Chapter 193 Charming!

Marven Ye coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment just now.

"It's not that I came late, it's that you came too early." Marven Ye responded.

Zhao Fei'er was grinning, with a smile on her face.Stretching out her lush jade arms to hang on the railing of the balcony, she put her little head on her arms and looked at Ye Wenxuan.

"Whatever, look at you, you always refuse me to cooperate with me, this time you can't escape!" Zhao Fei'er said proudly.

Marven Ye looked at Zhao Fei'er with a strange expression on his face.

"Why did they choose the two of us to shoot together? It's too coincidental. Did you play some trick..."

"What is playing tricks? I just recommended it to them. I didn't expect them to agree after they made up their minds. They thought you were indeed an excellent candidate. So we decided to be together!"

Zhao Fei'er argued, and then raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Hey! What's the matter, you've been wronged by filming with me! How many male stars want to film with me and I haven't agreed. I've asked you several times. Why don't you know how to cherish it, huh!"

Zhao Fei'er became more and more angry as she spoke, she snorted at Marven Ye, then turned around and went back to her room.

Marven Ye touched his nose with a helpless expression on his face.

what is this called...

I'm just complaining, why such a big reaction, women are really a kind of magical creature, if they turn their faces, they will turn their faces, Marven Ye complained silently in his heart.

After watching for a while, Ye Wenxuan was also a little bored, and returned to his room.

The sky was getting late, and it was dusk outside. The sunset glow lay across the sky above the sea, as if the sea and the sky were connected, making the sea red.

Not long after Marven Ye sat down, he was told by Vera to change clothes and to take a series of pictures.

Marven Ye asked Xu Rou who was beside him as he walked downstairs.

"Didn't the filming start tomorrow? Why did it start today?"

"Just now the photographer saw the beautiful scenery outside, so he decided to take a group of photos on the spur of the moment. Hurry up, hurry up, the sunset will be gone in a while. Zhao Fei'er has been putting on makeup for a long time, and you should change your clothes quickly. Xiaoqian needs to put on some makeup for you." Xu Rou urged.

After Ye Wenxuan heard this, he didn't say much. He came downstairs and quickly changed his clothes. Both Nie Qian and Xu Rou got busy.

After 15 minutes, Marven Ye walked out of the room.

Ye Wenxuan was wearing white striped shorts, a light gray vest, and a light-colored short-sleeved shirt on top.

Ye Wenxuan opened his clothes, revealing Ye Wenxuan's perfect figure and strong muscles.The clothes are very simple casual beach attire, but Marven Ye looks very manly in them.

Even though Ye Wenxuan was very young, Ye Wenxuan abruptly revealed the taste of a mature man.

In fact, his face was still a little immature, but those eyes that seemed to have experienced vicissitudes suddenly made his temperament completely different.

Zhao Fei'er hadn't finished yet, Ye Wenxuan was bored walking along the beach, looking at the sunset in the distance.

A group of "Bazaar Fashion" staff and photographers are adjusting the equipment behind them.

The blue waves kept lapping against the shore, the tide ebbed and flowed, and a faint smell of the sea permeated the air. Ye Wenxuan couldn't help but feel a little crazy looking at the distance.

Zhao Fei'er came out of the villa, walked towards the sea, and saw Marven Ye staring into the distance at a glance.

I don't know why, although there are a lot of people busy there, but Ye Wenxuan seems to have an indissoluble magic that attracts Zhao Fei'er, and he found Ye Wenxuan in an instant.

Zhao Fei'er looked at Ye Wenxuan, and walked forward with small steps, dragging a slightly long gauze skirt.

Seen from the side, the closer Zhao Fei'er was to Marven Ye, the more she could feel the charming temperament of Marven Ye.

Unknowingly, she walked behind Ye Wenxuan, Zhao Fei'er saw that Ye Wenxuan was still staring into the distance, and didn't notice it at all.

"Hey, Wenxuan, what are you looking at?" Zhao Fei'er said softly, the tenderness in her eyes was like the sea in front of her eyes, able to drown Ye Wenxuan.

After Zhao Fei'er made such a sound, Ye Wenxuan took his eyes back, turned to look at Zhao Fei'er, and the amazement flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Fei'er was wearing a light orange tulle dress with a slight slit on the thigh, and the sea breeze would reveal her long white legs.She wore a light blue tight-fitting short sleeve on her upper body, which showed Zhao Fei'er's perfect roundness to the extreme.

Facing Ye Wenxuan's eyes, Zhao Fei'er's face was blush.Slightly avoiding Ye Wenxuan's gaze, he gently stroked the hair around his ears.

"I didn't see anything, just look at the beautiful scenery, it's really beautiful." Ye Wenxuan said in a low voice, and he also faintly felt that the atmosphere at this time was a bit ambiguous.

The clothes of the two, plus the scenery at this time.Just like a couple going on vacation, a little out of control.

"Yes, it's really beautiful. Then do you think I am beautiful, or the current scenery is beautiful?" Zhao Fei'er looked straight at Ye Wenxuan, wanting him to give herself an answer.

Ye Wenxuan was at a loss for words for a while, and his head was a little confused.Not knowing how to answer, he hesitated at a loss.

Zhao Fei'er was not in a hurry, and quietly waited for Ye Wenxuan's answer, her eyes full of anticipation.

For a while, there was some silence between the two, only the sound of waves lapping on the beach could be heard in my ears.

"Ye Wenxuan, Zhao Fei'er. Come here, the filming is about to start!" Just when the two were in an awkward state, a voice came.

"Ahem, Mayfair, let's go there, don't make people wait in a hurry." Marven Ye said hastily, avoiding the question just now.

Zhao Fei'er nodded lightly, but a hint of disappointment still flashed in her eyes.However, he still followed Ye Wenxuan to the back to take photos.


Xu Rou and Nie Qian stood not far from Ye Wenxuan and Zhao Fei'er, looking at them, Xu Rou sighed slightly.

Nie Qian was a little puzzled, wondering why Sister Rou sighed.

"Sister Rou, why are you sighing?"

Xu Rou shook her head slightly and said softly.

"If Zhao Fei'er can't let go, she is destined to suffer a lot. I don't know when she will be able to let go."

Nie Qian naturally knew what Xu Rou was referring to, so she shrugged.

"Yeah, I can only say that she and the boss met relatively late. Shi Yu just appeared earlier, no doubt Shi Yu is a lucky person. Zhao Fei'er is also quite pitiful, a very good girl."

"Yes, our boss. Although he is usually joking, he is very principled in doing things. He will never betray Wang Shiyu, so the result is doomed from the beginning. Zhao Fei'er is also a poor person, but she just fell in love with Wang Shiyu. It’s all about people who don’t belong to me.” Xu Rou sighed again at this point.

"No wonder him, as long as I get along with our boss for a while, I don't believe any woman will not be tempted. I really admire Zhao Fei'er, who dares to love and hate, and will not let go even if she is bruised all over for her love." Nie Qian Looking at the two people in the distance, he said softly.

"Hey, let's go, we need help on that side."


 Once he couldn't control it, he wrote Zhao Fei'er too perfectly.Now I'm very confused about whether to accept her or not. Of course, even if I accept her, I won't accept her now. It will definitely be in the later stage. I am more conflicted now...

(End of this chapter)

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