Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 199 "Dream Pursuit of Innocent Heart"

Chapter 199 "Dream Pursuit of Innocent Heart"

"I think everyone here will know his story about the guest singer who will be on stage next. A year ago, he bloomed his unparalleled musical talent on this stage. In just one year, he has gained a lot. More than 3000 million fans. He has become one of the most popular stars in the entertainment circle, and even won the rookie king in 2010. Who is he, welcome our champion of last season with your warmest applause!"

"Welcome to the return of the king—Marven Ye!"

Hua Shao's voice became more and more high-pitched, motivating the atmosphere of the audience.

The audience at the scene heard Hua Shao's voice, and at this moment, no matter who they were supporting, the fans shouted loudly.

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"

"Emperor Wen!"

"Emperor Wen!"


There were mixed voices at the scene, some called Ye Wenxuan's nickname, and some called Ye Wenxuan's name.

Many good voices of the audience from last season also came to watch the peak match. Everyone witnessed Ye Wenxuan's growth from a student he didn't know to a hot star.

Now seeing Ye Wenxuan again, still on this stage, everyone is very excited.

Ye Wenxuan walked out from one side of the stage in a low-key manner, with a warm smile on his face, while greeting the audience below, he also greeted the four in the instructor's seat.

The four mentors also responded enthusiastically to Marven Ye. Marven Ye's status and popularity were not inferior to them, so they had nothing to be proud of.

Ye Wenxuan stood in the center of the stage, holding the Amethyst microphone produced by the system in his hand.

Ye Wenxuan returned to this stage again, looking at the familiar venue and even some familiar audiences, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hello everyone, I, Marven Ye, are back!" Ye Wenxuan said softly, with a lot of emotion on his face.

In the atmosphere that had just calmed down, Ye Wenxuan once again received overwhelming applause when he opened his mouth.

"One year ago today, I participated in the night of the decisive battle with a very nervous mood. One year later, I am also extremely nervous. There is a kind of wanderer who travels far away and returns to his home to accept the wishes of his family. The test is average." Ye Wenxuan calmed down and said softly, his tone was very sincere and attentive.

Everyone calmed down and listened to Ye Wenxuan's narration, with a faint smile on their faces, looking at the young man on the stage.

"Standing here again today to accept everyone's test, I want to prove to everyone that my pursuit of dreams is still going on. My dreams have never stopped, and I am still moving forward on the road of dreams. At the same time, I I also hope to use the next song to encourage the four contestants in the audience, and I hope you can keep forging ahead and never forget your original aspirations!"

"The next song, my new song "Dream Chaser" is for everyone, I hope you like it!"

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he closed his eyes and adjusted his state.The key of this song is very high, basically high notes from beginning to end.Ye Wenxuan was not quite sure whether he could sing it intact, so he could only do his best.

Seeing that Ye Wenxuan closed his eyes, everyone quietly did not disturb Ye Wenxuan.

After about ten seconds, Marven Ye opened his eyes and made an OK gesture to the audience, indicating that they can play the accompaniment.

The soothing sound of the piano sounded, the drums roared, and the sound of the guitar lingered in people's ears.

The three instruments are simply combined together, but they are extremely full of rhythm, which makes people feel a sense of expectation.

Everyone was looking forward to Ye Wenxuan's opening, and there was a kind of eagerness that couldn't wait.


where is the world full of flowers
If it exists then I will definitely go

I want the tallest mountain to stand there
don't care if it's a cliff


Ye Wenxuan's voice sounded out of the ordinary, as if speaking softly, which disappointed many audience members.

Sun Yan on the stage was listening to Ye Wenxuan's song. As a rock player, he could naturally recognize that it was a rock song.

Zi Bingxuan and Sun Yan are both Teacher Yu Canghai's apprentices, so they are naturally familiar with each other.

"Brother Yan, his singing style..." Zi Bingxuan asked with some uncertainty, and had some vague guesses.

Sun Yan nodded, he understood what Zi Bingxuan meant.

"Yes, he used the skill of smoking voice. He is suppressing himself as much as possible now. Just watch, there will definitely be a super high explosion later. This song will definitely not be as plain as before. Oddly enough, Ye Wenxuan's claim to be a golden player in the music world is not for nothing, I have little expectations." Sun Yan listened to Ye Wenxuan's singing with great interest.

Zi Bingxuan nodded and continued to listen to Marven Ye's singing.


maybe i don't have talent

but i have the innocence of dreams

I'm going to prove with my life

maybe my hands are stupid

But I would like to keep searching

Give all your youth without regrets

Ye Wenxuan continued to sing, and sang to the critical point of climax.With his eyes slightly closed, Marven Ye seemed to have traveled through time and space under the shining lights of the stage.

Before my eyes, I saw the appearance of running around for my music dream in the previous life.

Rejected again and again!

Being ridiculed again and again!

Failure again and again!
lingering on the road ahead, just like this song sings.

He has no talent, but he is persistent in his dreams!

He has no future, but he has a search for the future!

Marven Ye has loved this song for a long time since it was released in the last life.Often in the middle of the night when he is helpless, he sings hoarsely.Ye Wenxuan shouted loudly even if he broke his throat, venting his depression.

The audience below the stage also heard that Marven Ye was about to climax, and they were all looking forward to it.

The eyes of many middle-aged people are deeply touched, they have all come from a young age.After being tempered by society, many people's dreams have already been buried by the cruelty of reality. Ye Wenxuan's singing seemed to let them see how they were bruised all over their bodies because of their dreams, so helpless and so painful.

This is something that many young people can't understand. They don't think how good Ye Wenxuan's singing is, and feel that Ye Wenxuan is not up to standard this time.

Backstage, Ye Wenxuan's lounge, Zhao Shaotian and Ma Taoyu were watching Ye Wenxuan live on TV.The two of them had an incomparable resonance with Marven Ye's singing, and they looked at Marven Ye on TV without blinking, their expressions were like a pilgrimage.

Hearing the part about to climax, the two could no longer hold back the excitement in their hearts.Pushing open the door and running towards the studio, they felt that watching TV could no longer satisfy them, and they wanted to go to the scene.

Everyone was waiting for Marven Ye's eruption, for Marven Ye's singing!

 I don't know if everyone is satisfied with the songs I chose this time...

(End of this chapter)

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