Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 198 Opportunity of Tianyu Combination!

Chapter 198 Opportunity of Tianyu Combination!
At 07:30 in the evening, the second season of The Voice of China officially begins!
The mentors this time are all different from the previous season. They are the rock king Sun Yan, the queen Zi Bingxuan, the love song prince Wu Shengjie, and the folk singer Zheng Wei.

These four people are also popular singers who have been in the music world for a long time, and their status in the music world is not inferior to the four mentors of the previous season, and they are all very recognized by the audience.

In the beginning, the four teachers took turns to play, and the 15-minute medley of songs made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly high.

After the instructor was seated, the host Hua Shao came on stage.

"Welcome everyone to watch the second season of The Voice of China's peak decisive battle night sponsored by Nocturne Automobile! Hello everyone, I am your good friend Hua Shao!"

Hua Shao enthusiastically greeted all the audience present, making the warm atmosphere just a little bit down.

"Before the students start the decisive battle, we welcome the three students from last season to sing "The Age of Extraordinary" for us! Let us all witness their growth together!"

After Hua Shao's words fell, the dazzling flashlights on the stage continued to flash.

Three lifting platforms raised three people from below the stage, namely Ling Leyan, Ding Yu, and Ding Yulong.

This is a very explosive rock song, after a year of growth.The three of them have initially possessed their own typhoon, and they sang very passionately, which made the audience applaud again and again.


Several top four contestants were preparing in the background, the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, and everyone was a little nervous.

The duo of the Tianyu group held their own guitars in their hands, and they were a little more nervous than the other three.

One of the Tianyu duo is called Zhao Shaotian, and the other is called Ma Taoyu.So the combination of two people is called Tianyu combination.

"You two uncles, after the finals, your value will definitely skyrocket. I think it will be higher if you return to your hometown to sing there. Take it easy!" A boy opposite the two said in a slightly mocking tone.

Zhao Shaotian and Ma Taoyu raised their heads to look at the boy opposite, they didn't make a sound, and their faces remained calm.He continued to wipe his guitar, silently preparing for the stage.

When Gao Jinhao saw that the two people on the opposite side ignored him, his anger rose again.

He was ruthlessly eliminated by the two opponents in the six-to-three competition. He and his company had to spend a lot of effort to get him out of the rematch.

Gao Jinhao has always been very confident in himself, thinking that he has a good appearance, and the company is also one of the largest companies in the industry.

Unexpectedly, he was eliminated by an unknown group, and a pair of uncles in their 30s, which made his proud self-esteem a little unbearable.

"Hmph, two uncles. Remember to tell us when you get home and find a job. We will be a little popular at that time. We will cheer you up and make your worth higher. Don't you think so!" Gao Jinhao laughed He said to the people around him, the undisguised contempt in his tone made Zhao Shaotian and the two of them slightly frowned.

"You..." Ma Taoyu was a little angry and wanted to reason with him.However, he was stopped by Zhao Shaotian who was on the side, and shook his head slightly at Ma Taoyu.

"A little kid, what do you care about with him?" Zhao Shaotian said to Ma Taoyu with a serious face, speaking extremely seriously.

When Gao Jinhao heard what Zhao Shaotian said, his face turned purple with anger.

But based on the ages of the three of them, Gao Jinhao is indeed a kid, more than ten years younger than the two people opposite him.

Just as Gao Jinhao was about to say something, news came from outside the court that Tian Yu would be in the backcourt.

The two stood up, ignored Gao Jinhao, and walked to the back.

"Hmph, just because you two are quite stars, go ahead and dream!" Gao Jinhao murmured disdainfully.


"Next, we welcome our first contestant, the Tian Yu group, to bring us their song "The Long Years"!"

Ye Wenxuan, who was watching from the background, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The song chosen by these two people is very classic, but I don't know how strong they are." Marven Ye muttered to himself.


Zhao Shaotian and Ma Taoyu took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. Standing on the stage, they each held a guitar and began to sing.

Several times of wind and rain, several times of spring and autumn
Wind, frost, snow, rain, Bo torrent

Going through hardships and never changing your mind
no worries

Forged with blood, the golden shield
Show your skills in times of crisis

As soon as the two opened their mouths, that feeling of vicissitudes and endless sorrow filled their hearts instantly.

What kind of feeling is that, the pursuit of the two music dreams for more than ten years, and the belief that they will never give up.

The two sang heartily and sang their endless sorrow.


Hearing the first line sung by the two at the backstage, he immediately made a decision in his heart.

He wants these two people!
He said to Xu Rou who was behind him: "The two of them will finish singing in a while, you go and get in touch with the two of them and let them come over, I want to chat with them."

"What? The boss is excited? Do you want to sign them?" Xu Rou asked.

"Yeah, the two of them have that taste in singing, it would be a pity not to sign it." Ye Wenxuan said while watching the performance of the two.

"But boss, the two of them really don't look very good in appearance, and they are a bit older. Is there a market for such people?" Xu Rou asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, some songs can't be sung when you are young. Whoever said that you must be young and handsome to be popular, don't forget. There are also many middle-aged people who are also in the market. Not only do they lack suitable songs for them, but they also have It’s a strong economy. It’s a market that cannot be ignored.”

Marven Ye shook his head and refuted Xu Rou's statement.

"Okay, then I'll go get in touch with them, and you should get ready too, you're going to be on stage soon." Xu Rou and Ye Wenxuan warned, and went out to wait for Tian Yu's combination.

Marven Ye nodded and continued watching the live TV.


The four contestants sang on the stage one by one. Everyone sang very well and received a lot of applause.

In the end, just as Lu Zhe said in the afternoon, the Tianyu team ranked fourth, was eliminated from the final championship and runner-up competition, and ranked No.4.

When the result came out, the two members of Tian Yu's group were very calm, as if they had foreseen the result in their eyes.

The two hugged peacefully and walked off the stage.Gao Jinhao's ridicule sounded from behind, and the figures of the two suddenly felt a little bleak.

At this moment, Xu Rou came in front of the two of them.

"The two are Mr. Zhao Shaotian and Mr. Ma Taoyu, right? I am Ye Wenxuan's assistant. Our boss would like to invite you to have a chat with him. I wonder if you two are interested?" Xu Rou asked politely, without being overbearing.

Zhao Shaotian and Ma Taoyu looked at each other, wondering why Ye Wenxuan wanted to find them.

But since people have sent out invitations, it is absolutely impossible not to go.

"Okay, we're fine." The two followed Xu Rou and walked over.

And at this time, Ye Wenxuan was also preparing to play on the stage...

(End of this chapter)

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