Chapter 508 Jade Powder!

The Spring Festival is always short-lived.

Ye Wenxuan's family spent three days at his grandfather's house, and then returned to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, to Ye Wenxuan's grandparents' house.

For a total of seven days, Ye Wenxuan enjoyed the long-lost tranquility.

But the quiet days are always short, and the seven days will pass in a blink of an eye.

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Beijing North Airport.

A young man wearing sunglasses, wearing a woolen coat, appeared at Beijing North Airport in an outstanding manner.

Ye Wenxuan carried a suitcase and went straight to the VIP channel of the airport.

The airport on the seventh day of the lunar new year is much more lively than the airport on the eve of the new year.

The people who come and go are all well-dressed people, obviously outsiders who have gone home for the New Year. The Spring Festival is over, and life is back on track.

Ye Wenxuan didn't stop, and strode into the VIP passage.

Because Ye Wenxuan keenly saw two...paparazzi, Ye Wenxuan didn't give them a chance, and disappeared into the VIP channel.


Times entertainment.

New year, new weather, Ye Wenxuan returned to the company.Looking at the radiant faces, it is obvious that in the past few days when I went home, I have eaten a lot of fish and meat.

Many people said Happy New Year to Marven Ye, Marven Ye also responded one by one.

Pulling the suitcase, Marven Ye returned to his office.

After tidying up briefly, Ye Wenxuan just sat on the chair when the door was opened.

Ran Yirou changed her usual white route today, and today she wore a brown sweater dress with a brown jacket on top, her legs were black tight fleece pants, and black high-heeled shoes under her feet.

With Ran Yirou's height of 1.7 meters, she looks extraordinarily beautiful and gentle.

Seeing Marven Ye, a smile appeared on Marven Ye's face.

Ran Yirou just passed the new year, and she was also in a good mood, holding a small gift in her hand, and placed it in front of Ye Wenxuan's desk.

"Happy Chinese New Year, here is a little gift for you." Ran Yirou smiled coquettishly, and then sat in front of Ye Wenxuan.

Marven Ye picked up the small gift on the table, but put it aside without opening it.

For the two of them, the value of the gift is irrelevant, all they want is a heart, and the rest is not important.

"Happy Chinese New Year, Sister Yirou." Ye Wenxuan also said with a smile.

Ran Yirou chatted briefly with Ye Wenxuan, and talked about the interesting things about the two of them during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, Ye Wenxuan didn't hide from Ran Yirou, and briefly talked about his grandfather's family.

After listening to it, Ran Yirou had an intuitive feeling for the first time about the Yu family in the north of Beijing.

That is... too scary!

Ye Wenxuan's grandfather was Yu Junjie, the previous head of the Ministry of Culture!

Ye Wenxuan's uncle is the deputy director of the ****!
Ye Wenxuan's third uncle is the major shareholder of Huaying Group!
Each of these three people can be said to be the top of the entertainment industry!
The entire Yu family can be said to be the number one family in China's entertainment industry, and Ye Wenxuan's mother is the fourth daughter of this family, which is a great help to Ye Wenxuan!

In the future, the entertainment of the era will definitely sit firmly on Mount Tai, and its position in the country can be said to be more stable.

Ran Yirou is full of confidence now, full of longing for the future development of Times Entertainment.

"But don't reveal this matter, first of all it's not good. If a tree is big enough to attract the wind, it will die young. We are already enough to attract the wind, so don't make extra troubles. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is our right way!" Ye Wenxuan instructed.

Ran Yirou nodded and said, "It's natural."

After talking about this, the topic gradually entered the topic.

"Wenxuan, how is the progress of your "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms"? Has our second wave of publicity plans been changed?
Recently, the popularity of our "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" on the official website is gradually decreasing, so I think it's time for us to launch the second wave of plans. "Ran Yirou said brightly.

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Marven Ye nodded.

"That's right, we really should promote it as soon as possible. We are running out of time, and we will release the first film around late March to early April, so we only have two months now, we must make sure that the popularity of this film Keep it up!" Ye Wenxuan also became serious.

"We will call Ye Jiachen later to ask if the first teaser trailer has been made. If it is done, we will show it as soon as possible."

Ran Yirou nodded and said, "I understand, if the movie comes out, I'll let Li Yuxin start a warm-up first!"

"Okay, you let Li Yuxin and the others be jointly responsible for this matter." This matter was settled like this.

After thinking for a while, Marven Ye suddenly remembered one thing that he didn't tell Ran Yirou.

That is Ye Wenxuan preparing to participate in the World Martial Arts Conference, Ran Yirou should know.

However, just as Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, Ran Yirou's side exploded.

Ran Yirou was like an angry little leopard, her brows were raised and her face was firm.

"No, I firmly disagree, it's too dangerous! The risk factor is too great!" Ran Yirou retorted directly.

Ye Wenxuan was dumbfounded, he didn't expect such a big reaction from Ran Yirou.Seeing Ran Yirou's appearance, Ye Wenxuan was a little dumbfounded.

"What do you have to worry about? For me, this is a matter of great benefit and no harm. Don't you know my strength?!"

"This is a great help for me to establish an image in China and enter the world. It can be said to be the best stage!"

Ye Wenxuan comforted Ran Yirou and told her the benefits of this incident.

Ran Yirou shook her head, but still disagreed.

"Don't think I haven't watched the World Martial Arts Competition. It's unlimited fighting. A little carelessness will cause compensation. You are a star entertainer. If you are disfigured, you can talk about your stardom. what to do!"

"Although you are talented, a disfigured star can definitely bring you down forever!"

Ran Yirou was a little excited, but what she said was also very reasonable.

Ye Wenxuan got a headache and didn't know how to comfort Ran Yirou.

"Sister Yirou, I'm very powerful, haven't you seen my martial arts before!" Ye Wenxuan said weakly.

"No!" Ran Yirou turned her head away, she will never let go of this matter!
Ye Wenxuan was a little helpless, sighed, and picked up a good jade ball from the table.

"It's a pity that this excellent jade ball is in vain..." Ye Wenxuan muttered to himself.

Marven Ye didn't say much, picked up the jade ball and put it in his hand.

An energy was running in the palm of his hand, and his five fingers were like eagle claws, constantly ravaging the jade ball in his hand.

Soon, as if the jade ball in his hand had been sharpened by a knife, jade powder flowed out of Ye Wenxuan's hand and fell on the table.

At first, Ran Yirou didn't know what Ye Wenxuan meant, but now Ran Yirou's small mouth grew up, and her eyes were filled with disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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