Chapter 506 Tension!

In the early morning of the next day, everything was silent, and the light from the eastern horizon cautiously infiltrated the light blue sky, and a new day gradually moved from afar.

Marven Ye sat up on the bed, looking out at the small courtyard with singing birds and fragrant flowers, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This kind of tranquility that is independent of the city makes people in the world and their impetuous hearts gradually calm down involuntarily.

Rubbing his slightly headache head, Ye Wenxuan smiled wryly.

Last night, after eating and eating, he started drinking again.

My grandfather and two uncles are both massive.He has practiced a good capacity for alcohol in the officialdom and in the shopping mall, so he opened his mouth to drink last night, and Ye Wenxuan also drank too much in the end.

Later, Marven Ye was helped into a room and fell asleep.

Get out of bed and go into the bathroom.The supplies inside are very complete and have everything.

Ye Wenxuan took a good shower, washing away the smell of alcohol.

After that, I got dressed and walked out of the room.

It is said that it is a room, but it is actually an independent wing.In ancient times, it was all like this.

The courtyard of my grandfather's house is very large, so there are many wing rooms.

Strolling in the courtyard, looking at the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers in the courtyard, I feel very refreshed.

As he walked, Marven Ye's eyes lit up.

I saw my grandfather Yu Junjie doing Tai Chi in the yard, and my uncle and uncle were also doing Tai Chi behind him.

With Ye Wenxuan's knowledge of martial arts, he can see that the Taijiquan practiced by the three of his grandfathers is a very authentic Taijiquan health-preserving style.

Although there is no lethality, it is still very helpful for strengthening the body.

It seems that my grandfather has been instructed by an expert, Marven Ye thought to himself.

Ye Wenxuan watched where the three of them practiced, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, the combination of movement and stillness, and the rhythm was well mastered.

Ye Wenxuan watched with great interest, and after watching for a while, the three of them finished their set of punches.

After Yu Junjie finished beating, he picked up a towel on one side and wiped the sweat off his face.

Inadvertently saw Marven Ye who was watching from a distance, with a smile on his face.

"Wenxuan, what are you doing standing there, come here quickly." Yu Junjie waved at Ye Wenxuan, signaling Ye Wenxuan to come over.

Yu Junjie had a kind smile on his face, at this moment Yu Junjie was more like a grandfather.

Ye Wenxuan heard Yu Junjie calling him, and trotted over.

At this time, Yu Tianlong and Yu Tianming also saw Ye Wenxuan.

"Yo, Xiaoxuan is up. Did you sleep well last night?" Yu Tianming asked with a smile.

"Second uncle is very good, he slept very comfortably."

Yu Tianlong hung the towel in his hand on a shelf not far away, and said with a smile, "Dad, why don't we ask Wenxuan to teach us Taijiquan? Ye Wenxuan is a master of Chinese martial arts."

Yu Junjie's eyes lit up when he heard the elder son's words.

"That's right, Wenxuan is a master of Chinese martial arts, and he should have dabbled in Taijiquan too!" Yu Junjie looked at Ye Wenxuan with some anticipation.

Facing the fiery gazes of the three, Marven Ye couldn't help but nodded.

"A little dabble, a little dabble..."

"Haha, Wenxuan, don't be modest. Give us a demonstration, let us see and see!" Yu Tianming was full of interest.

Seeing this, Ye Wenxuan couldn't evade it, and said: "I just saw that you practiced the health-preserving boxing system in Taijiquan, and I observed that your movements just now are simple, dignified and majestic. There is a bit of the artistic conception of Wu's Taijiquan. , you should be the inheritance of the Wu clan, right?"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, a trace of shock flashed in Yu Junjie's eyes.Nodding repeatedly, he said, "That's right, Wenxuan, what you said is absolutely right. I am indeed from Wu-style Taijiquan. The gentleman who taught me was named Wu."

Ye Wenxuan smiled slightly, and continued: "You have practiced very well, and you are quite artistic, so there is no need for me to correct anything. If you want to watch, I can give you a rehearsal of Taijiquan fighting methods, so that you can experience it .”

As soon as Marven Ye finished speaking, Yu Tianming couldn't wait to say: "That's great, even if we have only heard of the real martial arts, we have been curious for a long time."

Yu Junjie and Yu Tianlong didn't speak, but Ye Wenxuan also saw the longing in their eyes.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with status.It's just every man's dream.

Ye Wenxuan didn't say much, rolled up his sleeves, and moved his body briefly.Walk to the center of the yard.

The center of the courtyard is paved with pieces of pure white peridot, which is beautiful and elegant, and it is very comfortable to walk on.

Ye Wenxuan also didn't have any feelings, he closed his eyes slightly, and prepared to show off for a while.

This time, Marven Ye decided to show his full strength.This will also make my uncle and grandfather less worried. After all, they don't have a clear assessment of their own strength when they participate in the World Martial Arts Conference.

Ye Wenxuan closed his eyes tightly, and then slowly opened them again, his eyes were as calm as a deep spring.

Point your right toe to the ground and draw to the right.Spreading his hands, he slowly placed them in front of him.It was a very simple gesture, but Ye Wenxuan made it extraordinarily rhythmic, showing everyone's demeanor.

The wind blows gently, and the flowers and plants in the yard sway slowly with the wind.

Suddenly, Marven Ye moved.

Step forward with the right foot, transform the horse stance into a lunge, and push out with the left hand.

Although it looks a bit slow, the speed is indeed slow at all.

There is a sense of disobedience between the setbacks. Although the speed is extremely fast, it feels very slow visually.

Ye Wenxuan's figure flitted back and forth in the yard, sometimes calmly, sometimes agilely.

Moreover, every step Marven Ye took, on the floor tiles paved with peridot, would sink into a small pit.

Although the small pit is very inconspicuous, it has indeed collapsed.

This is the tension in Taijiquan, and it is also one of the eight strengths in boxing.As the saying goes, it is spring force, which is extremely explosive.

It is the existence of this kind of tension that makes Tai Chi so powerful.

Ye Wenxuan is successful in Chinese martial arts, naturally he is very familiar with Teng Jin, and he has also mastered the other eight strengths. This is a boxing skill that everyone should master.

Ye Wenxuan demonstrated many secret moves.

The three of Yu Junjie were on the side, watching Ye Wenxuan practice, their eyes were full of shock.

Especially seeing the slightly collapsed ground under Ye Wenxuan's feet, one can imagine how strong Ye Wenxuan's feet are.

If this foot steps on someone's body, the consequences...

Thinking of this, the three of them suddenly shuddered, and their worries about Ye Wenxuan's participation in the World Martial Arts Conference disappeared in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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