Chapter 512 The show begins!
Compared with the traffic in the north of Beijing, the traffic in Nanhu will undoubtedly be much better.

In just 10 minutes, Marven Ye came to Nanhu Satellite TV.

Marven Ye is very familiar with Nanhu Satellite TV.

The towering Nanhu Satellite TV Building is still full of people coming and going, and there are many people coming in and out.

Ye Wenxuan got out of the car wearing sunglasses, looked at the person at the door, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and greeted him.

"Mr. He, long time no see."

The person standing at the door to greet Ye Wenxuan was Ye Wenxuan's old acquaintance Mr. He Jiong!

Marven Ye walked up to He Jiong and gave him a big hug.

He Jiong was also very happy to see Ye Wenxuan, with a smile on his face.

"Wenxuan, you look good these days, how are you doing recently?" He Jiong greeted Ye Wenxuan into the TV station with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay. I've been filming recently, and I just wrapped up yesterday. I flew over early this morning. I'm still a little drunk!" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

He Jiong pretended to be unbelievable, and said with a smile: "Wenxuan, you can overwhelm you, with your drinking capacity, is there anyone else who can overwhelm you?!"

"That can't stand the crowd."


While chatting, the two walked towards the TV station.

The staff of the TV station who came and went saw that Mr. He Jiong, who was known as the pillar of the stage, actually went down to the door to greet him in person, and they were a little curious about who was such a big name.

Looking at the young man beside He Jiong, although he was wearing sunglasses, he looked carefully and found Marven Ye.

Seeing that it was Marven Ye, many people were not so surprised that He Jiong went out to greet him.

Everyone knows that He Jiong and Ye Wenxuan have a very good personal relationship, and Ye Wenxuan also participated in the "Voice of the Times" program hosted by He Jiong, serving as the adjudicator of the final battle.He Jiong came down to greet him, and it wasn't so unreasonable.

Ye Wenxuan and his group walked upstairs.

The studio of "Voice of the Times" is located on the sixth floor of Nanhu Satellite TV. It is a very large studio, ranking second in Nanhu Satellite TV.

He Jiong led Marven Ye to a luxurious lounge on the sixth floor. The decoration inside is elegant and luxurious.

After sitting down, the two chatted for a while, Marven Ye asked: "Mr. He, what is my main task today? Tell me quickly."

He Jiong waved his hand, and said nonchalantly: "The main thing in the station is because of your influence. As for the rest, it's really nothing, it's very easy."

"You only need to sing a song before the opening, and then comment on the players below, it's not as troublesome as you think."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, feeling a little bit in his heart.

"It's my first time as a judge teacher, I have no experience."

He Jiong patted Ye Wenxuan on the shoulder when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words, and said, "Wenxuan, just put your mind at ease, this kind of thing is very simple, and no experience is needed at all."

Marven Ye nodded, and then asked again: "Who are the adjudicators this time?"

"Counting you, there are five people in total, one is Zhang Jie, one is Yang Ru, and the other is Chen Jianfeng. There is also a special guest today, Lin Junyi."

"Lin Junyi? You actually found Lin Junyi?!" Marven Ye was a little surprised.

Ye Wenxuan knew the four people He Jiong mentioned, and they were all well-known public figures in Huaxia.

Needless to say Zhang Jie, Ye Wenxuan's good buddy.

Yang Ru is one of China's latest generation of Four Little Stars, a famous actress and a super popular actress.Not much less popular than Marven Ye, very young.

Chen Jianfeng is also one of the emerging singers in the music scene. Although he debuted for a long time, he has only recently become popular and his popularity has soared.

As for Lin Junyi who was a special guest alongside him, Ye Wenxuan was surprised that this person came.

Lin Junyi is one of the most cutting-edge music producers in China, an excellent lyricist and composer.A song is also hard to come by. Ye Wenxuan had already been famous for a long time before his debut. He was a guest of major music companies and had a high status in the music industry.

This person usually rarely appears in front of the public, but this time "Voice of the Times" actually invited him, which is very strange.

Facing Marven Ye's surprise, He Jiong smiled.Ye Wenxuan's reaction was not surprising.

"It took us a lot of effort to invite Lin Junyi. Our program is called professional, so naturally we need to invite some professional heavyweights to lead the lineup."

"You are one, Lin Junyi is one, both are our trump cards!" He Jiong said with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan waved his hand, and said with a wry smile: "What kind of trump card am I? Your program group is really willing to spend money. You have to spend this amount just to invite five of us!"

Marven Ye stretched out a finger and guessed.

One finger doesn't mean 1000 million, but... [-] million!

He Jiong shrugged when he heard what Ye Wenxuan said, and nodded his head as a matter of course.

"Just inviting you here once cost a total of 800 million yuan in the station, not to mention the three permanent guests." He Jiong said naturally, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

Ye Wenxuan nodded secretly, this was as expected.

Although I was rushing to the announcement, Nanhu Satellite TV still had to give me the money that should be given to me.

Ye Wenxuan only played once, and gave 800 million appearance fees.Not to mention the three permanent guests.

Based on the worth of those three, it is estimated that the price of a season will not be less than 3000 million Huaxia coins for each of them.

"There are sponsors for this. Our TV station doesn't have much investment at all. No matter what, we make money." He Jiong said with a smile.

Marven Ye nodded, and the two chatted briefly for a while.

After that, He Jiong left Marven Ye's lounge.He himself needs to go to the venue to familiarize himself with it, and Ye Wenxuan also needs to start preparing for the performance for a while.Get started with styling, makeup,

Soon it was 07:30 in the evening, and the final battle of "Voice of the Times" officially started!
First, the three resident adjudicators entered the arena, after a simple song and dance performance.

Marven Ye and Lin Junyi also entered the arena backwards, which also aroused huge cheers.

In the monitoring room at the backstage, after Marven Ye and Lin Junyi came out, the ratings rose significantly, showing Marven Ye's influence.

After the five adjudicators came out, He Jiong also appeared with the music and began to preside over the scene.

The lights on the scene were shining, exuding a light blue light. There were not many spectators, but there were a full 200 people.

Ye Wenxuan was sitting beside Zhang Jie, and Yang Ru was on the right.

Ye Wenxuan chatted briefly with the two of them, and took the opportunity to learn about the players.

After that, the competition between the three contestants officially began!
(End of this chapter)

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