Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 510 Four seas and eight deserts, waiting for you to see...

Chapter 510 The world is full of wilderness, waiting for you to see...

Sun Yu was a little puzzled when he heard Guo Ru's words.

"I seem to have heard of the movie "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" somewhere, but I can't remember clearly." Sun Yu said thoughtfully.

"Hey, it's the movie that Ye Wenxuan starred in and invested in, the one starring Zhao Feier!" Guo Ru said without turning her head.

As soon as Sun Yu clapped his hands, he was a little stunned.

"Ah! I remembered, it turned out to be this movie! Its trailer is out?"

"I want to watch it too. The beauty of this drama is beyond the charts. Ruru, let's watch it together!"

Sun Yu immediately became excited, picked up a chair, and sat beside Guo Ru.

Guo Ru didn't pay attention either, but silently opened the trailer.

Suddenly, there was an ethereal flute sound from the phone.

Suddenly, a mountain piercing the sky and piercing the earth appeared in front of the two of them.Lush and full of original flavor.The highest place is shrouded in clouds and mist, bursting with fairy air.

What shocked the two of them was that the majesty of the mountains and the aura of fairy mountains were so realistic.

The sound of music sounded, urgent and exciting.

"In that life, on a barren mountain in the middle of the wilderness, it was the first meeting between her and him."

Suddenly, a line of text appeared beside the mountain, like an outline of ink and wash, full of ancient rhyme.

Then the style of painting changed, and Bai Qian played by Zhao Feier appeared.

She was dressed in white, and her hair was naturally loose on her back.Holding a wine gourd in his hand, he sat on the peach tree with blank eyes.

The beautiful face, ethereal figure, and uninhibited temperament all brought to life the Bai Qian portrayed by Zhao Fei'er.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Even Guo Ru and Sun Yu, who are women, couldn't help sighing, which shows how touching Zhao Feier's beauty is.

The picture began to rise gradually, and slowly, Taolin Ten Miles gradually appeared in front of people.

Delicate peach petals, each with a little dewdrops on it, each one is a little different.

Like the pink sea waves, with the breeze, it will vividly show a fairy cave.

"Peach blossoms are scorching, branches and leaves are Zhenzhen, enchanting and eye-catching."

The ink-like text is displayed again.

Guo Ru murmured in a low voice, and there was a gleam in her eyes.

The screen turned again, the background music gradually became more exciting, and the rhythm of the music gradually became tighter.After a while, I can still hear the woman's singing, high pitched and passionate.

"Memories can be sealed, but the heart sometimes betrays. I can't forget the love in the past life, I can't forget the ten miles of peach forest, and I can't forget the boy in Xuanyi in the ten miles of peach forest."

At this time, Ye Wenxuan and Zhao Fei'er appeared at the same time.Ye Wenxuan was dressed in a fine attire, and he was very handsome.Zhao Fei'er is not the same as the domineering she saw before, but like a weak little girl.

The two are in front of a wooden house, the man is farming and the woman is weaving, happy and happy.It seems like a pair of mortals, a perfect match.

"In this life, in the East China Sea Crystal Palace, they met unexpectedly."

As soon as the screen turned, the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea appeared in front of people's eyes.Different from the previous special effects, the special effects in this trailer simply show the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace that people imagined.

Shrimp soldiers and crab generals, densely covered with coral, and dotted with stars, the scene is magnificent and incredible.

"Not everyone can see through the intertwined love and hate of the three lives and three lives, as long as you are still there, as long as I still love."




"In this world, there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, and there is no fear. Some love is hidden on the lips and hangs on the tip of the heart."


"Life is like a dream, love is like flowing water, love is like a peach blossom..."

Screen transitions began to occur frequently.

Thirty thousand miles east of Junji Mountain, Bai Qian worshiped as a teacher.

The palace of the nine heavenly immortals, the love and hatred above the heavenly palace.

In the battle between immortals and demons in all directions, Mo Yuan sacrificed to the Eastern Emperor Bell.


Fragmentary pictures show a grand fairy world in front of people's eyes.

The teaser trailer, which is only one and a half minutes long, is over soon.

But Guo Ru and Sun Yu were silent, their eyes full of shock.

"Ruru, are you sure you didn't show the American Emperor's movie? It's the Xianxia movie produced by Huaxia?!" Sun Yu asked in a murmur.

Guo Ru also had a look of disbelief, and did not respond to Sun Yu.

Because she was also shocked by the many pictures inside, which simply exceeded her expectations.

Each of the fragments inside is magnificent.

The scene of the fairy family in people's minds is vividly displayed.

And this kind of technology can only be seen in the American Empire's Marvel series of movies, and it's just a little bit.

But I saw a lot in the trailer just now, and the plot inside, although only a little bit, made Guo Ru and Sun Yu full of curiosity.

Moreover, Guo Ru, who is loyal to literature, is fascinated and obsessed with the paragraphs of text in it.

Obviously, the teaser trailer was a huge success.

After the two calmed down for a long time, a spark seemed to ignite in Sun Yu's eyes.

"Ruru, we must watch it when it's released!" Sun Yu said excitedly.

Guo Ru smiled and responded, "Of course."


At the same time, many people like Guo Ru watched the trailer of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" for the first time.

Without exception, everyone is conquered by the grand scenes inside and attracted by the ups and downs of love stories inside.

After watching it, many people exclaimed in disbelief.

Because such a movie was actually produced by Huaxia Entertainment Company.

In the consciousness of the Chinese people, only American emperors can make movies like this.

People who were very interested in the "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" series of movies are now even more interested.

In fact, many people nowadays are technology addicts, especially obsessed with the excellent 3D technology, and like to watch some grand and realistic movies.

Now this movie has such technology, which arouses everyone's curiosity again.

And this time's publicity directly made the official Weibo of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" hot again.

The number of clicks is rising, and the popularity is also rising, which makes the amount of topics continue to increase.

Soon the teaser trailer for "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" has already risen to the top five most searched on Weibo.

And these have nothing to do with Marven Ye at present.

Regarding the leading trailer, Marven Ye got it four days ago.

In order to attract everyone's attention, Ye Wenxuan spent a full 40 popularity points just for this 2-minute trailer.

Of course, the effect is also very good, even after Ye Wenxuan watched it, they were all hooked. With the 40 popularity points, Ye Wenxuan felt that it was worth the money.

And at present, the scene of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is about to wrap up!
After nearly four months of filming, finally on February 17th, all the scenes, all the scenes in the "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" series, the first and second part, were all filmed!
Officially finished!
(End of this chapter)

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