Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 197 Sky Feather Combination!

Chapter 197 Sky Feather Combination!

Here in the studio, there is a pair of male groups about 30 years old playing and singing, with vicissitudes of life.The music style and stage image are very good, and the singing skills are also very good, and the singing voice is very flavorful.

Ye Wenxuan stopped here and watched with interest the two people on the stage who were singing. Lu Zhe wanted to go on stage and call them down so that Ye Wenxuan could rehearse first.

Marven Ye stopped him and asked Lu Zhe with a smile.

"Brother Lu, who are these two people? I think they are pretty good. Are they all at the same level this year?"

Lu Zhe shook his head quietly, looked around to see if there was anyone around, and said in a low voice.

"Xiao Ye, you don't know. These two people are the most powerful combination in this year, called the Tianyu combination. But these two people are only in the top three. I guess they will be able to take fourth place tonight. "

Marven Ye was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Why? According to the strength of the two of them, there should be no problem for these two people to enter the top three, and they should also have strength to compete for the first place."

Listening to the singing of the two, Ye Wenxuan estimated that the singing skills of the two should have reached the level of B+.This level is the level at which Ye Wenxuan participated in the finals last time, which is absolutely superb.

"Why else? Because the image of the two of them is not that good. And they are very old, so no entertainment company signed them. Although they sing very well, the rest of them are not much worse than the two of them. , there is no support from behind, it is very lucky to be able to enter the finals. After all, the two of them don’t have the talent like Xiaoye, so they can come up with original songs one after another.”

Lu Zhe explained for Ye Wenxuan, and in the end he flattered him a little.

When Ye Wenxuan heard it, he suddenly had some thoughts in his heart, rubbed his chin, and stared at the two people who were rehearsing on the stage.

Ye Wenxuan felt that it would be a very good choice to sign the two of them. The company is now a bit thin as an artist on its own.

Ye Wenxuan couldn't use up the huge music resources in his previous life by himself.It's better to cultivate your own artists, and with Ye Wenxuan's efforts to build them, you can definitely make many artists popular in an instant.

The two people in front of me are very suitable, first of all, they already have some popularity.It takes singing skills to have singing skills, and strength to have strength.Although the appearance is not very outstanding, but the appearance is still attractive.

Ye Wenxuan decided to observe these two people again, to see how these two people performed during the live broadcast in the finals, to see if their psychological quality is strong.

After the two sang for more than ten minutes, they left the stage.

A young girl from the back came onto the stage, because she was in the rehearsal sequence below.

Lu Zhe saw another person coming up, he couldn't go on like this, it couldn't be endless, let Ye Wenxuan wait here.

"Qian Xintong, wait a minute, you can come up to the rehearsal after a while downstairs." Lu Zhe walked up to the girl and said in a low voice.

Qian Xintong had waited for a long time for her, but she was a little unhappy when she heard that she was asked to wait.

"Brother Lu, why, I have been waiting for a long time. I have to go to make up later, who wants to use the stage, why not let him wait for a while?"

"You let people wait for you?! Do you know who they are? Just let them wait for you. Let me tell you that Ye Wenxuan is waiting there. If you don't want to get off, it's up to you." Lu Zhe looked at Qian Xintong so displeased. To save face, he said a word coldly, turned around and left.

When Qian Xintong heard the name Ye Wenxuan, her eyes lit up instantly.

Marven Ye was coming to the finals tonight, how could she not know.I didn't expect to bump into him, and now I don't care about any performances, and I followed Lu Zhe's buttocks and ran towards Ye Wenxuan.

"Brother! I'm Qian Xintong, you are my idol and my goal, welcome back home!" Qian Xintong ran to Ye Wenxuan and said sweetly.

One good word after another, very smooth.

Marven Ye looked at the girl in front of him and smiled back at her.

"Hello, I wish you success on the horse tonight, come on!"

Qian Xintong nodded heavily, then withdrew to the side to make way for Ye Wenxuan.

Qian Xintong is very good at being a human being and knows when enough is enough.If you don't pester Ye Wenxuan, it's good to leave an impression on the other party, but it's not good if you pester him to make him evil.

Ye Wenxuan walked onto the stage, followed by the band and simply combined twice.Ye Wenxuan didn't sing, because the song to be sung at night hurt his throat, so Ye Wenxuan didn't sing it, just hummed.

The people in the audience listened to a completely unfamiliar song, and they knew that Ye Wenxuan was going to sing a new song again.

After 15 minutes, Marven Ye finished singing.

After singing, Ye Wenxuan left the stage to give way to the contestants.From last year's experience, I also know that every time I sing on stage, it will bring great psychological comfort, so Ye Wenxuan did not occupy the stage for a long time.

Ye Wenxuan returned to his lounge, but when he came to the lounge and saw a few people, Ye Wenxuan was taken aback.

The people inside are all acquaintances, and they are all players who were in the same period as Ye Wenxuan in the previous round.

Ling Leyan, Ding Yu, Ding Yulong and their respective managers were in the room.

Seeing Marven Ye come back, the six of them quickly stood up.

"Ms. Ye is back. I'm Ling Leyan's economic manager Ran Tianjiao. I haven't seen you for more than a year. Let's come and see Mrs. Ye." A fat woman stood up first and complimented Ye Wenxuan.After finishing speaking, he even teased Ling Leyan who was beside him and asked her to speak.

Ling Leyan looked at Ye Wenxuan with complicated eyes. In just one year, the four people here have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ye Wenxuan has grown to a height that the three of them look up to, but the three of them are still struggling at the bottom of the circle, looking for various relationships every day for an announcement, a commercial performance, or a song. I am very tired, working hard at the bottom.

And the other party has become a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. The daily announcements and commercial performances are overwhelming like snowflakes, but he doesn't even bother to participate.

This is the difference!
The managers of the three began to compliment Marven Ye. The three were a little embarrassed, but they also started to say something later.

Marven Ye was not in any mood either, there was still a while before the night's performance.Anyway, staying still is staying, and it's good for everyone to chat together.

Everyone chatted happily together, most of which were interesting things about everyone at this time last year.I also talked about the contestants who participated at that time. Everyone talked a lot for a while, and the atmosphere gradually improved...

(End of this chapter)

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