Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 509 teaser trailer!

Chapter 509 teaser trailer!
Ran Yirou pointed her right hand at Ye Wenxuan's right hand, her face full of disbelief.

"Wenxuan, you, you..." Ran Yirou stammered.

Seeing Ran Yirou's reaction, Ye Wenxuan felt that the proof he wanted to do had achieved the expected effect.

Putting down the jade ball in his hand, looking at the jade ball that was originally as smooth as jade, being so broken by himself, his heart aches.

Hey, just to prove it to you, I wasted tens of thousands of yuan in vain.Ye Wenxuan looked at Ran Yirou with a little resentment.

"Sister Yirou, I am no longer what I used to be. Over the past few years, my martial arts have improved a lot. I dare not say anything else. But in terms of martial arts, I am definitely the best in the world now. Level!" Ye Wenxuan said confidently.

Ran Yirou reached out her hand out of curiosity, and touched the jade powder that had accumulated on the table, she still had some disbelief in her eyes.

Looking at Ye Wenxuan with complicated eyes, Ran Yirou had no choice but to compromise.Because Ran Yirou couldn't find a reason to ask Ye Wenxuan to give up.

"Since you are so persistent, then you can go. But you must protect yourself. If you have to admit defeat, you will admit defeat. If you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood. I think you should understand this truth." Ran Yirou instructed.

Ye Wenxuan gave Ran Yirou a reassuring look, and then asked Ran Yirou again: "How is the relationship with Xu Chang's studio going? When will "Happy Club" start recording?"

When Ran Yirou heard Ye Wenxuan's question about this matter, she didn't hesitate, and responded immediately: "The planning of this matter started years ago, and the recording location has been found, and the scene setting and script design have almost come to an end. It is expected to be completed by the end of this month We should be able to start recording the first episode."

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Marven Ye nodded in satisfaction.

"How's the budget? Have you talked to some entertainment companies? Ask the star if he'd like to come." Marven Ye asked back.

"The construction of this scene does not require a lot of funds, plus the employment of some staff and the rental of equipment. About 1000 million funds can be used to settle all of it. In the future, the main big money will be on inviting celebrities." Ran Yirou reported truthfully.

Ye Wenxuan pondered for a while when he heard Ran Yirou's words.

Some fledgling variety shows need to spend a lot of money to hire big names, and big names have a huge popularity base, which can make this show more interesting.

After all, the current era is an era where the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. If the response in the early stage is not good, it will directly affect the ratings in the future.

So this has also led to the fact that some variety shows need to spend a lot of money to invite some celebrity artists to open up the initial market and establish a brand.

But some old variety shows are different.Every established variety show has a huge fan base, and at this time there will be an exchange of interests between entertainment companies.

A one-by-one situation occurs, and a company's big-name star is produced, and then a company's newcomer is brought along.This combination can help established artists gain popularity and earn money.It can also help newcomers increase their popularity and social status, which are commonly used by entertainment companies.

Although money is still needed, the money needed is far lower than the normal cost of inviting celebrities, and the cost is very low.

In this case, "Happy Club" is naturally not immune.

But how to minimize the cost is a very important thing.

Although Ye Wenxuan is not short of money now, he can save as much as he can. This is Ye Wenxuan's principle, and it is also the principle of all businessmen.

Ye Wenxuan thought for a while, and said: "Don't invite people widely, we will use our own people for the first few issues."

"I went to record the first episode, and then I asked Kodak if he still had time for Li Guanghe. If the two of them have time, we will invite them both. With my relationship with them, we can definitely offer a friendly price."

"Let Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu go in the second episode. My two charming daughter-in-laws will surely gain huge ratings."

"Let the Tian Yu group go in the third phase. Both of them are currently the backbone of the Chinese music scene. The first-line singer group is not low in popularity. And these two people are very funny, and they should be very good."

Ye Wenxuan quickly named the candidates for the three episodes, then paused, and continued: "The first three episodes will be arranged in this way, and then we will air it to see the situation. I think these three episodes should be able to open up the influence, enough for these entertainment companies to Seeing the impact we have, things can go a lot better after that."

"It can not only sit on the ground to bargain, shop around, but also reduce costs."

Ran Yirou nodded, agreeing with Ye Wenxuan's analysis.

"Okay, let's arrange it like this. Do your own work first, and I will arrange these things first." Ran Yirou stood up, ready to go back and arrange these things.

Marven Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Go, go, pay attention to your body."

Ran Yirou smiled, turned and left Marven Ye's office.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Ran Yirou's back, then lowered his head and began to deal with some recent matters.


After the Spring Festival, everything will be back on track.

Ye Wenxuan also returned to the crew and continued filming.

A week after Ye Wenxuan returned to the crew, Times Entertainment and Times Film and Television released the first teaser trailer for "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms".

This made "Three Lives III", which had been somewhat silent, become hot again.


Since seeing the poster of "Three Lives III" last time, Guo Ru has paid attention to this movie.

Every day, Guo Ru will habitually browse the official Weibo of the movie "Three Lives III" to see if there is any latest news.

Early this morning, Guo Ru, who had just finished breakfast, took out her mobile phone after the meal and entered Sansheng Sanshi's official account again.

But this time, he saw the latest news, which immediately made Guo Ru excited.

Click on the news, see the sentence above, and a small video attached below.

"The leading trailer of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is shocking!"

Seeing such news, Guo Ru became slightly short of breath.But seeing the messy restaurants around, Guo Ru held back her inner impulse.

After packing up her things, Guo Ru ran back to the dormitory in a hurry.I want to watch this teaser trailer quietly.

Back in the dormitory, Guo Ru sat directly on her own seat, showing haste in her actions.

Guo Ru's roommate, Sun Yu, was a little puzzled by Guo Ru's weird behavior today, and a little curious.

"Ruru, what's wrong with you? Are you in such a hurry?" Sun Yu asked curiously.

"The trailer of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is out, I want to watch it quickly." Guo Ru said concisely.

(End of this chapter)

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