Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 194 Mayfair, I Bless You Too!

Chapter 194 Mayfair, I Bless You Too!
Ye Wenxuan and Zhao Fei'er had already known the scene to be shot after the photographer's explanation, and they were ready.

In fact, it was a simple standing posture, and the two had no contact.At most, it was just leaning on the back, and there was no more physical contact, which made Marven Ye secretly heave a sigh of relief.

The two wandered on the beach, playing in the water, fighting, jumping, and chasing, just like normal tourists. The two had a good time and it was natural.

Three professional photographers from "Harper's Bazaar" followed the two of them throughout the shooting.Both the light and the angle are very particular, and the shooting is very professional.

About half an hour later, the sun was setting.The shooting of the whole night is over, and there is still a little afterglow on the sea.

Originally Marven Ye wanted to go back to the room, but Zhao Fei'er forced him to stay.

"Wenxuan, can you sit with me for a while?" Zhao Fei'er looked at Ye Wenxuan with bright eyes, and her tone was a little coquettish.

Originally, Ye Wenxuan didn't want to agree, but seeing the traces of pleading in Zhao Feier's eyes, somewhere in his heart softened slightly, he hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement with Zhao Feier's request.

The two sat on the beach and watched the last sunset gradually disappear on the sea level little by little, and the night fell.All the lights in the back villa were turned on, and the lights were brilliant and very beautiful.

"It's getting late, let's go back, you wear too little, don't catch a cold." Marven Ye slightly turned his head and said softly.

Suddenly, Zhao Fei'er hugged Ye Wenxuan's arm, and leaned her head on Ye Wenxuan's shoulder.

Ye Wenxuan only felt that his arms were surrounded by an indescribable tenderness, and Ye Wenxuan felt his whole body stiffen in an instant.

"Fei'er, what are you doing, let go!" Ye Wenxuan said in a low voice, with a guilty conscience.

"I don't! I like you Marven Ye! I know you like me too!" Zhao Fei'er raised her head, the love in her eyes was undisguised at this moment, erupting like a torrent.

Hearing Zhao Fei'er's words, Ye Wenxuan's mind buzzed even if he had already made some mental preparations.

"Fei'er, I just treat you as my best friend, there is no other meaning. What's more... what's more, I already have Shiyu, I can't let her down!" Ye Wenxuan was hesitant at first, but in the end his tone was firm Get up, and slowly pull your arm out of Zhao Fei'er's hand.

Zhao Fei'er looked at Marven Ye in a daze, her eyes filled with tears, but she was strong, she did not shed a single tear, and looked at Marven Ye stubbornly.

"I don't care, as long as you are not married, I still have a chance. I will always wait for you. I will give up when I know you get married. Even if I wait for you for ten years, I will wait for 20 years. I, Zhao Feier I will recognize you!"

Ye Wenxuan looked at Ke'er in front of him, and his heart was full of sadness.After getting along for such a long time, Ye Wenxuan is also full of affection for this girl who dares to love and hate, is lively, cheerful, upright and kind.

But Ye Wenxuan is a principled man, since he chose Wang Shiyu, he cannot let her down.

Ye Wenxuan sighed, turned his gaze back to the sea in the distance, and said softly, "May'er, let me give you a poem."

Zhao Fei'er didn't answer, but held back tears and looked at Ye Wenxuan.


Be a happy man from tomorrow on

Feed horses, chop wood, travel the world
Caring about food and vegetables from tomorrow
I have a house, facing the sea, with spring flowers blooming
From tomorrow, communicate with every loved one
tell them my happiness

That happy lightning told me
I will tell everyone
Give every river and every mountain a warm name

Having said that, Marven Ye turned his head and looked at Zhao Fei'er with clear eyes.With a kind of pity in his eyes, he continued to speak softly.


Mayfair, I wish you well

May you have a bright future
May your lover be married

May you be happy in this world

I just want to face the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming

Ye Wenxuan slightly changed the song "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms" from the previous life, and read it to Zhao Fei'er.

After speaking, Marven Ye patted Zhao Fei'er's head, got up slowly, and walked back to the villa behind.

At this moment, Zhao Fei'er could no longer bear the pain in her heart, and the tears in her eyes could no longer hold back.Tears couldn't stop streaming down, the more I cried, the more sad I became.

Finally, he buried his head on his legs and choked up loudly.

Zhao Fei'er never knew why there are so many people in the world who cry when they listen to love songs, and why there are so many idiots complaining about women.I don't know why after losing a lover, I feel so much pain.

At this moment, she understood.

Zhao Fei'er finally realized the pain in her heart, even when she was breathing, what love is!

The next day, the sun rose from the distant sea level again, and gradually the sun rose, illuminating the entire land and dispelling the boundless darkness.

Ye Wenxuan didn't sleep well this night, and it's not an exaggeration to have trouble sleeping all night.Although he left last night, how could he rest assured that Zhao Feier, a weaker girl, was alone by the sea.

He silently looked at Zhao Fei'er in a dark place, and saw Zhao Fei'er crying alone there.

Seeing Zhao Fei'er in pain, Ye Wenxuan felt heartache for some reason.More than once there was an irrepressible urge to comfort the girl by the sea.

But in the end Ye Wenxuan still held back, watching Zhao Fei'er, who was in a daze, return to the villa like a puppet.

Naturally, I couldn't sleep all night, and at the same time, I had mixed feelings in my heart. I really felt the feeling that I didn't know before.

Walking from the house to the balcony, the morning sea breeze was a bit cool, gradually blowing away some of Ye Wenxuan's sleepiness.

Ye Wenxuan stayed for a short while, then came down from downstairs, and went to the restaurant for dinner.

Ye Wenxuan looked around in the restaurant but didn't see Zhao Fei'er, so he took some food and ate some by himself.

While eating, casually flipping through the news on the phone.

Yesterday, "Legend of the Condor Heroes" had the highest ratings as high as 8.9%. As soon as this result came out, everyone inside and outside the industry was shocked.

Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV has also suddenly become the most popular TV station. According to rumors, the gate of Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV is extremely difficult to enter. Every day, there are a large number of advertisers waiting to buy advertising time at the door, and the price is also rising steadily.

From the original 15 in 20 seconds, it has gradually climbed to 15 in 50 seconds.The price has more than doubled, and even at such a high price, advertisers are still flocking to it.

In this world, China is one of the best economies in the world.There are countless well-known large companies in China, and price is not a problem for them.

The main thing is that you have to have the strength, and obviously Sichuan-Shaanxi Satellite TV has this strength.

Seeing such news, Ye Wenxuan couldn't help eating more happily...

(End of this chapter)

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