Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 191 Number 1 in the same period!

Chapter 191 First place in the same period!

For a while, the atmosphere in the data monitoring room was a little awkward. Although Dong Fucheng and the others had bright red faces, they were all suppressing their inner joy, which made people look a little weird.

And those employees were still chatting with each other excitedly, and then looked at the employees on Ye Yunxuan's side.People like Xu Rou, Nie Qian and others are very calm, as if Po Si is like drinking water, there is nothing to be proud of.

Dong Fucheng looked at his group of employees again, and suddenly felt a little ashamed.

"Cough cough, what should I do? What are you yelling about? Is Po Si so exciting! Shame on me!"

Dong Fucheng pretended to be calm and scolded the excited employees around him.

The people who were still discussing hotly all of a sudden faded away resentfully.

"Obviously I'm very happy, but I'm still pretending to be deep here, it's really..." A voice sounded quietly, the murmur was not loud, but it seemed extraordinarily bumpy under the sudden silence.

Dong Fucheng has experienced so many years of ups and downs.His face was already thick enough, but now his face was still a little embarrassed.

He gave the man who spoke a hard look.Dong Fucheng calmed down and continued to watch TV, of course, his eyes kept glancing towards the data board.

Four and ten minutes passed quickly for them.Now everyone is waiting for the average ratings of the first episode, everyone's heart is hanging, even Ye Yunxuan is no exception.

The ratings of the first season are very important, and this directly affects the overall average ratings of the two episodes today.And the average viewing rate also directly affects the price issue that will be negotiated with advertisers tomorrow, which is directly related to everyone's interests.

Basically, the average ratings of the first episode appeared 2 minutes after the first episode was broadcast, and the data monitoring room was very quiet, too quiet.

Everyone is staring at the data on the data board, and only the sound of staff typing on the keyboard can be heard from time to time.

The data on the data board, which was originally erratic up and down, gradually slowed down.


When this data came out, the entire data room was boiling.

"Wow! Hahaha, it's a bunker!"

"Great, this is just the first episode and it broke the three-year ratings of our Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV. It's amazing!"

"Wow, you work late, it's more than three years. In the past six years, Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV hasn't broken five times. It's a miracle!"


The staff shouted loudly, venting their excitement.

This time Ye Yunxuan and Zhou Wenchang also stood up and walked to Dong Fucheng.

"Congratulations to Director Dong!" Ye Yunxuan said with a faint smile.

"Hahaha, where is it. This is all thanks to Mr. Ye's strong support. If it weren't for Mr. Ye and Director Zhou's film, how could we have achieved such good results. After the second episode is aired in a while, I must invite the two Have a good meal, you must come!"

Dong Fucheng held the hands of Ye Yunxuan and Zhou Wenchang with a red face, expressions of gratitude and excitement on his face.

Ye Yunxuan and Zhou Wenchang looked at each other and nodded.

"Haha, then please trouble Director Dong, we will wait for the average ratings of the second episode to come out."


After speaking, Ye Yunxuan and Zhou Wenchang returned to their positions.

"Director Zhou, what do you think of the ratings of the other three satellite TVs? Where can we rank?" Ye Yunxuan asked Zhou Wenchang.

Zhou Wenchang pondered for a while, but did not give an answer immediately.

"It's hard to say, I guess it should be ranked in the top two, and it may be ranked first. Anyway, there should be no problem with such a score breaking seven, and you will definitely not make less money!"

Hearing what Zhou Wenchang said, Ye Yunxuan immediately got the bottom line, exhaled lightly, and felt relaxed.

"That's good. I believe that our drama will definitely rank first in the same period. I believe in my works, and I also believe in the strength of Director Zhou. Those three satellite TVs really underestimated us, so they just took some fast food dramas and thought about it." It is unrealistic to defeat us!"

Ye Yunxuan was full of confidence.

Time flies, and the second episode has finished playing.

The ratings for the first broadcast on the last first day were 6%!

The average ratings broke through six on the first day, which really surprised everyone, followed by endless joy.

It can be foreseen that the gate of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV will be full of advertisers who request to insert advertisements tomorrow.

With the ratings of [-]% on the first day, Chuanshan Satellite TV can also experience the feeling of those David TV.

Naturally, the advertising fee is also the highest standard. It is estimated that if there is no 15 yuan in 30 seconds, then there is no need to talk about it!

This result is naturally the result that everyone is most willing to see. Ye Yunxuan and his party were surrounded by many leaders of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV and went straight to a big hotel in Xi'an.

Not only did they invite Ye Yunxuan and his party to dinner, but even the accommodation was properly arranged.

The enthusiasm was so overwhelming that Ye Yunxuan couldn't stand it anymore.

Originally, Ye Yunxuan planned to fly back to the set after watching the ratings at night, but now it seems that he can't leave and has to go back tomorrow morning.


Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV.

"What did you say? Say it again, who is the first?!" Guo Xiao said in disbelief.

"Director Guo, it's... Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV, with an average rating of... 6%." An employee opposite Guo Xiao whispered.

Guo Xiao reconfirmed that he had heard correctly just now.

"How is it possible? It's Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV! Ye Wenxuan's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?" Guo Xiao sat on his comfortable office chair, but his mood was terrible.

The drama that I didn't like at first actually had a rating of over six that day. As long as this drama continues to develop normally, the ratings will eventually beat all the dramas in the same period.In other words, it can be said that this is another popular drama. Originally, I could have won it, but I let it go.

As for the ones I carefully selected, a lot of money was wasted in the station for publicity during this period.As a result, the ratings on the first day were only 3.2%.

If this ratings were placed on some small satellite TVs, it might be nothing.But on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, it was a complete failure.

If it continues to develop at this level, the show will probably be a loser.

Originally, the decision in the station was to strive for Ye Wenxuan's "Legend of the Condor Heroes", but I didn't work hard to fight for it and let him go.

But what was brought back was such a drama, a TV drama that failed completely.

According to the usual practice, every time a new drama is released on the first day, there must be a meeting.At that time, all the deputy directors will be present to summarize the recent work.

Guo Xiao didn't need to think about it, but he knew that he would lose face tomorrow. How could Guo Xiao not know the director's style after working for so many years.

One is one, two is two.Guo Xiao made such a big mistake, tomorrow the director will never forgive him because of his status.

Therefore, she is destined to become a joke tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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