes" starts broadcasting!
In order to promote his TV series "Legend of the Condor Heroes", Ye Yunxuan spent more than 300 million publicity funds.More than 2000 sailors were invited to publicize around the clock on various well-known websites on the Internet, and the publicity lasted for almost two weeks.

Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV is even more crazy, this drama is already their life-saving straw.The promotional film will be screened [-] hours a day whenever there is free time. According to statistics, it is screened a full twelve times a day, which can be described as bombing-style publicity.

And the director Zhou Changwen didn't stop, he took many actors around the country to promote in a reincarnation style, and held a promotional reception.

Ye Wenxuan also contacted He Fan from Chinese Publishing House and asked him to help promote his new play.

He Fan readily agreed, after all, this book is also the pride of their Chinese language, and now that there is a TV series, it is natural to support it.

Moreover, Ye Wenxuan's next book will also be published in Chinese. If the ratings of TV dramas increase, it will also drive the sales of Ye Wenxuan's next book, which can be said to be a steady profit.It can not only promote the relationship between the two parties, but also increase their own income, so why not do it.

Therefore, Huawen Publishing House put a big cover on its official website and the official Taotao flagship store, which is very eye-catching.

Not only that, Chinese bookstores across the country have also set up publicity boards with great efforts.

The fierce competition among the four companies was very intense, which made Ye Wenxuan, who was deeply involved in it for the first time, startled.

This time it's only October, not the peak season.If this was released during the winter and summer vacations, it would also make Ye Wenxuan feel a little nervous in his heart.

In a busy process, the time soon came to the night of October [-]rd.On this day, Ye Wenxuan also took a half-day vacation with the crew, and flew to the location of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV——Xi'an!
In a hurry all the way, I got off the plane and went straight to the Sichuan-Shaanxi TV Station.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the TV station.Ye Wenxuan and others went directly to the data monitoring room of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV. There were already many people standing here.

Dong Fucheng, the director of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV, and some important leaders in the station were all present, as if a war was about to start.

Seeing Marven Ye, Dong Fucheng hurried over and held Marven Ye's hand.

"Mr. Ye, you are here. Don't worry, we have done all the work, and we have rehearsed five or six times to ensure that everything is going on normally."

Ye Wenxuan hugged Dong Fucheng, and said with a smile: "Director Dong, don't worry about us, we just sit aside and watch, you are busy with your work!"

Ye Wenxuan said kindly, looking at the thick dark circles under Dong Fucheng's eye bags, it can be seen that he must have been busy day and night in the recent period, otherwise he would not be in this state.

This is a bit of abnormal excitement. It is obvious that the body is very tired, but the spirit is very excited, which is not normal.If people go on for a long time, they will get sick.

"Okay, then I don't care about you, you sit down first, and I'll go take a look." Dong Fucheng said.

"Okay, Director Dong must take a good rest after finishing his work, I think you are not in a good condition." Ye Wenxuan said with concern.

Dong Fucheng waved his hand.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm fine." Dong Fucheng responded.

Ye Wenxuan didn't say much, and took his group to sit aside.

Dong Fucheng went to each CNC room and walked back and forth to see if all aspects were ready.

In fact, he has checked it several times today, but he is still worried.

This is a time related to the fate of their Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV, because it is rumored that their satellite TV will be canceled at the end of the year.

Because there are two satellite TVs in Shaanxi Province that appear on the national TV channels at the same time, one is Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV and the other is Yan'an Satellite TV.The two satellite TVs have been competing fiercely, but in the past three years, they have been left far behind by Yan'an Satellite TV.

Due to duplication, it was decided to cancel one.If the current form is cancelled, it must be their Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV.

In the past few years, the ratings have been frequently low, and basically there are very few ratings that exceed [-]%.It ranks at the bottom among many domestic TV stations, and no one cares about it.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is their only hope now. Under everyone's expectations, at 35:[-], four satellite TVs will broadcast four new dramas at the same time, and a new round of ratings battle begins!
In fact, in the eyes of the three David TVs, Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV was not taken seriously at all, and they always felt that this was a war between the three satellite TVs.

But they underestimated the status of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in people's hearts, and also underestimated Ye Wenxuan's publicity, so everyone is bound to be surprised this time.

There is a huge TV screen in the data monitoring room, on which is the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" broadcast by Sichuan-Shanxi Satellite TV.

At the beginning of the first episode, it was the circus filmed by Ye Wenxuan in the prairie with Tuo Lei, and it was also the scene of the accident.

At that time, a total of more than 200 horses were used to run at the same time. The sense of sight that rushed to the face made people excited, like the impact of thousands of horses.

Ye Wenxuan was dressed in Mongolian clothes, like a naive boy.I saw a big bird in the sky, bending its bow and shooting arrows like flowing clouds and flowing water.

The sharp arrow shot out from the horses below like a shooting star. Zhou Wenchang used slow motion for this part, and he could clearly see the cold light above the sharp arrow, as if it was about to shoot into the hearts of the audience.

"Well, the effect is good, and the picture quality is also very good." Ye Wenxuan nodded slightly, very satisfied with the finished film.

At such an important time, Zhou Wenchang naturally also came.Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, he said with a smile: "Of course, the camera we use is almost enough to shoot ordinary movies, and it is naturally more than enough to shoot a TV series. Otherwise, our more than 50 yuan will not be in vain. .”

"It's really good." Marven Ye nodded.

The TV series continued to play, and it was quiet in the data room, only the voice from the TV could be heard.

Suddenly, a pleasantly surprised voice sounded.

"Director, the first real-time test data came out, and we broke four in just 10 minutes! We broke the three-year ratings record!"

After Dong Fucheng heard it, he was elated and waved his arms heavily, his eyes brightened.

The surrounding leaders in Taichung were also very happy, and everyone hugged together, emotionally.

Dong Fucheng turned his head to look at Marven Ye. He wanted to celebrate with them, but his expressions froze when he saw their gestures.

Ye Wenxuan was still drinking tea silently, without any fluctuation on his face.

The same is true for the people around, Zhou Changwen is even more indifferent.

It's not that Ye Wenxuan and Zhou Changwen were disappointed, it's that the ratings of breaking four did not arouse their excitement at all.Ye Wenxuan didn't talk about it, and didn't care about the data of the previous life in this drama as confidence.

Zhou Wenchang is also a well-known director among TV drama directors. Of course, he doesn't feel anything like breaking four. It's only natural and right.

Dong Fucheng was a little embarrassed and coughed twice.He yelled at a few people around him and signaled them to calm down.

Several people followed Dong Fucheng's gaze and saw the reaction of Ye Wenxuan and others, and they were a little embarrassed for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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