Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 511 "Voice of the Times" Adjudicator!

Chapter 511 "Voice of the Times" Adjudicator!

That night, director Cheng An paid out of his own pocket for a wrap-up banquet at a five-star hotel in northern Beijing.

Ye Wenxuan did not compete with Cheng An for the wrap-up banquet.Because as a director, it is a consistent tradition in the director circle to arrange a finale for the crew.

Ye Wenxuan couldn't steal the show, not to mention, Cheng An was not a poor man.So Ye Wenxuan didn't fight with him, and readily accepted it.

That night, everyone gathered together.Ye Wenxuan, Zhao Feier, Gao Guangwei, Zhao Mozhi, Mu Bin, Bai Mengying and others all attended.

Even some of the actors who had finished filming came back from other places.

Everyone was very happy at the finale banquet, but some people were very sad.

Newcomers like Bai Mengying cried like tears.They are all newcomers who have just entered the industry, and it is the first time they have experienced such a long shooting.

For four months, everyone lived together.It's like a big family, but now they are suddenly separated. Many girls who have no experience can't accept the fact that they are about to part.

However, Ye Wenxuan and Gao Guangwei were much calmer. After years of hard work, they had long been accustomed to this parting atmosphere.

There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and the parting is only for better reunion.

So they are very rational, but seeing a group of newcomers crying and crying, they all feel sore and uncomfortable.

The wrap-up banquet went on until very late, and finally everyone parted reluctantly.

Maybe the next time we meet, it should be time to promote the new play.


The next day, Ye Wenxuan did not relax, but flew directly to Nanhu.

Because Ye Wenxuan is going to participate in the evening live broadcast of "Voice of the Times" on Nanhu Satellite TV today.

Ye Wenxuan was invited as a special guest of "Voice of the Times" and one of the adjudicators for the selection of the strongest voice in the evening.

"Voice of the Times" is a new talent show launched by Nanhu Satellite TV in January.

Once it was aired, it received great acclaim and the ratings rose steadily.

Although it was broadcast on Friday, the ratings have even gradually caught up with the second issue of "I Am a Singer" on Saturday night.

Although the lineup of the second issue of "I Am a Singer" is much weaker than that of the previous issue, but based on the huge praise of the previous issue, the ratings are still very strong.

Under such circumstances, "Voice of the Times" made a strong counterattack, gradually catching up with the rhythm of "I Am a Singer".

And after more than two months, "Voice of the Times" finally reached the moment of the final battle.

Originally, "Voice of the Times" had three adjudicators, but on the day of the finals, two more adjudicators were invited, and Ye Wenxuan was one of them!
Ran Yirou naturally did not hesitate to pass this announcement to Ye Wenxuan for such a high-rated program.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Marven Ye arrived at Nanhu Airport.

This time, Ye Wenxuan brought quite a few people.

Arriving at the airport, Ye Wenxuan was wearing sunglasses and had just stepped out of the airport station.

Ye Wenxuan was startled when he saw overwhelming shouts from outside.

Then he looked towards the shouting reputation, and saw a dense crowd of people shouting under the airport's security personnel.

This group of people are all fans of Marven Ye, wearing the uniform of Ye Wenxuan's fan art shirts, holding a huge banner in their hands.

"Welcome Wenxuan to Nanhu!"

Seeing Marven Ye looking this way, the fans shouted even louder.

Seeing so many people, Ye Wenxuan was a little dazed.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many fans taking the opportunity?" Ye Wenxuan leaned back slightly, and asked Xu Rou who was behind him.

"I don't know, but "Voice of the Times" probably announced the news of you as the adjudicator of the final battle in advance for the sake of program effect." Xu Rou expressed the guess in her heart.

Ye Wenxuan nodded slightly, knowing it well.This possibility is very high, and the other party's approach is also very normal, and there is nothing to object to.

"What should we do now, should we go directly to the VIP channel, or go meet the fans?" Xu Rou asked Marven Ye for his opinion, and gave two options.

Marven Ye shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since the fans have seen me, then I just left, how much I hurt the hearts of the fans. Go and have a look, anyway, it won't take long."

Xu Rou nodded, and had no objection to Ye Wenxuan's approach.

For fan management, it is accumulated over time. Only when the two care about each other can this relationship be stable and lasting.

Marven Ye took off his sunglasses, smiled and greeted the fans.

"Hi everyone, how long have you been waiting, are you tired?" Ye Wenxuan asked loudly, kindly and gently.

"Don't be tired, Wenxuan, we love you!"

"We are willing to wait as long as we can see Da Wenxuan!"

"Marven Ye, I love you, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Honey, you are so handsome!"


Seeing Marven Ye walk in, the fans became excited and shouted everything.

Ye Wenxuan heard someone calling him husband inside, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a shyness flashed across his face.

But seeing the fans crowding continuously, Marven Ye quickly shouted: "Everyone, don't crowd, be careful."

"And don't embarrass the big security guards in front, they are all responsible. I hope everyone can treat them kindly. We Xuan fans are all civilized and qualified, right?"

Ye Wenxuan shouted loudly, telling the fans to control their emotions.

The security personnel who helped Ye Wenxuan control the scene in front were still full of anger towards Ye Wenxuan.

But when they heard Ye Wenxuan's words, they felt warm in their hearts for an instant, and they no longer complained.

The favor towards Ye Wenxuan in my heart is even stronger, full of gratitude.

When the fans heard Ye Wenxuan's words, they all controlled their emotions. Although they still wanted to move forward, they became much more rational.

Ye Wenxuan saw such a scene, and Ye Wenxuan's face was a little relieved.

"I'm going to participate in the live broadcast of "Voice of the Times" today, so I don't have much time to stay here. But before I leave, can we all take a photo together?" Marven Ye asked with a smile.

"Okay! Let's listen to Wenxuan!" The fans said empathetically.

Afterwards, Marven Ye took a group photo with everyone as a souvenir.

Before leaving, Marven Ye pulled Xu Rou over.

"The tickets for "Voice of the Times" belong to my fan seat, and I will hand them over to the president of the Nanhu Fan Support Club in a while, so that she can distribute them fairly." Ye Wenxuan instructed.

Xu Rou nodded, understanding Ye Wenxuan's meaning.He has done things like this many times.

Many other stars are selling tickets to make a profit.But Ye Wenxuan never bothered to do this, and always distributed it for free.

After dealing with the matter at the airport, everyone boarded the car sent by Nanhu Satellite TV and drove away...

(End of this chapter)

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