Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 507 Counterattack plan!

Chapter 507 Counterattack plan!

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's strength, now Yu Junjie is only worried about those players in the World Martial Arts Championship.

Even the ground made of hard peridot can dig a hole. If this kick hits a person, how can a mortal body be able to bear it!

Yu Tianlong used to only know that his nephew was extremely powerful, but he didn't have much idea.Now Yu Tianlong has a very profound concept!
Seeing Ye Wenxuan, who was still rehearsing there, clapping his palms with such a mighty power, the three of them were a little speechless.

In about 10 minutes, Ye Wenxuan rehearsed from the beginning to the end, sweat broke out on his forehead, and let out a long breath.

At this time, there was a burst of applause from behind.

Ye Wenxuan turned his head to look at Uncle Xiang and the three of them, all of them clapped their hands with smiles on their faces.

"Wenxuan, your kung fu is really handsome. With such good kung fu, it's useless to be a star. If you join the army, you will definitely be a peerless soldier king!" Yu Tianlong felt a little emotional.

Hearing Yu Tianlong's words, Yu Junjie was a little unhappy.

"What's so good about being a soldier, Wenxuan's talent is Wenxuan's greatest strength!"

"Wenxuan can use his talents to save the next generation in China. Can you be a soldier?!"

Yu Junjie's merciless criticism made Yu Tianlong's head shrink slightly. Yu Tianlong was afraid of his old father since he was a child, and he didn't dare to argue with him at all.

Yu Tianlong could only laugh apologetically, even saying that Yu Junjie was right.

Marven Ye looked at the two with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, let's go to breakfast, it's getting late."

At this moment, Yu Tianming stepped forward to make things right.

Yu Junjie snorted, nodded, and walked towards the restaurant first.

Yu Tianlong smiled wryly, shrugged, and followed his father.

The four of them quickly came to the dining room, sat on their seats, and soon some servants brought breakfast.

The four of them had just finished practicing martial arts, so naturally they all had a big appetite.

After eating for a while, Marven Ye put down his chopsticks, took a sip of soy milk, and then turned his gaze to Yu Tianlong.

"Uncle, my movie is about to be released at the end of March. I wonder if uncle can give me some convenience?" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Yu Tianlong raised his head and smiled slightly.

"That's no problem, when you send the film over, we will review it for you as soon as possible, and then let you show it.

As for the issue of theaters, it's not easy for me to intervene, but you can ask your second uncle for help.He is the major shareholder of Huaying Group, so asking him to give you some convenience is not easy. "Yu Tianlong pouted his lips, signaling Ye Wenxuan.

Then he looked at Yu Tianming beside him with a smile, and said teasingly, "Second Uncle Wenxuan, the movie that your eldest nephew invested in is about to be released, is your old man bleeding a little!"

When Yu Tianming heard his elder brother's words, he gave Yu Tianlong a blank look.

"Wenxuan's matter is naturally supported. My second uncle can make the decision for you. On the side of Hua Cinema Line, I can give you the largest number of films in the first three days.

But after three days, it will be time to judge the results. After all, Huaying is a formal large group. "

"After three days, as long as your grades are good, the second uncle can give you the greatest support. But if the grades are not good, the second uncle can't do anything about it, and can only reduce the amount of filming."

Yu Tianming directly confessed to Ye Wenxuan, and put the ugly words first.

Hearing Yu Tianming's words, Ye Wenxuan was overjoyed.

Huaying Group, as the leading enterprise of Huaxia Entertainment, is definitely second to none in terms of theater chains.

The coverage rate of theaters nationwide is as high as 80.00%, firmly ranking first in Chinese theaters!

And my second uncle directly decided to give me the maximum number of films for the first three days, which would be incalculable to Ye Wenxuan's help.

Ye Wenxuan also has confidence in his company's technology, three days... is enough!

"Thank you, Second Uncle, three days is enough!" Marven Ye said gratefully.

Yu Tianming waved his hand, and said indifferently: "You child, why are you being polite to your second uncle?"

Ye Wenxuan touched his head when he heard Yu Tianming's words, and smiled.

Yu Junjie didn't intervene just now. Seeing that the three of them had finished chatting, Yu Junjie asked Ye Wenxuan, "Wenxuan, is this film produced by your company planning to enter the foreign market? Is there any intention?"

Hearing his grandfather's words, Marven Ye pondered for a while, and said, "This "Three Lives III" series is our company's water test. The main purpose is to occupy the domestic market, and we don't have too high aspirations.

But if the domestic response is good, we plan to promote it in Asia.As for Europe and the United States, we have no such plan yet, nor do we have the strength. "

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Yu Junjie nodded slightly.

"Your plan is good. You have to eat one bite at a time. No one can become a fat man at one time. So your strategic goal is very clear and correct!" Yu Junjie was very satisfied with Ye Wenxuan's plan.

"This is your company's first film, so it is very important to occupy the domestic market. But I think it must be promoted and released in Asia, and we must pay attention to it!"

"Whether this is a vital improvement to your image, it is also the first step in our fight against foreign cultural invasion!"

Yu Junjie gradually became serious and said seriously.

Ye Wenxuan nodded when he heard Yu Junjie's words.

"I heard that your series is divided into two parts, is it divided into upper and lower parts?" Yu Junjie asked suddenly.

Marven Ye didn't quite understand his grandfather's intentions, but he still nodded.

"Then let's do this. If we screen the first film and receive wide acclaim, then we can do something about the second film." Yu Junjie showed a mysterious smile.

Hearing Yu Junjie's words, not only Ye Wenxuan was confused this time, but also Yu Tianlong and Yu Tianming didn't know why.

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the three, Yu Junjie didn't give a shit.

"If the first movie is a big hit, then we will snipe a foreign blockbuster movie for the second movie!" Yu Junjie said with a little excitement as a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Snipe foreign blockbusters!

These six words made Yu Tianlong's eyes light up, and he became a little excited.

For so many years, we have always avoided foreign blockbusters, and even set up a domestic protection month to protect the domestic film industry.

There has never been a time when I can take the initiative to snipe foreign blockbusters, and of course I have done it before.

But every time it ended in a disastrous defeat, being crushed by the opponent without dignity!

But this time, with Ye Wenxuan's so-called epoch-making 3D technology movie, the blood in Yu Junjie and Yu Tianlong's father and son was completely ignited!
(End of this chapter)

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