Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 192 "Bazaar Fashion"

Chapter 192 "Bazaar Fashion"

In the next few days, the ratings of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV continued to rise.The average ratings ranked No.1 among all satellite TVs in the same period, and the ratings successfully broke through seven.

Dong Fucheng has been very busy these few days, basically he has to renegotiate the price with the advertiser every three days.The ratings were rising steadily, so the price of the ad naturally couldn't be calculated according to the original ratings.

Although the price is rising day by day, there are more and more advertisers pouring in.

The leaders of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV who had no status at first became popular in an instant.Daily entertainment is constant, and all kinds of people are digging holes to find relationships and post their own advertisements.

Although the ratings of several David TVs such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV are not low, David TV has long-term cooperative advertisers.It was too strenuous to squeeze in, so everyone set their sights on Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV.

But Ye Wenxuan doesn't have to worry about all of this. Naturally, someone in the company will go and take care of it, and there will never be a situation of being deceived.

Ye Wenxuan also successfully finished the scene of "The Grandmaster of Tai Chi" a few days ago, and the filming was successfully completed.

Ye Wenxuan also promised that if director Kang Xin was free during the promotion, he would participate in their promotional tour.

After finishing this period of time, Ye Wenxuan returned to Jingbei City and continued to devote himself to his study and life.

However, with Ye Wenxuan's current status, it is not realistic to want to be idle for a long time.

Within two days of leisure, Ran Yirou passed on two more tasks.

One is that the second season of The Voice of China is about to be finalized, and the program team invited several contestants from the previous season to participate in the final night and sing songs.

As the champion, Ye Wenxuan was naturally among the invitees.

Marven Ye is still grateful for this place where he started.I agreed without any conflict, and promised to be there on time for the live broadcast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV Champions Night.

The second matter made Ye Wenxuan a little tangled. The international magazine "Bazaar Fashion" invited Ye Wenxuan to be the cover character of the next issue.

"Bazaar Fashion" is a well-known magazine in Asia, and has an unparalleled status in the Asian fashion circle.Such a magazine invited Marven Ye, first of all, it was a recognition of his status, and it was also a recognition of his popularity.

But what confused Ye Wenxuan was that it was Zhao Feier who co-produced the fashion cover with Ye Wenxuan!

This made Ye Wenxuan very tangled, Zhao Fei'er's thoughts about Ye Wenxuan now.If Marven Ye didn't know, then he is a fool.

But it was precisely because he knew what the other party was thinking that Ye Wenxuan felt flustered.

Ye Wenxuan already had Wang Shiyu, so naturally he wouldn't have any thoughts about other women.

But I can't stand Zhao Fei'er's enthusiasm. As the saying goes, men chase women's interlayer mountain, and women chase men's interlayer gauze.

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Feier are two completely different experiences, Zhao Feier is like a little witch who seduces the world, and Wang Shiyu is a pure and lovely little fairy.

Ye Wenxuan was honest, whenever he was with Zhao Fei'er, he really couldn't control himself.So Ye Wenxuan tried his best to avoid contact with her, out of sight and out of mind.

So Ye Wenxuan was unwilling to go, and was a little entangled.But "Bazaar Fashion" is not easy to refuse, otherwise it will give people the feeling that Ye Wenxuan is too crazy.

In the end, Marven Ye held his nose and agreed.

Ye Wenxuan was also worried, but he still told Wang Shiyu about it.And said that if she disagreed, he would push it down.

But Wang Shiyu teased him with a smile for a long time, and instead of being petty, he asked him to take a good shot without thinking too much.

Finally, Marven Ye took the luggage and boarded the flight to Sanya.


After four hours of flight, Marven Ye successfully arrived at Sanya Airport.

SY City, also known as Lucheng, is also known as "Oriental Hawaii". It ranks first among the four first-tier tourist cities in China, "Sanwei Hangxia", and has the most beautiful seaside scenery on the island.

Sit in the car that came to pick them up, and they quickly arrived at the place where Bazaar's fashion shoot took place.

An inaccessible beach with rippling blue waves and blue sky and white clouds makes people feel extraordinarily relaxed and happy.

The soft and delicate beach has no foreign objects in the sand, and it feels warm when you step on it with bare feet.

Marven Ye and the others lingered on the beach for a while, and the people from Harper's Bazaar came over from a villa not far from the negotiation.

A slender woman with a very trendy hairstyle.The hair on the left is shaved, and the long hair on the right is tied into small braids.Give people a cool vibe with smoky eyes and a small mouth.

The first impression it gives people is that this woman has a strong aura, and every step carries a strong self-confidence.

This confidence stems from the clothing on a woman, and she is extra confident in her own dressing.She firmly believes that her dress is fashionable and sexy, so she really shines against the backdrop of her strong temperament.

Within a few steps, that one walked in front of Marven Ye.

The woman's eyes are a little narrow and long, showing a feminine temperament.

"Hi, I'm Vera. I'm the person in charge of your shooting, welcome."

Vera said skillfully, her tone was not weak like a woman, but with the determination and ability of a boy.

Marven Ye looked at Vera in front of him and felt that she was very interesting.She raised her eyebrows slightly, with a little interest in her eyes.

"Hi Vera, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the days to come."

Vera nodded, and led Marven Ye and the others to the villa behind them.

After understanding, this villa has been taken over by Bazaar.This villa looks like a high-end resort villa at first glance. It can be judged from all aspects of decoration, as well as the beach and environment outside.

Ye Wenxuan clicked his tongue secretly, this "Bazaar Fashion" is really rich and powerful, it really is not short of money.

Ye Wenxuan, as the leading actor in this filming, naturally lived in the best room.

Facing the sea, the small four-storey building is high.From the balcony of the station, you can see the endless sea at a glance, which makes Ye Wenxuan feel like he has returned to Australia to film "Flowers and Boys".

"Marven Ye? You are really late!" A crisp voice sounded from Marven Ye's side.

Ye Wenxuan turned his head and saw Zhao Fei'er standing on the balcony next door.

Zhao Fei'er was dressed like a girl next door, wearing a loose floral skirt.Her long white and tender legs were shining brightly in the sun, and she was wearing flip flops, her little feet were small and cute.Wearing a big sun hat on the head, the whole person looks extraordinarily beautiful.

Ye Wenxuan was stunned for a while!But he soon woke up.

Zhao Fei'er looked at Ye Wenxuan's flash of obsession just now, secretly delighted...

(End of this chapter)

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